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发布时间:2011-10-20 16:35:25 Tags:,,,

作者:Brice Morrison




frustration wall from

frustration wall from













Portal from

Portal from












Avoid Losing Players Who Hit the Frustration Wall

by Brice Morrison

How many games have you started playing that you didn’t complete?

If you’re like me, my guess is far more than you have started and completed.  This is very sad; not finishing a game, at least a console game or most indie games, is like walking out in the middle of the movie. There are whole parts of the experience, crafted by the developer, that are being left out.

There are many reasons why players might leave a game, and they are definitely worth thinking about and exploring. But in this post I’m just going to talk about one of the most common reasons that players will quit a game: the Frustration Wall.

In a previous article, we discussed the 5 Degrees of Fun in games.  Successfully designed game titles get their players to experience the degree of Interest: they are immersed in the experience, the rest of the world falls away, and they are just focused on exploring, learning, and enjoying themselves in the game. This is the state where players often find themselves for the longest period of time, which is fine because it is a self-motivating state of gameplay. The player keeps asking for more, pulling themselves through the game’s content, and the game is happy to continue giving it. They are walking through the field, they are leveling up, they are getting points, they are buying new clothes or weapons. They want to explore what the game has to offer.

As players move through the game their interest begins to rotate with the Degree of Satisfaction.  They are proud of what they have accomplished, the levels they completed, the artwork they made. They are continuing through the game putting notches on their belt, and are propelled forward by the experience.  They are experiencing an upward spiral of fun and enjoyment.

However, sometimes this wonderful upward spiral can be abruptly interrupted. This can happen for many reasons, but the circumstance that I am most familiar with is running into the Frustration Wall. When the player wants to continue, they would love to continue, but they just…can’t.

Why can’t they? There are a couple of common reasons.

The game may have gotten too difficult for the player.

Many games, especially skill based games such as sidescrollers or first person shooters, require their players to become more talented at playing the game as the title wears on. In the beginning they only had to jump over one fiery pit, but now they need to jump over several fiery pits in succession. Later on they’re going to have to jump over fiery with enemies chasing them and a time limit.

There’s nothing inherently wrong with this. Ever since the coin-op days of old arcades, games have used increasing challenge as a way to keep players interested in the game as time goes on. Players who enjoying seeing their games as a challenge, them versus the machine or them versus other players, will usually be motivated by this challenge.

However sometimes the challenge can be too great. If the ramp up of difficulty is too sharp, going from difficulty 1, to 2, to 10 so to speak, players can get disheartened. “No! I was so excited about this game. Why did it have to get so hard?  I’ll never get past this…”

Of course players can train and improve at the game and probably eventually continue on through the difficult points, but if the player can’t imagine for themselves getting there in a reasonable amount of time, they are likely to give up in a fit of frustration.

The player may not know how to continue.

Sometimes in games players can get lost for extraordinary amounts of time. They take a wrong turn down an alley, they start leveling up their weapons when they’re supposed to be leveling up their characters, or they simply can’t figure out what button to press to open a door.

Luckily, these are the moments in a game that are most easily patched. By not only playing through the game yourself, but also observing as other people play through the game, a smart developer can find the moments where players are most likely to get lost.

In the commentary on the legendary puzzle/action game, Portal, Valve developers discussed one of the issues that they always ran into: getting players to look up. Often in the expansive pipeline and concrete filled world of Portal, players would need to look towards the ceiling to figure out what to do next. However, many players didn’t do this. Instead they would spend enormous amounts of time walking around in circles, trying everything on the floor and on the walls in front of them, while the solution was right above their nose.

In one particular part of Portal, the player needs to go up and over in order to get to the next area. In order to get players to look up, the Valve designers added a ladder to get them to go up. Almost all players saw the ladder, but when they tried to climb it, it would crumble and fall apart, landing them down on the floor again.

And what did players do at this point? They would look up.

Clever tricks like this keep players from getting lost. However these tricks can only be conceived when the developer is aware of areas where the player can get lost and give up on the game, and then takes the time to repair these areas before the player gets frustrated.

The game may ask more than the player wants to give.

Sometimes a game that players enjoy can just become too demanding. This is a little similar to when a game gets to difficult, but falls more under the category of asking the player to do something they just flat out aren’t interested in.

Machinarium, an adventure title, has a wide variety of puzzles and riddles for the player to solve.  Later on in the game the adventure takes a twist, however, and has a segment that is more like an action shooter.  The game handles this section well and keeps it short.  This is wise, considering that it is very different from the type of game the player has played (and enjoyed) up to that point.  If this action section went on for a while, then the puzzle players may not be willing to continue.

Other examples could be some social games asking players to invite their friends, or an RPG requiring players to level up for days before being able to complete the final boss.  If the player is not willing to concede, the gameplay experience could be stopped like a brick wall.

Understand Your Experience, Make the Game You Want

The point of all this isn’t to say “Make your games easier!” It is to say that developers should be acutely aware of the Degrees of Fun that their game is taking the player through, and make sure that they align with the Core Experience that they want. If the game is about feeling hopeless and lost, then perhaps it’s OK for the designer to have areas of the game where the player has no idea what to do. If the game is about unreasonably difficult challenge for players who like that sort of thing, then perhaps it’s fine to alienate many potential players in favor of the ones who will relish the experience (many bullet-hell games fall into this category).

As always on The Game Prodigy, the point is to have a good understanding of the Core Experience your game is making and be sure that it is what you would like your players to enjoy.(Source:thegameprodigy

