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《Bonnie’s Brunch》开发者分析作品优劣

发布时间:2011-08-10 15:38:54 Tags:,,

作者:Lucifer Jheng

我和父母都是台湾游戏开发者。我们团队有4个成员,我是唯一的程序员。最近我们于App Store推出首款iPhone游戏《Bonnie’s Brunch》。这是款模拟/策略回合游戏,其特色是融入各种食物组合和有趣角色。

Bonnie's Brunch from

Bonnie's Brunch from

《Bonnie’s Brunch》发行至今已有2个月,现在我就来分享我们事后分析所获得的经验和观点。


1. 愉快视觉设计



由于《Bonnie’s Brunch》融入10个不同类型的游戏角色,因此我们决定加大在角色设计方面的关注。就拿其中的乞丐角色来说,其在游戏中的外观就带来显著消极影响(游戏邦注:其他玩家会轻易被其发臭的气味惹恼,因而在等待餐点过程中变得更没有耐心)。此外,服务乞丐角色完毕后,你也无法从中获得额外小费或奖励积分。为让角色取悦和吸引玩家,我们进行多次修改,以便让其看起来更迷人。

beggar concept art from

beggar concept art from

我们在美术方面的付出获得玩家颇多赞赏。很多人都觉得《Bonnie’s Brunch》是款出自西方开发者之手的高质量作品,我们认为这预示着游戏将获得广泛推广。

2. Lua语言组件架构

说到编程,我是Lua语言的倡导者。《Bonnie’s Brunch》是我的第二款商业Lua语言作品。我在这款游戏中采用3种编程语言写编码,比例分别是60% Lua、30% C++和10% Obj-C。虽然渲染和资源管理内容使用的是C++,但所有机制编码都采用Lua。


采用Lua语言落实组建架构赋予我较多灵活性。我成功植入系列游戏组件,如Transform、Sprite、Motion、State Machine和Interpolator。


bonnies brunch prototype from

bonnies brunch prototype from

一旦落实架构和游戏组件,我就能在几小时内容快速建立起机制实体模型。在《Bonnie’s Brunch》开发的前几个月里,游戏实体只有静态粗糙画面和许多“颜色模块”。虽然游戏最初看起来并不雅观,但基于组件的架构帮助我们瞄准核心玩法设计。

3. 额外完善时间


就像Noel Llopis说的那样,“好事多磨”。我们团队所有成员都赞同投入更多时间完善《Bonnie’s Brunch》,将作品由普通变成优秀,甚至是杰出。结果我们投入双倍时间和预算,旨在制作高质量内容。



bonnies brunch sp level from

bonnies brunch sp level from


4. 强有力本土发行

《Bonnie’s Brunch》发行后,我们立即通过Facebook、Twitter、Plurk和邮件通知所有好友。我们的家人和好友都给予极大支持,帮我们推荐和推广游戏,这给游戏在台湾的本土营销奠定强大基础。


由于我们在台湾App Store取得杰出成就,一家当地报纸,两家电视新闻媒体和若干网站采访了我们,它们都刊登诸如“发行3天,《Bonnie’s Brunch》打败《愤怒的小鸟》,蹿升第一”之类的标题。算是种称赞,是吧?

bonnies brunch top1 from

bonnies brunch top1 from



1. 笨拙食物制作机器UI



在《Bonnie’s Brunch》中,要烤华夫饼,你需点击华夫饼机,然后屏幕就会弹出个UI。在这个UI中,你需点击选择制作何种华夫饼。然后你需在UI外点击一下,以关闭UI。几秒钟后,当华夫饼做好时,你需再次点击机器打开UI,然后选择烤好的华夫饼,此时UI就会自动关闭。


bonnies brunch top1 from

bonnies brunch top1 from


2. 缺乏长期目标



bonnies brunch pan levels from

bonnies brunch pan levels from

由于我们事前并未将玩家长期目标考虑在内,因此随后难以添加这些功能。很多玩家非常喜欢《Bonnie’s Brunch》,但其生命周期不会维持很久因为其重玩性不高。


3. 陡峭难度曲线



bonnies brunch food design from

bonnies brunch food design from

虽然《Bonnie’s Brunch》被归类为模拟/策略游戏,游戏还是需要玩家在体验过程中快速反应及高度专注。我们发现有很多玩家并不喜欢这类游戏。他们不希望把事情搞砸,将自己置于糟糕境地。


4. 不明确的营销方向


就像众多开发商看见的那样,我们仍旧处于App Store曝光角逐当中。若我们无法获得世界的关注,就只能默默淡出大众视野。

我将所有优惠券发送给App评价网站,希望他们会有兴趣分析《Bonnie’s Brunch》。但大多数邮件最后都了无音讯。 AppAdvice是唯一给我们机会的网站。


bonnies brunch BuySellAdsFinal from

bonnies brunch BuySellAdsFinal from

我们开始怀疑游戏目标受众(游戏邦注:主要是女性群体)是否同TouchArcade主流读者(他们经常浏览专业游戏评论网站)相左。《Bonnie’s Brunch》的美术风格是否迎合西方玩家口味?或者游戏不过是被简单地视作另一“复制”回合游戏?这些都是我们目前正努力理清的问题。

bonnies brunch characters from

bonnies brunch characters from

由于《Bonnie’s Brunch》最近刚推出更新内容,游戏销量提高50%。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,如需转载请联系:游戏邦

Postmortem: Bonnie’s Brunch on iPhone

by Lucifer Jheng

Hello everyone,

My partners and I are independent game developers from Taiwan. Our team has 4 core members and I am the sole programmer. Recently we released our first iPhone game, Bonnie’s Brunch, on App Store. Bonnie’s Brunch is a simulation/strategy dash-making game featuring various food combination and interesting characters.

If you’d like to investigate Bonnie’s Brunch further, we recommend you to read the article from Aftertot and the review from AppAdvice.

It has been 2 months since Bonnie’s Brunch’s published, and now I would like to share some experiences and thoughts we’ve got so far in the form of postmortem.

What Went Right

1. Cheerful Visual Design

In my previous experiences in game industry, I found that lots people, especially engineers, may regard artists as an ‘substitutable resource’ which can be easily outsourced or subcontracted. However, I firmly believe that great artists are no less valuable than any engineer or designer.

During the development process, we spent a great deal of time on visual design to make sure our game has great quality to catch everyone’s eyes at first sight. Our goal is to make a stylish art which appeals not only to Taiwan players, but also to players all over the world.

Since Bonnie’s Brunch has 10 different types of game characters, we decided to put extra effort on the character design. Take one of the characters, the beggar, for example. His appearance in game causes an obvious negative impact (other customers will easily get annoyed by his stinky smell, and become much more impatience to wait for their order served). Further more, after fulfilling his order, he gives you neither extra tips nor bonus scores. To make him attractive and pleasing to players, we underwent several revision to make him actually look adorable.

It has been proven that our effort on art truly gained admiration from our players. Many people think Bonnie’s Brunch is a high quality game developed by western developers, and we consider it is a positive symptom of popularizing our game.

2. Component-based Architecture in Lua

As for the programming, I am a Lua advocator. Bonnie’s Brunch is my second commercial game written mainly in Lua. In this game, I wrote the code in 3 different programming languages that the ratio of each one is 60% Lua, 30% C++, and 10% Obj-C. While C++ is used for rendering and resource handling tasks, all gameplay code is written in Lua.

Several years ago, I read some articles about component-based architecture and consciously recognize that component-based is a better architecture than inheritance-based so I start to build a component-based architecture in C#. However, not until I start using Lua do I leverage the true power of the component-based architecture.

Implementing a component-based architecture in Lua granted me a great deal of flexibility. I have implemented several game components, such as Transform, Sprite, Motion, State Machine, Interpolator, etc.

Every game object comprises one or more game components and every game component is reusable on its first day. When I need extra functionality I only have to create a new component instead of a child-child-child class inherited from one of the ancient parent classes. Neat and clean.

Once the architecture and game components are implemented, I can rapidly do gameplay mockups in just a few hours. In the early months of Bonnie’s Brunch’s development, there were only static raw images and a lot of ‘color blocks’ which represented game objects. Although the game didn’t look pretty at its beginning, the component-based architecture did help us to focus on core gameplay design.

3. Extra Polish Time

Our development plan was originally scheduled to be finished within 3 months. Ultimately, we devoted 6 months to complete the game. At the end of the third month, we had almost finished all the in-game functionalities. However, there’s still a long way to go. We must decide whether to release the game hastily or to bite the bullet and put much more effort into the game to make it shine.

As Noel Llopis said, ‘good things take time’. All our teammates agreed that we need more time to polish Bonnie’s Brunch from a mediocre game to a good, even a great game. As a result, we doubled our development schedule and budget to produce a high quality game.

A perfect example of what I mentioned above is that, during some play-testing session, we discovered that some players inevitably got tired of the repetitive gameplay after finishing a dozen of the game levels. So we decided to create some sort of special level derived from the original gameplay to keep players interested.

To up-beat the gameplay in this special level, we make all customers line up to make their orders. Players have to move their fingers as quickily as possible to see how many customers they can serve in the limited amount of time. Furthermore, we arrange dramatically intense background music in these special levels to stimulate players’ emotion.

In every 5 level of progress, players will encounter a special level which plays a role of ‘boss stage’ in action games that challenges players’ skill. It turns out that a lot of players truly love the special levels.

4. Strong Local Launch

After Bonnie’s Brunch launched, we immediately informed all our friends via Facebook, Twitter, Plurk and mails. Our family and friends gave us enormous support and were being very helpful to recommend and advertise our game, which resulted in a strong foundation in Taiwan local marketing.

At first, we watched our game show up with the ranking #30 in Taiwan’s Top Paid iPhone Games, and then started climbing like crazy. Luckily enough, on the third day after the release, we brought down Angry Birds and ranked Top 1 Paid iPhone Games in Taiwan! The achievement in Taiwan also boosted our sales in Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand.

Because our outstanding performance in Taiwan App Store, we’re interviewed by one local newspaper, two local TV News and several websites — with a title such as: “In just 3 days, Bonnie’s Brunch has defeated Angry Birds and ranked Top 1.” Quite a compliment, isn’t it?

Many people were amazed at what we’ve achieved and wondering how we did it. In fact, we did nothing particular in the aspect of marketing and promotion. The lesson we learned is to let the game talk itself and make people want to share it.

What Went Wrong

1. Clumsy Food-Making Machines UI

The biggest complaint we received from players is about the operations of the food-making machines/devices.

In addition to the one-tap-ready foods such as bagel and drinks, there are 3 other kinds of food machines (waffle, toast and pan) that will take a few seconds before the food to be well-baked and dragged to the waiting customer. We all know that baking a waffle requires some time to complete, right?

In Bonnie’s Brunch, to bake a waffle, you have to tap the waffle machine and then it pops up an UI. In the UI, you need to tap to choose which kind of waffle you’d make. Then you can tap outside the UI to close it. A few seconds later, when the waffle is ready, you have to tap the machine again to open the UI, and select the baked one, and then the UI closes itself automatically.

To design these time-consuming machines, we tried really hard to balance the gameplay between ‘variety’ and ‘intuition’ aspects. In order to provide a wide variety of food combination (circular & square waffles, etc), we made a difficult decision to use a popup UI for machine operations.

Being game developers, we recognized that we should have done our best to make the operation simpler than what it is now. To achieve the variety, we had sacrificed the accessibility. I thought it was kind of a tradeoff, but it is apparently not. Accessibility is always the first priority.

2. Lack of Long Term Goals

In the design phase, we barely pondered any meta-game mechanics and retention strategies.

The money players earned in each level plays only one role as being the score. Many players request that they wish to spend the money to buy some upgraded items to make food machines operate faster or to have one extra plate.

Because we didn’t take players’ long-term goals into consideration beforehand, it is difficult to add these features later. People may love playing Bonnie’s Brunch very much, but the life cycle of it won’t last long because the replayability is low.

We planned to start small and play safe. In retrospect, this might not be a good decision we had made.

3. Steep Difficulty Curve

The game is easy as a piece of cake in the first 10 levels. We had investigated that even a 7-years-old little girl can complete each of the first 10 levels in 3 stars. However, when they go to episode 2 (level 11 to 20), the difficulty suddenly rises after the toast machine is added. What worse is that, in episode 3 and 4, the arrivals of some special customers such as food critics and beggars acutely and sharply increase the difficulty of the game.

Some players indicated that they felt frustrated when they tried hard to fulfill customers’ orders but only can get 1 star in later levels. Although players can still proceed to next level as long as they achieved 1 star in the preceding level, some players are depressed and consider the game ‘too hard to play with’.

Despite being categorized in simulation/strategy game, Bonnie’s Brunch requires players’ quick reaction and high attention in the game sessions. We found that there’re a handful of players who do not enjoy this genre of games much. They don’t want to screw up things and make themselves look awkward.

If your game requires multitasking reflex from players, you should really think twice whether your target audience will love it or not.

4. Unclear Marketing Direction

We are a tiny team from Taiwan , which is usually mistaken by Westerns as Thailand (No, Taiwan is not Thailand). Being a independent developer, it is a shame to be unfamiliar and lacking contacts with the U.S. and Europe markets.

As many developers know, we are all fighting a visibility war in App Store. If we fail to make the presence known to the world, then we’re going to fall in silence.

We sent all of our promotional codes to App review sites in the hope that they might have interest in looking into Bonnie’s Brunch. However, most of these e-mails ended up with no reply at all. AppAdvice is the only website which gave us an opportunity and we much appreciate their kindness.

In order to further experiment whether advertisements can make any difference or not, we bought 2 Ad banners in TouchArcade’s main site and forums. As far as it goes, the effect is very limited. Each day it generates less than 50 clicks to our iTunes link and the click through rate is even less than 0.1%.

We are wondering if our target audience (female mainly) is different from the target readers of TouchArcade, who frequently visit professional game review websites. Does the art style of Bonnie’s Brunch hardly match western players’ taste? Or maybe it can easily be taken as another ‘me-too’ dash-making game? These are the critical questions we’re desperately trying to figure out.

Since the latest update of Bonnie’s Brunch (iTunes Link) has been released and it is on 50% off sale now, we would like to invite you to give it a try and tell us what you think about Bonnie’s Brunch. Any suggestions and comments are welcomed.

This is our story so far, and we’ll be sure to keep you posted. Thank you for your reading!(Source:gamasutra

