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发布时间:2011-07-26 17:45:59 Tags:,,,

作者:Neil Vidyarthi







《Ninja Saga》——招募模式

Ninja Saga(from

Ninja Saga(from


《Ninja Saga》的间接社交功能之一就是支持玩家在执行任务时把好友纳入自己的阵营。好友并不实时在线和你一起玩游戏,但他们会在战斗中用尽自己的技能帮你取胜。这确实能给你和好友带来非常有趣的体验。


《Family Feud 》——Speed Round

Family Feud(from

Family Feud(from

我以前也说过这个功能了,现在还得再重申一遍。我认为《Family Feud 》的Speed Round是时下社交游戏的最优秀的功能之一。它的与众不同就在于我因此理解了好友的思维方式。我意识到这一点是,我选择回答好友的speed round时,我回答了5个快速提问后,我也看到了他们的回答。我们因此都更了解对方了,而且也得到了一些积分。我觉得涉及现实世界的社交利益(游戏邦注:例如了解好友的琐事)的活动最终会渗透到最流行的社交游戏中。

《Wild Ones》——“组队”



这甚至算不上这个游戏的功能吧,但这确实是我经历过的最社交的体验了,且几乎所有的玩家都在做这种事。在《Wild Ones》中,玩家在比赛开始时组成队伍,可以是2对2模式,也可以是3对1模式。这种模式在力量不均的比赛中特别管用。当一个30级的玩家与若干个10级的玩家对抗时,10级的玩家可以“一致对外”,这种感觉也不错。一些玩家会抛弃你们的队伍,还在背后偷袭你,这很让人受挫,但最终你会在《Wild Ones》中学会看好自己的后方。组队(或随时解散队伍)使游戏体验更加特别,值得一试。










6 Awesome Social Features In Today’s Facebook Games

Neil Vidyarthi

Having played nearly every social game I’ve seen for the last few years, I’ve come to notice a few games that raise the bar on making a game social. By this I mean that certain games provide an experience that really lets you interact with your friends in a special way, something different than the thousands of games that simply ask you to send gifts and receive bonuses. I thought I’d list out a few of my favorites, and also ask our readers to let us know what games provide you with special social experiences.

Chatville – Giving Video Compliments

Chatville is a new game that allows you to video chat with others and collect points. One of the most unique features of this game is that you don’t just chat with people, but you give people “compliments” if they entertain you. The fact that there is a plethora of available badges means that you’ll try to do certain actions or behave in certain ways to get the badges you need to complete your section. This is truly an innovative way to connect with random people and get them (and yourself) to act in funny/unusual ways.

The game is entirely social, in that you have to convey a certain meaning to another person to get your points. Chatville is still early, but with time this will be a cool little game without a doubt.

Ninja Saga – Recruit Mode

Any RPG fan that has ever enjoyed putting together a ‘party’ has thought about how awesome it would be to include your friends within that party. Well one of the cool, but indirect social features of Ninja Saga is the ability to recruit your friends to be in your party as you quest. They don’t actively play with you in real time, but they will work beside you and use all their skills in your battles. It’s a really fun option and you build experience for them as well.

The real social experience here is seeing your friend’s character do a huge move and save the day, and then telling your friend about it. I just added a high level friend to my party and took on a quest where we had to defeat 3 samurai, and it was awesome to see her smoke the opponents with lightning dashes. Real-time multiplayer is not always the only way to have great connecting experiences with other game players.

Family Feud – Speed Round

I’ve said it before and will say it again, I think the Family Feud Speed Round is one of the best social features in today’s social games. The factor that best sets it apart is that I learn about my friends’ way of thinking. This happens when I choose to help my friend by answering their speed round, because after I answer 5 quick questions, I get to see what their answers were as well. We both learn a bit about each other as well as gain each other points. I feel that game activities that involve real-world social benefits – like learning a bit of trivia about a friend – will eventually sneak their way into most popular social games.

Wild Ones – “Team”

This isn’t even a real feature of the game, but it’s one of the most social experiences I’ve had and almost every player does it. By the nature of this excellent game, players band together at the start of a match to either pair off 2 on 2, or to just eliminate one player 3 on 1. This can be especially useful in lopsided matches, which definitely exist in Wild Ones. When a level 30 player appears against a few level 10 players and yourself, it’s a great feeling to band together to take on the giant. The fact that some players will abandon your team and shoot you in the back can be frustrating, but ultimately it’s to be expected and you learn to watch your back in Wild Ones. The social factor of making teams (and breaking them at any point you want) makes this a special experience, and a game you’ve got to try.

Friends for Sale – Buying and Selling Friends

In Friends for Sale, you buy your friends and sell them on the open markets. This means that your more popular friends’ prices go up at a higher rate than your other friends. It can be fun to try and wager which one of your friends is going to get sold the most, but it can be even more fun to own that person. When owning a friend, you can make them do actions to other people in the game, like make them ‘poke’ another friend. You also get to define nicknames for them that the world can see. This game is all about social, and is really a fascinating psychology experiment to boot.

Farmville – Stallions

In Farmville, from time to time, beautiful stallion horses will roam onto your farm naturally, and as a player you can either put it in your farm or post it on your wall. While this is a simpler gift mechanic that is prevalent in other games, the implementation works well. By inviting friends to help out the stray animal, your friends feel a real sense of ‘helping out’ by adopting the horse. The horse is then put into the friend’s stable, where it can grow and even have little horse babies. I suspect that this is one of the most successful viral elements in Farmville.(source:socialtimes

