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作者:Michael DeFazio


* 游戏规则是否清楚向玩家传达?(如何传达)

* 游戏目标是否清晰?

* 游戏奖励是否清楚呈现(是否合理)?

* 风险/危险是否清楚说明?

* 游戏如何呈现?(游戏邦注:如玩家是否能够通过截图获悉奖励/目标/风险/危险?)

* 游戏“隐含意义”是什么?(游戏内容如何反映“现实生活”?)

* 游戏内容是连贯?(游戏图像、音频和反馈是否流畅贯穿整个游戏始末?)

* 游戏是否给予适当反馈(图像/音频/触觉)?

* 游戏是否提供一定语境,这样玩家若中途离开(几天/几周/几个月),重返时很快便能融入(不论处在何等级都清楚游戏目标)。

mobile game from

mobile game from


* 游戏目标群体是谁?(年龄族群、性别、关注群体等)

* 游戏如何吸引用户眼球?


* 游戏入门难度如何?(屏幕动作是否直观反映控制装置?)

* 游戏节奏是否适应玩家学习游戏功能和玩法,不会令其不知所措?

* 什么元素促使游戏易入门,难精通?(例如,游戏是否设有“简单”目标,但融入“不简单”玩法)

* 游戏如何呈现游戏进度?(进展到什么程度?还要完成多少任务?)

* 玩家是否获悉其表现情况?(何种等级)

* 什么机制促使玩家不会灰心(因失败)或受挫(因感到困惑),这样他们就不会退出游戏?

* 熟练玩家能够获得什么奖励?


* 游戏如何挑战玩家?

* 游戏鼓励什么游戏行为?

* 游戏限制什么游戏行为?

* 玩家需具备什么装置方能达到熟练程度?(熟练操作、解决问题、记忆……)


* 游戏如何带给玩家惊喜?

* 游戏如何区别于其他同类游戏?

* 持续体验玩家能够获得什么奖励(游戏邦注:继新鲜感消失之后)?什么促使游戏内在重复性存在特别之处?




* 存在什么障碍性因素阻止玩家体验游戏?(例如,设备需支持多点触控,需有键盘,需连网等)(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,如需转载请联系:游戏邦

evaluating an effective mobile game experience

by Michael DeFazio


* are the game’s rules clearly communicated to the player? (how)

* are the game objectives clear?

* are incentives clear (and appropriate)?

* are the risks/dangers clear/understood?

* how does the game read? (i.e. could someone discypher incentives /objectives /risks /dangers from a screenshot?)

* what are the game’s “metaphors”? (how do things in this game map to “real life”)

* is the game consistent? (does it use the visuals, audio, feedback in a consistent way throughout the game?)

* does the game provide feedback (visual/audio/tactile cues) where appropriate?

* does the game provide enough context so that if a player takes a hiatus (for days/weeks/months) can they return to the game with minimal effort (and understand clearly what the objectives are, regardless of how far into the game they are?)

Audience & Appeal

* who is the target audience for this game? (age group, gender, interest group, etc.)

* how does this game appeal to the audience?

Learning & Mastery

* how easy is the game to “pick up and play”? (does the action on screen map intuitively to the controls?)

* is the pacing appropriate to allow players the opportunity to “learn” features and gameplay without being overwhelmed?

* what makes the game easy to understand and hard to master? (i.e. does the game have “simple” (to understand) goals that are not necessarily “easy” (to execute) in gameplay

* how is the players progress communicated? (how far in?, how far to go?)

* is the player aware of how good/average/bad they are doing? (grading)

* what mechanisms exist from keeping the player from becoming discouraged (if they fail) or frustrated (if they are lost/confused) so they don’t quit?

* what incentives are there for players to achieve mastery?

Challenge & Play

* how does the game challenge players?

* what behaviors does the game encourage?

* what behaviors does the game discourage?

* what facilities does the player need to achieve mastery? (manual dexterity, problem solving, memory …)

Repetition & Uniqueness

* how does the game “surprise” players?

* what makes the game unique from similar games?

* what incentives are there for the person to keep playing after the initial novelty wears off? what makes the inherent repetition special?


* how much time does it take between someone realizing they want to play to be actually playing the game? (how long does it take to load and start playing?)


* What barriers exist that keep people from playing the game? (i.e.device must support multitouch, keyboard, internet, etc.) (Source:gamasutra

