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发布时间:2011-07-01 10:27:09 Tags:,




哦,天啊!《Marble Zone》竟然是最大音量呈现!我们被请出讲堂,你的三明治泡汤了!






Doom Classic from

Doom Classic from

坦白讲,很多游戏都表现很不错,因为这不是个“表现好坏”内容,而是个设置和未设置问题。所以让我们来看看《Doom Classic》(游戏邦注:该作品就有做此方面设置)。John Carmack最终面向iPhone推出原版《Doom》端口。姑且不论控制问题,这是个可靠端口,还融入WiFi多人模式。《Doom》玩家知道自己能够从中获得什么,游戏和15年前一样趣味横生。就相关内容而言,其兼顾iPhone设备的静音切换,所以我认为这是个典型例子。Carmack计划移植《Quake》,我们都满怀期待。


hook champ from

hook champ from

Rocket Cat Games的《Hook Champ》是款有趣的平台游戏,其中快速获得成就的唯一方式包括悬挂于天花板,越过火山岩浆,穿过砖墙,避开可怕诅咒,以及搜寻物品。游戏富有趣味,再现《夺宝奇兵》开场景象。遗憾的是游戏忽视设备静音切换,无视iPhone设备以最大音量呈现。你可以设置游戏音量。但这不应是你的工作。真是个令人失望的疏忽!

另一个失败典范就是《Sonic 1》。这里就不详细阐述。


Shh! iPhone gaming should respect your sound settings

by Steve

This one may be hard to illustrate, but it should be one of the first items on the checklist for developers, and is often missed. Let’s use a scenario to illustrate it, painting vivid pictures in your mind!

You’re sat in a lecture, and the topic is domestic life in 14th Century Catalonia (We don’t know why you’re here, you are a computing student. Maybe you thought there would be sandwiches). It’s dull. You’ve tried to check twitter, no internet connection. Time to play a game on the iPhone then, I guess. Check the phones on silent, yep the switch is flicked. Ok, time to rock!

Oh no – its playing the Marble Zone theme at full volume! We’ve been foiled, and you’ll never get the sandwiches now!

So what went wrong? Despite having the phone set to silent, the game still had sound. Depending on how diligent the coders were, this has been an issue with the iPhone for a while, as the iPhone won’t automatically silence apps when set to silent – this has to be manually coded. Quick ports or just forgetful coders (usually working in small teams) can miss this.

This becomes an issue because of user expectations – they’d expect the silent switch to work globally, and will be surprised and frustrated when this isn’t the case. As seen in the scenario above, it can lead to the user being embarrassed and worse of all (according to Alan Cooper) feeling stupid!

It’s not simply a ‘design choice’, as a logical look at the situation will tell us. Not only would manually setting the desired volume settings inside an application duplicate functionality that is already implemented in a much more functional manner on the device itself, but I can also think of no scenario where a user would want their phone on silent, but their game to make sounds. It’s just poor design.

So in summary… just don’t do it app designers!

(Also while you’re at it, let me listen to my own music in game!)

Who does this well?

A lot of games to be honest, as its not really a ‘do well’ thing, rather its just done or not done. So lets talk about Doom Classic, as it does do this. John Carmack’s finally (6 months after it was “almost ready”) released his port of the original Doom for the iPhone. Control issues aside, it’s a faithful port, and includes WiFi multiplayer. Its Doom, so you know what you’re getting, and its just as fun as it was 15 years ago. More relevant, it does respect the silent switch on your iPhone, so I’m justified in talking about it here! We’re all looking forward to when Carmack starts on his port of Quake.

Who does this badly?

Hook Champ, from Rocket Cat Games, is a fun platformer where the only means of getting anywhere fast involves swinging from the ceiling, over lava, through brick walls and away from the scary thing. Its fun, recreating the opening scene from Raiders of the Lost Ark. It’s just a pity that the game ignores your silent switch, and so plays at full volume regardless of your iPhone’s settings. You can set the volume in game. But you shouldn’t have too. A disappointing oversight!

Another offender is Sonic 1, but I didn’t feature that as I’ve already talked about it in a previous post (link to previous post). Oh dear!

Also, just quickly, thanks to Brian Franklin from WebHostingSearch for featuring this blog in their ’20 Great UX blogs’. Rather unexpected, but thanks!(Source:stevebromley

