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发布时间:2011-05-14 16:35:36 Tags:,

作者:Jon Jordan

韩国发行商Com2uS已成为Android坚定的支持者,早期靠在该平台获得逾600万下载量的游戏《Slice It!》获得显著的成功。但公司美国地区总经理Don Lim对此解释道,尽管目前Android已有上亿部设备和45亿的应用下载量,但该平台的商业系统仍有挑战性。

Com2uS总是对Android极具热情,那么你是如何看待Android Market的呢?

就下载量而言,我们在Android Market上获得令人称奇的成功。事实上,《Slice It!》免费版和《Homerun Battle 3D》免费版在Android设备上的安装量超过iOS。这或许和盈利没有直接的联系,但安装量确实很庞大。




Android Market似乎更倾向于免费内容,究竟是因为用户更习惯于使用免费内容还是手机用户的偏好正往免费内容发展还不得而知。想要对这种现象的原因给出个确切的答案需要考虑的因素很多,但很显然你可以看到现在虽然下载量很大,付费却并没有多少。盗版也是个主要问题,因而我们决定专注在Android上制作免费游戏。我们已经在免费内容上看到了巨大的成功,因而我们很可能继续迎合这部分玩家的需要。

Google IAP SDK的引进是否让情况有所改变?

《Homerun Battle 3D》也有应用内付费,虽然目前其收益还不如iOS版本,但正逐渐赶上。(游戏邦注:该公司游戏《9 Innings Baseball Pro》也是如此。)现在,我们打算用IAP在Android上制作免费游戏,因而我们对这个SDK感到异常兴奋。我们在Android市场上采取的策略不会改变,知道盗版和某些市场问题解决为止。应用内付费至关重要。


盗版率让我们感到惊奇,这已经成为大问题,这也是为何我们为Android系统开发新付费游戏的原因。以2010年早期为例,在免费版面世之前,《Homerun Battle 3D》的盗版率就已经在70%左右了。

Homerun Battle 3D

Homerun Battle 3D




如果我们能够拥有24或48个小时的专属窗口,那么GetJar确实很有效。比如,《Slice It!》在GetJar上的表现就非常棒,我们也为此项活动的成功感到高兴。但是,无法承诺投放的平台越多就能获得越多的帮助。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,转载请注明来源:游戏邦)

Piracy is huge on Android so we’re focused on free games with IAP, says Com2uS’ Don Lim

Jon Jordan

Korean publisher Com2uS has been a firm supporter of Android, notably having an early success with its Slice It! game receiving over 6 million downloads on the platform. But as US general manager Don Lim explains, despite recent announcement of 100 million devices and 4.5 billion app downloads, the commercial ecosystem of Android remains challenging.

PocketGamer: Com2uS has been enthusiastic about Android, so how are you finding the Android Market?

Don Lim: We’ve seen a surprising amount of success on the Android Market in terms of numbers. In fact, we have seen more installs of Slice It! Free and Homerun Battle 3D Free than on the iOS. This might not be indicative of revenue, but is true in sheer installs.

What’s your thinking on the balance between free and paid content?

The Android Market seems to lean toward free content – whether the user base is accustomed to free content or the wider mobile user base is evolving that way is unclear. The number of factors seem too great to give a definitive answer as to why this is the case, but what is clear is that you can see tremendous downloads but paid isn’t viable right now. Piracy is the main problem, and so we’ve decided to focus on free titles for Android. We’ve seen the most success with free content, so we’ll most likely stick to catering to that crowd.

Has the introduction of Google’s IAP SDK changed the situation?

Homerun Battle 3D does have in-app purchases though it hasn’t seen the returns that the iOS versions has yet, but it’s starting to pick up. This is the case with 9 Innings Baseball Pro as well. Right now, we’re shooting for free games with IAP on Android, so we’re excited about the SDK. We’ll remain that way on Android until the piracy and general market issues change. Having IAP is vital.

What’s the current situation with piracy?

The piracy rates surprised us, and have been a huge issue, which is why we don’t have new paid games available for Android. For example, early in 2010, and before the free version came out, the piracy rate for Homerun Battle 3D was around 70 percent.

Is there are large enough install base for in-game advertising?

Yes, that’s where Android really makes sense, and we have around an average of 10 million ad inventories filled, although the click thru rate on Android is 1%+, whereas it’s 3%+ on iOS. Of course, the revenue potential is higher on the CPI (cost per impression) side for hardcore games, with interstitial ads working better for casual titles.

Have you used any of the other Android channels such as carriers, GetJar, Amazon etc, and do you think this will change in the future?

GetJar is helpful if we can supply a 24 to 48 hour exclusivity window. For example, Slice It! did extremely well via GetJar, and we were pleased with the success of campaign. However, it is hard to promise exclusively too often when you want to get your games out on as many platforms as possible and into as many hands as you can. (Source: Pocket Gamer)

