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发布时间:2011-04-20 14:09:17 Tags:,,,





例如,微软去年就采用了Appssavvy的服务,在ngmoco旗下的手机游戏《GodFinger All-Stars》中展开了一场Windows 7广告营销活动。该游戏玩家的任务是主宰自己的小小星球,目标是扩大和发展星球,获得更多收入等其他成就,以便闯入下一关。Appssavvy与优势麦肯公司(Universal McCann)联手在该游戏中引进了一朵Windows云,支持玩家像造访好友的星球一样访问这个云朵,并由此赢得虚拟货币。如果访问了这朵云,还可以点击一个手机登录页面,了解关于Windows 7的更多信息。Appssavvy联合创始人迈克尔·伯克(Michael Burke)表示,“这种营销方式有效融入了玩家原来就参与的活动,所以玩家并不会排斥这种广告。”在为期6周的广告营销活动中,有10%的游戏玩家访问了这朵Windows云,访问量共达610万次。

GodFinger All-Stars

GodFinger All-Stars


另一个途径就是让玩家观看广告,并以此兑换游戏虚拟货币。例如SocialVibe在最近的广告营销活动中,向前来访问The Big Game Tournament活动(游戏邦注:该活动由Kia公司赞助)的用户,提供了各种Zynga游戏虚拟货币奖励,其特色在于将《FarmVille》、《YoVille》、《FrontierVille》等游戏中的角色拼入同一场足球赛中。该活动取得了良好的效果,用户平均访问逗留时间高达170秒。

这种“贿赂”做法果真是行之有效的手段吗?一些投资者显然是这么认为——SocialVibe在上个月获得了Norwest Venture Partners的2000万美元投资。而新兴公司Kiip最近也采用了这种方式,通过向用户提供真实奖励推广品牌营销活动。例如,用户如果在《涂鸦跳跃》中创造了一项纪录,Kiip的推送信息就会告知他们已赢得一份奖励,只需要输入电子邮件地址,就可以兑换奖品。Kiip的品牌合作伙伴包括Dr Pepper、Carl’s Jr.、 Popchips和GNC等公司。



不过Razorfish的平台体验总经理Garrick Schmitt却认为,应用程序中的富媒体广告效能远胜于普通的展示性广告。他并没有详细解释情况,仅表示他认为苹果只是因竞争形势所迫才采取了降价行动。据他所称,Razorfish为百思买、威斯汀酒店等客户所创建的广告,看起来比典型的条幅广告更有实用性。



正如上文所述,这个领域具有多种广告营销模式可供借鉴,但值得深思的是,这种广告仍然不是一种大众媒介。eMarketer首席分析师Noah Elkin就曾表示,如果你发布了一款智能手机应用,那就等于有效出击77%的市场份额。虽然有些市场调查预测,智能手机用户在今年底将占50%,但Elkin却认为实际数据并没有这么乐观。值得注意的是,早期的智能手机用户或许比今后一两年的新晋智能手机用户更容易接受各种应用广告形式。


The 3 Most Effective Approaches to In-App Advertising

A widely discussed article in Wired last summer posited the idea that the web is dead. The argument, which, on closer inspection appeared based on semantics, predicted that consumers would experience the web via peer-to-peer networks like Facebook and, increasingly, apps, in the future.

If that proves to be the case, a dead web may be good for advertising.

The reason? Aside from search, advertising on the web has been tricky. Consumers generally don’t click on banner ads — especially not on Facebook — and tend to view ads as an intrusion on their web-browsing experience. In contrast, a recent report by Appssavvy (admittedly not a disinterested observer) found that in-app ads perform 11.4 times better than standard banner ads, which means they are almost as effective as search.

That said, app publishers have been working on tweaking the “appvertising” model to make it more effective. Below is an overview of what seems to be working.

1. Become Part of the Game

Advertising in games is nothing new, but the the old model revolved mostly around product placement. But, as is the case with the TV and movie version of product placement, advertisers learned that having a Coke can in the background of a scene isn’t likely to sell many Cokes, but having a character drink it in a key moment — especially when the character is really thirsty and that Coke looks so good — is another story. When it comes to in-app games, the thirst-quenching Coke’s equivalent is having a brand pop up in a way that enhances the game experience.

For instance, last year, Microsoft ran a program with Appssavvy for Windows 7 in nqmoco’s GodFinger All-Stars. In that game, players control their own planet. The aim is to expand the planet and earn money, among other things, to get to the next level. So, Appssavvy, working with Universal McCann, brought a Windows Cloud into the game. Players could visit the Cloud the same way they’d visit their friends’ planets and earn in-game currency for doing so. If they wanted to, they could also click through a mobile landing page and learn more about Windows 7. “It leveraged activity [users] were already doing,” says Michael Burke, co-founder of Appssavvy. “They don’t mind the advertising.” Well, at least an impressively large minority didn’t — during the six-week promotion, 10% of the game’s players visited the Windows Cloud for a total of 6.1 million visits.

2. Bribery

Another approach is to forget about blending into the game and instead ask players to sit through an ad in exchange for virtual game currency. That’s the premise behind SocialVibe. In a recent campaign, for instance, SocialVibe gave away currency for Zynga’s various games if users visited The Big Game Tournament,  which pitted characters from FarmVille, YoVille, FrontierVille and others in a football game sponsored by Kia. The effort had the highest time-spent-per-user of any SocialVibe game to date — 170 seconds.

Does bribing consumers to watch a commercial really work though? Clearly, some investors think so — SocialVibe just got a $20 million infusion of cash from Norwest Venture Partners last month. And a new company, Kiip, has a twist on this idea. Instead of virtual currency, they get real prizes. For example, if a player reaches a new height record in Doodle Jump, a Kiip notification will let the player know they’ve won a prize. Then a user can enter his email address to redeem the prize. Kiip has a roster of brand partners including Dr Pepper, Carl’s Jr., Popchips and GNC.

3. Make Better Ads

Not everyone thinks you have to twist consumers’ arms to get them to look at ads. Many believe that the rise of apps — especially among mobile users — will usher in a new era of more engaging advertising. Chief among the proponents of this belief is Apple’s Steve Jobs, who introduced Apple’s iAd platform in April 2010 as “mobile ads with emotion.” For Apple, though, the platform hasn’t been entirely successful. The company recently cut the entry price for an iAd in half to $500,000 and has reportedly had trouble selling the ads.

But Garrick Schmitt, managing director of experience and platform at Razorfish, says that rich media ads within apps perform much better than standard display ads — though he declines to get specific. Apple, he says, is just reacting to competition. Ads that Razorfish creates on behalf of clients like Best Buy and Westin Hotels are meant to offer more utility — you might say they’re more app-like — than the typical banner ad.

A rich media ad for Westin for instance, invites users to “tap here to warm up.” After that, virtual frost covers the iPhone screen and can be wiped away to reveal pictures of eight Westin Hotels & Resorts in warm climates. (See image above.) A Best Buy ad during the holidays made a game of buying gifts for family members. In another example, Razorfish created an iPhone-based ad for Dockers in 2009 that featured a man who would dance when the phone was shook. “Some ads are very game-like,” says Schmitt. “It’s a playful experience.”

Time to Learn

As these examples show, there are a few different schools of thought as to what app-vertising should look like. But the industry has some time to figure things out — right now it isn’t a completely mass medium. Noah Elkin, principal analyst with eMarketer, says that if you’re releasing a mobile app designed to be used on a smartphone, you’re effectively writing off 70% of the market. Though some predict that the user base for smartphones will hit 50% of consumers by the end of this year, Elkin says that figure is too optimistic. It’s also worth noting that early adopters to smartphones may be more engageable than those who buy them a year or so from now.

On the other hand, the mindset of someone who downloads an app may turn out to be more hospitable to advertising than old forms of media –- including the web. “App users are a self-selecting group,” says Elkin. “They tend to be more engaged.”(source:mashable

