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解谜寻物游戏《Mystery Manor》登陆Facebook平台

发布时间:2011-04-07 11:30:08 Tags:,,,

《Mystery Manor》是由俄罗斯开发商Game Insight和游戏发行商6waves在3月中旬推出的一款解谜寻物游戏。Game Insight在此之前还推出了《Resort World》和《Big Business》,据社交游戏流量追踪服务AppData的数据显示,这两款游戏的MAU(月活跃用户)超过了420万,《Mystery Manor》在Facebook亮相不到一个月时间,也收获了48.4万的MAU和1.32万的DAU。

解谜寻物游戏在Facebook平台并不多见,所以要从中挑选出成功作品更是困难。这种类型的游戏一般的创收模式是一次性付费下载,因为它采用的是静态独立的游戏玩法,所以要在这个基础上添加社交网络的功能难度不小。不过《Mystery Manor》借助6waves的用户规模,以及《Resort World》和《Big Business》这两款成功游戏的开路,克服了一些登陆Facebook平台的挑战。此外,这类游戏对年长的女性用户来说还是有不少吸引力。

用户在《Mystery Manor》中将会看到一橦豪宅的平面图,以及一个弹出的文本信息窗口,提示玩家他们已被一名神秘人困在豪宅中。玩家得根据提示,四处搜索逃出困境的线索。在玩家观察整个房间时,可以根据屏幕右侧的提示内容,找到房间中与之对应的物品。而这其中的难题各有区别,有些物品上的文字模糊不清,或者屏幕上只显示该物品的大概轮廓,或者让玩家通过狭窄的视角去寻物。玩家在一定的时间内完成一个房间的寻物任务,将可收获一些道具、金钱、能量和经验值。游戏邦发现有些房间的任务难度较大,只适合高级别的玩家,玩家在所有房间中的搜索任务都需要耗损一定的能量。

Mystery Manor

Mystery Manor

正如上文所述,营收渠道也是《Mystery Manor》面临的一大挑战。不过6waves为该游戏创造了道具销售和玩法选项等有效的营收渠道。目前为止,该游戏为玩家提供了奖品和辅助功能,让他们补充能量、延长解谜时间,或者揭露自己难以发现的物品。玩家可通过Facebook Credits、广告推广服务、预付卡(台湾和香港地区),以及其他区域性的支付渠道(例如Ultimate Game Card),购买游戏虚拟货币Diamonds以便获取这些功能。另外,玩家还可以通过购买Diamonds,在结束本关卡的任务前开启新的房间,或者在无需搜索整个房间的情况下,买齐任务所要求的所有物品。


游戏邦得知Game Insight还将在未来数月添加更多房间以及豪宅的二楼等新内容,6waves现在正加紧制作该游戏的汉语、法语、西班牙语、意大利语、德语和土耳其语等本土化版本。另外,因为英语版本中的有些措辞并不适合北美用户,所以他们还会对该版本添加更多本土化元素。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,转载请注明来源:游戏邦)

Early Look: Game Insights Seeks Hidden Object Success on Facebook With Mystery Manor

Mystery Manor is a hidden object game from Russian developer Game Insight and publisher 6waves that launched in mid-March. Between its two largest games, Resort World and Big Business, Game Insight enjoys over 4.2 million monthly active daily users, according to our traffic tracking service, AppData. Mystery Manor joins the lineup with 484,000 MAU and 132,00 DAU after less than a month on Facebook.

The game is interesting to us for its choice of genre. Hidden object games are rare on Facebook and we’re hard-pressed to point to a successful example. This type of game traditionally monetizes through one-time download sales and doesn’t lend itself to social networking features because of its static, solitary gameplay. Mystery Manor has some advantages to overcoming these challenges through access to 6waves’ wide audience reach and through its established success with Resort World and Big Business. Hidden object games also tend to appeal to an older female audience common to Facebook.

Mystery Manor presents users with a floor plan of a mansion and pop-up text informing them that they’re trapped in a mansion owned by a mysterious person nobody’s ever seen. Players must search each room of the mansion for clues and for a way out. Searching a room involves identifying and clicking on objects that match a list displayed on the right side of the screen when viewing a room. Variations on the puzzle include scrambling the words of the objects, displaying only the silhouettes of the objects, and narrowing the player’s field of vision to only one small, movable cone. Completing a room search in a certain amount of time nets the player collectible items, money, energy, and experience points. Some rooms are restricted to higher-level players and all rooms cost a certain amount of energy to search.

As mentioned above, monetization presents a challenge for Mystery Manor. Publisher 6waves is exploring options for effectively monetizing the genre through item sales and gameplay options. Currently, the game offers players power-ups and bonuses that replenish energy, extend the time on puzzles, or reveal the locations of objects on the search list the user can’t seem to find. Players can buy these with the game’s premium currency, Diamonds, available through Facebook Credits, offer walls, pre-paid cards in certain regions like Taiwan and Hong Kong, and other regional payment systems (e.g. Ultimate Game Card). Additionally, players can pay Diamonds to unlock rooms before completing level requirements or to buy objects to complete quests without searching rooms.

As for the social feature challenges, the game has a recruiting feature where friends who also play the game appear in each other’s mansion as once-per-day power-ups that improve drop rates in searched rooms. Players can also visit their friends’ mansions once-per-day and click on rooms to earn coins and other items. Mystery Manor also displays people on your friends list who aren’t also playing the game as icons floating around outside the mansion floor plan that can be “Invited in,” which leads to a game invitation screen.

In the coming months, developer Game Insight plans to add new rooms and a second floor of the mansion to the game. Meanwhile, 6waves is hard at work on localizing the game in Chinese, French, Spanish, Italian, German and Turkish as part of the publisher’s global audience strategy. There may also be additional localization on the English version, as some of the word choices are not naturalized to North America (e.g. “a clew of threads” versus “a ball of yarn”).(source:insidesocialgames

