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GetJar称谷歌应用计费服务不应局限于Android Market

发布时间:2011-04-06 11:19:59 Tags:,,,

谷歌Android Market之前曾因在应用内置计费系统上鲜有作为,以致被竞争对手超越一事而备受批评,但现在它推出了自己的计费解决方案,却也还是难免听到怨言——此人是Android Market竞争对手、独立应用商店GetJar的首席营销官帕特里克·莫克(Patrick Mork),他最近通过公司博客表示,谷歌的工作并不到位,它的这一最新举措应该让其他销售渠道的Android应用开发者也同时受益。



游戏邦获悉莫克的观点是,“Android平台推出应用内置计费系统是一个很进步的举措,它必将为Android应用开发者的收益带来积极的影响,但比较不妙的是,不在Android Market做生意的开发者并不能使用这一服务。为什么呢?因为Android Market并没有提供最佳的Android平台零售体验。谷歌得考虑一下哪些事情应该严格把关,哪些事情不可过于保守。”

莫克声称谷歌应该意识到,Android平台健康发展的重要性远甚于Android Market。

他表示,“如果开发者想成功创收,他们一般会选择多种销售渠道,接触范围更广的用户。所以最理想的情况应该是,支持Android Market之外的其他Android开发者采用谷歌的应用内置计费系统,这样就可以为开发者省去不少麻烦,以免他们繁琐地开发多个版本的产品,以便他们全身心投入自己最擅长的事情:开发出色的应用。”


因为Android Market之前的服务不尽完善,许多开发者之前都选择绕过Android Market,通过GetJar或者最近将登台的亚马逊Appstore销售应用。虽然之前Android应用商店已支持第三方应用计费解决方案,而且也有一些开发者采用了该服务,现在谷歌推出自己的应用内置付费系统后,Android Market开始成为真正的一站式销售渠道,这一点也许正是GetJar的顾虑所在。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,转载请注明来源:游戏邦)

Android Market’s IAP should be opened up to rival marketplaces, says GetJar’s Patrick Mork

Previously criticised for letting its competitors get ahead of the game, Google is now being slated for keeping its new in-app billing system exclusive to Android Market.

The system allows purchases to be built directly into apps, enabling developers to sell virtual goods, currency or extra levels from within the title.

But though some have praised Google for improving the Android Market, Patrick Mork of rival marketplace GetJar believes the company has made the wrong choice in limiting its IAP model to apps sold on its own store.

Open approach?

“In-app billing on Android is a big move that’s sure to have very positive impact on developers’ ability to monetise Android content,” Mork says in a blog post on GetJar’s website.

“What’s less good is the news that developers won’t be able to use this outside Market. Why? Because Market has not proven itself to provide the best Android retail experience. There are things Google should be strict about and things they shouldn’t.”

Mork claims Google should be putting the health of the platform ahead of its own app store.

“The reality is that if developers are going to be successful they are most likely going to use multiple distribution channels to reach consumers,” he said.

“The ideal thing would be to allow developers to leverage Google’s in-app billing offering regardless of where they distribute. This will save developers the hassle of having to have multiple versions of their .apks to distribute and make it easier for them to do what they do best: develop great apps.”

App store wars

Mork’s comments, of course, come dressed with a certain amount of self interest.

Many developers have previously chosen to ignore Android Market altogether, distributing their wares via GetJar or – more recently – Amazon Appstore.

By adding in-app billing options, Google has turned Android Market into a one-stop shop for developers. Third party options for IAPs on Android already exist, though it would appear some studios already favour the model being offered within Android Market.(source:pocketgamer

