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《Zynga Poker》黑客盗1200万美元筹码被判两年监禁

发布时间:2011-03-23 14:57:00 Tags:,,,

还记得那个从《Zynga Poker》盗走1200万美元扑克筹码的家伙吗?该男子名为阿什利·米切尔(Ashley Mitchell),他最近在英国法院上供认了自己在2009年的黑客行为,即将面临两年牢狱之灾。游戏邦获悉,米切尔从Zynga最受欢迎的扑克游戏偷走了4000亿个扑克筹码,如果按正常的出售价格来算,这些筹码的总价值为1200万美元。那么通过多个Facebook虚假帐号,米切尔在eBay网站卖筹码总共赚了多少钱呢?游戏邦了解到,他所得的不过是85870美元。

Zynga Poker-betting

Zynga Poker-betting

公诉人表示,如果不是当场抓获,米切尔将轻松盗走30万美元的筹码。不知道这家伙有没有看过《上班一条虫》(Office Space)?黑客永远不可能发财致富的,除非你是安吉丽娜·朱莉(Angelina Jolie)。在辩护过程中,米切尔的律师称,米切尔在犯罪期间患有赌博成瘾症。

法官Philip Wassail的回应是,“如今人们高度依赖计算机系统,任何企图入侵系统谋取私利的个人都应收到严厉的判决。”米切尔的确受到了严厉的判决:米切尔2008年曾非法入侵当地市政府网站,虽然当时躲过40周的缓刑处罚,但如今他将被加判30周的监禁。游戏邦认为,如果米切尔安守本分,他还可以角逐上周Zynga PokerCon锦标赛的10万美金大奖。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,转载请注明来源:游戏邦)

Zynga Poker hacker faces two years in prison for stealing $12M in chips”

Remember that guy who stole (and somehow expected to get away with) $12 million from Zynga Poker? That hacker, Ashley Mitchell, faces a two-year prison sentence after pleading guilty to British Court for his, erm, hackery in 2009, Poker News Daily reports. The thief stole 400 billion poker chips from Zynga’s popular poker game, which the company valued at $12 million would it had been able to sell them through normal means. The total that Mitchell scored after selling them on eBay through a long list of fake Facebook accounts? He made away with a fraction of that: $85,870.

If he wasn’t caught in the process, Mitchell could have easily made away with $300 thousand, his prosecutor estimated. Has this guy ever seen Office Space? Hackers never prosper … unless you’re Angelina Jolie. In his defense, Mitchell’s attorney claimed that he suffered a gambling addiction at the time when the crime was committed.

In response, Judge Philip Wassail said, “People rely on computer systems. Anyone who has managed to get into these systems for their own ends should expect a stiff sentence.” And a stiff sentence he received–Mitchell will sit in the slammer for another 30 weeks for dodging a 40-week suspended sentence for hacking into his local council in 2008. And just think, Mitchell could have played in a $100 thousand prize pool tournament in this past weekend’s Zynga PokerCon if he just played by the rules.(

