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Jesse Schell在GDC上演讲称女性在游戏行业中作用突出

发布时间:2011-03-08 17:07:10 Tags:,,,

Schell Games首席执行官和创意总监Jesse Schell今年在GDC大会上发表了一段特别有趣的演说,重点强调全男性和男女兼有的游戏开发团队间的差异,指出女性在项目中做出的贡献。


Jesse引用Anita Wooley关于集体智慧的调查研究,结果发现社会敏感性(如理解和认知情感的能力)较高的团队和那些成员间细心聆听各方意见的团队通常呈现出较高的集体智慧。游戏邦了解到,Jesse认为自己的妻子在这两方面做得都比他好。研究发现,团队中女性数量与其整体智慧间存在直接关联。

Women in Gaming





GDC 2011: Jesse Schell On The Importance Of Women To Development

Giving a typically amusing speech at the Women In Games Awards during this year’s Game Developers Conference, Schell Games CEO and creative director Jesse Schell, highlighted the differences in approach between all male and mixed-sex teams pointing out the benefits of female input in any project.

“When you have four guys on a team, what often happens is that they over-scope in a ridiculous way,” he explained. “They take on things that they couldn’t possibly do, and often end up with a crashing failure. Whereas when you have a team that has even just one woman on it – and it’s something that I’ve noticed throughout my career – things change… I can’t help but notice that the guys act differently – guys stop and think just a little bit more when there’s a woman in the room!”

Jesse cited a study on collective intelligence, conducted by Anita Wooley, which identified that groups with increased social sensitivity – i.e. an ability to empathise and identify emotions – and those whose members listen to each other without interruption generally displayed higher collective intelligence. Jesse’s wife, he pointed out, was better at both of these things than him. The study found that the number of woman in any given group directly correlates with its overall intelligence.

“In the game world, it’s still pretty much run by dudes – why is this?” he asked. “We used to have the argument that it’s just the nature of the medium – because that’s just how games are. And you can make this argument, if you look at the early days of videogames: you’re in a world where you can do anything you want, no one can possibly get hurt no matter how stupid a thing they do, and it’s really hard to talk to people. This is kind of guy heaven…”

Schell compared this facet of games to Norse legend of Valhalla, where fallen war heroes spend their days locked in combat on a battle field before returning – including the fallen – to the dining hall to discuss their exploits. Videogames, he suggested, have brought this ancient Norse vision to life. Schell also discounted the idea that men are better leaders, referencing a talk he gave at the PBS [a US public TV network] Kids Producers Summit, pointing out that here was an entire sector of the entertainment industry almost completely run by women.

More importantly, though, Schell believes that the changing nature of the game market necessitates a greater number of women in the industry. “We know the game world is changing,” he said. “Mobile is getting very big, and social gaming, too. Everyone’s noticed over the last two years that suddenly social games are an incredible growth area, because games are better with friends. In that time we’ve moved from a place where it was all ninjas and zombies and stuff, to suddenly the big growth games that everyone’s talking about are about farming and yoga and dancing and pets. And I’m going to tell you right now, ladies, we don’t know what the hell we’re doing… We don’t understand how it works, or why people play it – we’re faking it.”

In conclusion he added: “This is [women's] time, without doubt, and I for one welcome our new female overlords.” (Source: Next-gen)

