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新闻集团推首家专业社交游戏发行公司Making Fun

发布时间:2011-02-26 09:12:26 Tags:,,,

社交游戏公司一般都身兼开发商和发行商两个角色,比如说Zynga和Playfish这两家公司就是自主融资、开发和发行游戏。但日前新闻集团旗下的Making Fun却宣布推行不同的发行理念,该公司主张以传统游戏发行模式,为外部开发商提供支持和服务。

Making Fun-logo

Making Fun-logo

Making Fun公司CEO约翰·韦尔奇(John Welch)表示,游戏发行平台的不断成熟,需要这个领域出现发行商这一专门的角色,帮助极具才能但缺乏资金的开发商实现他们的梦想,“社交游戏爆炸式的发展吸引了许多游戏开发者争相涌入这一领域,从而推高了开发商的市场竞争成本。Making Fun可以为开发商提供资金及其他必要的服务,让我们的合作伙伴集中精力开发出色的游戏。”

据游戏邦了解,Making Fun的社交游戏发行服务项目包括融资、技术支持、托管、市场营销等。目前该公司已接手三个发行合作项目,但仍希望进一步扩大业务范围。

Making Fun主要负责人是休闲游戏发行商PlayFirst联合创始人约翰·韦尔奇,以及首席技术官李·克劳佛(Lee Crawford),后者曾联合创办了虚拟经济服务公司Twofish。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,转载请注明来源:游戏邦)

Making Fun Becomes First Publisher of Social Games

The social gaming landscape thus far has been dominated by developer/publisher combination companies. Those like Zynga and Playfish finance, develop, and publish their own games. But new company Making Fun is taking on a more traditional publisher model by working with external developers to make games. Making and Fun and IGN are both owned by News Corporation.

“As gaming platforms mature, Publishers emerge to assist talented developers who lack sufficient funds to bring their dreams to full fruition,” said Making Fun CEO John Welch. “Explosive growth in the social games space has attracted substantial game development talent, raising the costs to effectively compete. Making Fun provides funding and other essential services to enable our partners to focus their energy on making great games.”

Making Fun’s full plan involves financing, technological and industry assistance, hosting, and marketing for developers who want to make social games. The company currently has three publishing deals in place, but is actively seeking more.

The company is helmed by John Welch, who previously co-founded casual game publisher PlayFirst (famous for the Diner Dash franchise) and CTO Lee Crawford, who previously co-founded virtual economy company Twofish.(

