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调查称Android Market营收增长率高但难追App Store

发布时间:2011-02-22 09:20:57 Tags:,,,

据英国市场调机构IHS最新数据显示,谷歌Android Market在2010年的营收达到1.02亿美元,同比2009年增长了856.5%。



但数据指出,Android Market拥有如此高的增长率,并非该应用商店确实取得突飞猛进的成果,而仅仅是因为它在2009年的起点非常低,该应用商店在当时的营收仅仅1100万美元。

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反观苹果App Store,该应用商店在2010年的营收总计达17亿美元,几乎是Android Market的20倍,其增长率也达到了惊人的131.9%;游戏邦获悉,App Store总营收占所有应用商店的83%。

从这组数据来看,Android Market在未来几年内仍必须加大马力快速发展,才有望追赶上App Store目前取得的成就。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,转载请注明来源:游戏邦)

Despite 861.5 Percent Growth, Android Market Revenues Remain Puny

You read the headline “Android Market grows a staggering 861.5 per cent”, and you think, “Wow, Android is really on a tear.” But then you look at the fine print, and you realize that Android Market revenues are still barely registering, and that the only reason they grew so much in 2010 was because in 2009 they were nearly non-existent.

According to a chart making the rounds from UK-based research firm IHS, Android Market revenues in 2010 came in at an estimated $102 million, up from $11 million the year before.

And how did that compare to revenues from Apple’s App Store? Apple App Store revenues came in at an estimated $1.7 billion in 2010, almost 20 times bigger than Android. And Apple App Store revenue grew at a not-too-shabby 131.9 percent rate. More importantly, Apple accounts for 83 percent of the total estimated app store revenues.

It’s great that Android app store revenues are growing so fast, but whenever you see such sky-high numbers, be sure to look at what is the base they are growing from. Android will have to keep growing at astounding rates for a few more years simply to catch up to where Apple’s App Store is today.

If you are an app developer trying to make money, you still really don’t have much of a choice about where to put your apps. No wonder Apple feels like it can treat app developers any way it wants, and take an increasing percentage of their revenues. (source:techcrunch)

