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美国高通与CAA成立手机应用公司Creative Mobile Labs

发布时间:2011-02-08 11:39:29 Tags:,,,,

日前,美国高通公司与CAA人才机构达成合作协议,联合成立了一家新公司Creative Mobile Labs,共同开发手机娱乐应用。



据游戏邦了解,CAA将整合好莱坞的编剧、导演、艺术家等人才资源,为新公司的手机应用开发提供创意,高通公司则负责提供工程管理上的技术支持。这家新公司位于美国洛杉矶,由已开发大量手机应用的Qualcomm Services Labs提供成立资金,目前尚未公布启动资金数额。

那么,Creative Mobile Labs是否会和其他遍布App Store的好莱坞应用一样,推出摇滚乐团粉丝应用、电影角色衍生应用等相关产品?游戏邦获悉,CAA的业务发展负责人Michael Yanover否认了这种说法,并表示他们的产品与影视名人无关,与其他公司推出的娱乐应用也有很大区别,他们只想创造全新的应用,全新的版本。

由此可以看出,通过电影公司授权,将影片人物融入手机游戏或其他应用产品,并非Creative Mobile Labs所奉行的路线。Yanover还表示,采用电影公司授权的运营方式,并不可靠而且也未必就能成功,但同时也承认,手机应用确实是一个低成本的途径,开发商可以先在这一平台上试试相关角色形象的市场反应,然后再将其推向其他媒体平台。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,转载请注明来源:游戏邦)

Qualcomm And CAA Back Creative Mobile Labs To Make Entertainment Apps

Hollywood looks at mobile apps like Angry Birds and Pull The Rope, and sees franchises built around characters and a new form of story telling. It is a little bit threatening, but it is also a little bit exciting. Telling stories is what Hollywood does best. Those writers and computer graphics artists down in LA could really show mobile app developers a thing or two if only they knew how to develop mobile apps.

Enter Creative Mobile Labs, a new startup backed by talent agency CAA and Qualcomm. It will be based in LA. The company is being announced today, and a CEO, executives, and engineers are being hired. The concept is to bring together the Hollywood talent CAA represents (writers, directors, graphics artists) who are brimming with ideas for mobile apps but don’t know how to execute them with mobile app developers, and vice versa. Qualcomm will help on the engineering front. The investment is being made through its Qualcomm Services Labs which is creating a number of its own mobile apps. The funding amount is not being disclosed.

So will Creative Mobile Labs just put out the same kind of Hollywood apps that litter the App Store: rock band fan apps and movie character derivatives? Michael Yanover, who heads up business development for CAA, says that is not the plan: “We really want to dispel the notion that these apps are celebrity driven or simply meant as companions to existing proidcuts. We want to create new apps, new franchises.”

Thankfully, the startup’s strategy wil not be to license characters from movie studios and put them into mobile games and other apps. “I don’t think licensing characters from studios is affordable or even necessarily successful,” says Yanover. However, he does think that mobile apps are a great low-cost way to try out characters and story ideas which can then jump to other media. Imagine the next SpongeBob SquarePants starting life in a mobile app instead of directly on TV.(source:pocketgamer)

