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发布时间:2011-01-27 11:41:44 Tags:,,,,

在最近的旧金山Inside Social Apps会议上,众多顶级Facebook游戏开发商们齐聚一堂,畅谈Facebook社交网站和社交游戏的现状与未来发展。然而当Justin Smith问及Facebook如何帮助小型游戏开发商发展时,与会人士陷入了一片寂静之中。



之后,部分开发商将话题转向了手机领域,当然也有很多开发商很关注Justin Smith的这一提问。

游戏邦发现,在所有的与会人士中,Vish Makhijani (Zynga), Rick Thompson (Playdom), Kristian Segerstrale (Playfish)和Peter Relan (CrowdStar)明显表现出对Facebook社交网站长期发展充满信心,同时也暗示手机是未来发展的一大机会。不过他们并没有过多透露公司的发展计划,只是认为尽管现在社交和手机游戏的准入“门槛”有所提高,但Facebook和2011年社交产业的发展前景仍然十分可观。


During a panel at the Inside Social Apps conference in San Francisco, the top Facebook game developers spoke about the state of the Facebook Platform and social games in general. The silence from panelists when Justin Smith asked the panelists about what Facebook can do to help small developers echoed the overall consensus from many in the room.

Right now many of the developers in the room were turning their focus to mobile and many of the panelists were also shifting their focus to the same area as well. All of the panelists, Vish Makhijani (Zynga), Rick Thompson (Playdom), Kristian Segerstrale (Playfish), and Peter Relan (CrowdStar), appeared relatively bullish on Facebook in the long-term, however they were cautiously signaling that mobile is a big opportunity.

Without disclosing the company’s internal strategies, all of them suggested that they are still quite optimistic about the Facebook ecosystem and 2011 in general. Overall the barrier to entry is increasing however for a number of reasons including the increase in capital into the space which is boosting the cost of user acquisition.

Given that the panel was made up of the current leaders in social games, it was somewhat biased toward the Facebook Platform, but it feels as though the room is filled with companies all looking for opportunities in mobile. While they didn’t say there’s no point in trying on Facebook, right now the ecosystem is extremely difficult for smaller developers.(Source:Socialtimes)

