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发布时间:2010-12-31 14:24:40 Tags:,,,,

据Samsung Hub报道,三星智能手机操作系统bada截止2010年底手机销量已经达500万部左右,日前又将该平台的SDK升级到了1.2.1版本,这个新版本将包含应用内置广告赞助功能。据游戏邦了解,这项可能于2011年1月1日亮相的新功能将更有利于bada应用开发商创收。这些消息均来自Samsung Hub这个手机内容发行平台,三星的博客、Twitter、Facebook页面均未公布官方消息。

据称这个升级版的SDK现在已经开放下载服务了,Samsung Hub虽然不是官方消息源,但在业内一直是可靠的三星消息渠道,所以我们姑且认定这个消息属实。

游戏邦还从Samsung Hub获知,开发商如果在产品中植入这项应用广告赞助功能,可以保留所有的收益,不需要与三星共享营收分成。

但是从三星bada 1.2.1版SDK的发布通知中,我们并没有看到任何有关“广告赞助”、“广告”、“营收”的字眼,也没有找到关于这项新功能内容。

more than 5M Wave devices will be sold

more than 5M Wave devices will be sold

因为bada智能手机现在的销量非常乐观,所以三星如果真的发布了这项新功能也并不令人意外。第一款bada手机Samsung Wave直到今年6月才面世,直到10月份其他的bada手机才正式出炉,bada手机的初次登场确实表现不俗。另外三星还曾经宣布,三星乐园的应用下载量已经超过了5000万次,这一点也主要得益于bada手机庞大的销量。

据称bada 2.0操作系统还将增加更多新功能,比如更优化的用户界面、NFC系统、更智能的主界面、可支持Linux和Mac系统的SDK,而且还将绑定SNS等更多服务。

虽然bada的市场表现很乐观,但还是有分析师建议开发商谨重考虑,毕竟bada出道的时间较短,该平台的应用发展前景仍有待观望。分析师 Alex Spektor最近表示,三星并非只关注自己的手机操作系统,它还有一些硬件产品运行的是Android和Windows Phone 7。三星将在1月1日起中止与Symbian的合作,以便将更多精力投放到bada平台上。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,转载请注明来源:游戏邦)

Report: Samsung’s Bada To Offer In-App Advertising Capabilities

Bada, Samsung’s own mobile operating system, on track to power around 5 million phones by year-end, has just updated its software development kit (SDK) to version 1.2.1. The update reportedly

includes an important new feature: in-app advertising capabilities. The feature, which will allow bada developers to monetize their apps, will go live beginning January 1st, 2011. At least, that’s the news coming out of Samsung Hub, an unofficial source that typically publishes reliable content and scoops.

This news has not been officially published anywhere as far as we can tell, not on Samsung’s blogs, Twitter accounts, Facebook pages or in its news rooms. But the updated SDK is available for download now. Samsung Hub, as noted above, is an unofficial, but often accurate, source for Samsung-related information, so we’re betting on this news being credible while awaiting official confirmation.

According to the blog post, developers implementing in-app advertising capabilities into their apps will retain all the revenue generated – they will not have to split that revenue with Samsung.

In looking through the release notes for the Samsung bada 1.2.1 SDK, we don’t see any mention of “advertising,” “ads,” “revenue,” or anything else that hints at this new feature, though. (Let us know if you spot it, maybe we just missed it.)

It makes sense that Samsung would launch this capability, though – bada-powered phones are selling well…very well, in fact. Considering that the first bada phone, the Samsung Wave, didn’t ship until June, and the Wave was the only bada phone available until October, the platform is off to a decent start. Samsung has also noted that it has seen over 50 million downloads of apps from its own app store, too, mostly thanks to bada’s popularity.

In addition, with the upcoming bada 2.0 OS, Samsung will add more features to the platform, including a better user interface, Near Field Communication (NFC), a smarter homescreen, SDK support for Linux and Mac, SNS integration and more.

Although bada’s numbers are promising, analysts recommend developers consider their options carefully before jumping on board this train. Samsung has not fully committed to the OS, Strategy Analytics analyst Alex Spektor reminded us recently – it also supports Android and Windows Phone 7, for example. However, Samsung is ending support for Symbian as of January 1st, it should be noted, giving the company more time to focus on bada going forward into the new year.(source:readwriteweb)

