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发布时间:2010-12-29 15:21:32 Tags:,,,






智能手机平台大战在2010年拉开了序幕,目前竞争最激烈的当属Android和Apple之间的恶战。据Mobclix Exchange的数据显示,Android的广告印象截止目前已增长了420%。Windows Phone 7、诺基亚、RIM甚至是Palm等其他竞争对手也不会自甘落后,谁也不愿意在智能手机市场失势。



另外,RTB也已经成为一个主流趋势。游戏邦通过Business Insider了解到,“RTB现在非常受欢迎。”AdMeld公司在今年融资中获得了1500万美元资助,AdSafe公司也募资到750万美元,谷歌则以7000万美元收购了Invite Media公司。AdMeld公司CEO迈克尔·巴雷特(Michael Barrett)表示,通过RTB渠道出售的广告平均可以为客户创造2到3倍的营收,有时候甚至可以达到10倍,并预测这一市场规模今年将达10亿美元左右。



市场调研公司Jupiter Research也预测,游戏内置付费功能的营收到2015年将超过110亿美元。Android平台在2011年能否抓住这一时机,支持更多微交易功能,已经成为业内关注的热点。另外还有许多第三方解决方案已经联手开发商,在应用产品中植入相关计费系统,支持内置付费功能。




Borrell Associates的调查数据显示,全球手机用户每小时下载的应用数量超过50万款,平均每个智能手机用户拥有22款手机应用。但应用已经不再是智能手机平台的专利,它的触角已经延伸到了电视(如Google TV、Apple TV等网络电视),电脑(如Intel AppUp、Mac App Store、 Windows的AllMyApps等应用商店),网页浏览器(Google Chrome Web Store、Mozilla Open Web App Store等应用商店),蓝光播放器甚至是汽车(Ford SYNC AppLink, Android?)等平台。


Mobclix还指出,富媒体的点击率比普通媒体多11倍。Greystripe在9月份的调查也显示,富媒体广告点击率比静态广告高56%。Medialets平台CEO埃里克·利特曼(Eric Litman)则表示,今年8月份该平台富媒体广告点击率比静态广告高33%,他们的调查结果谁更准确呢?虽然不同平台追踪到的数据存在差别,但结论都一样:富媒体更容易赚取点击率。



一般而言,用户不会只使用一次就将应用抛到脑后。一些应用开发商发现,不断地更新升级、增加产品的黏性,有助于与用户建立长期稳定的关系。比如说手机游戏《愤怒的小鸟》(Angry Birds)几乎每四周都会推出一个更新版本,用户留存率一般都在80%左右。


Mobclix认为,在使用率或营收最高的应用类型中,游戏产品的比例高达70%。从苹果App Store、Android Market到新兴的Windows Phone应用商店,每个平台上最抢手的应用都是游戏。


这一点与第5项很相似,但属于不同的概念。Mobclix调查称平均每个智能手机用户每天在应用上所花的时间是2.8小时,每5人中就有3个人首先访问的是手机应用,而非网页搜索引擎。据Parks Associates调查发现,比起网页浏览器,年龄在35岁以下的用户更习惯使用手机应用。



Report: Top 10 App Trends of 2010

Mobclix, an iPhone analytics firm and mobile ad exchange network, has released a year-end report which examines the top application trends from 2010. The report, called the “2010 App Game Changers,” neatly summarizes what have been some of the most notable developments in mobile over the course of the year.

According to Mobclix (full report here), mobile apps have impacted a wide range of industries from advertising to gaming over the course of 2010, have become a part of our daily life and, per IDC analysts, will increase to nearly 76.9 billion downloads by 2014.

Citing both its internal research, and the research put out by other analyst firms, Mobclix has boiled down the many changes in mobile, specifically in the mobile application industry, in an easy to digest format by way of its year-end report.

Here’s what they found, summarized below along with some additional comments from us.

1. The Platform War Gets Bloody

2010 was the beginning of the smartphone platform wars, with the ever-dominant Android vs Apple fight now underway. Mobclix saw impressions on its Mobclix Exchange for Android grow by 420% since its inception, for example. Other players, like Windows Phone 7 launched this year, apparently in it for the long haul, while Nokia, RIM and even Palm are hoping to not lose ground as the mobile platform shakeup continues.

2. Advertising on Mobile Gets Smart (Rise of RTB)

At least 50% of all targeted online display ads will be bought through real-time platforms by 2015 and by next year, 10%-15% of total ad buys will involve real-time bidding inventory. Mobclix, of course, offers a solution for this, but cites a “Google executive” as the source of this factoid.

Despite the self-promotional aspect to this trend, RTB is a major trend this year. As Business Insider summarized this summer, “RTB is on fire.” AdMeld, an ad inventory optimizer, closed a $15 million round of venture funding this year, AdSafe raised $7.5 million and Google bought Invite Media, a demand-side platform, for a reported $70 million. AdMeld CEO Michael Barrett told BI that ads sold through RTB generate 2-3 times as much revenue for his customers on average, and up to 10 times as much in some cases. He said the market would be worth around $1 billion this year.

3. In-App Purchasing Enabling a New Economy

Selling apps is no longer the only way to make money, some developers have discovered. In October, Flurry released data that showed in-app purchases were earning developers in certain categories (games, social) more money than ads. Another report forecasted an increase in in-app revenue by 600% in 2011. And Farmville, as a high-profile example of this trend, earns 90% of its revenue from in-app purchases, its Director of Mobile Jen Herman has said.

Mobclix cites data from Jupiter Research which says that in-game purchases are expected to surpass $11 billion by 2015. The industry is watching Android expectantly in 2011 to see if it will soon offer an officially supported feature for allowing these types of transactions. In the meantime, there are 3rd-party solutions that let developers implement in-app purchases now.

4. It Pays to be Pushy

Another finding, this one from a Mobclix survey, found that customer retention is 2.7 times better with push-notification. Apps are opened up 228% more and weekly session times have increased by 103% when push is used. However, Mobclix is referring to incentivized installs, not notifications from the apps themselves. For example, a publisher serving a notification pushes an app suggestion to its users, offering them something in return (virtual goods like health, gold, etc. in a game, for ex.). The advertiser pays for every install this push message led to while the publisher makes an immediate profit.

5. Apps are Here to Stay

More than half a million apps are downloaded every hour and the average smartphone user has 22 of them, says Mobclix, citing a Borrell Associates data. But apps are ready to expand beyond the smartphone to appear on TVs (Google TV, Apple TV), desktop (Intel AppUp, Mac App Store, AllMyApps for Windows, etc.) Web browsers (Google Chrome Web Store, Mozilla Open Web App Store, etc.) Blu-ray players and even cars (Ford SYNC AppLink, Android?).

6. Rich Media Ads Pay More

Another self-promotional, but accurately pegged trend: rich media has a higher clickthrough rate, up to 11 times higher, says Mobclix. We cited data from Greystripe in September that found rich media ads get a 56% higher clickthrough rate than static ads, however.  And Eric Litman, CEO of Medialets, told Mashable in August that rich media ads were getting clickthroughs as high as 33%.

Who’s telling the truth? Maybe they all are, the differences between their various networks leading to differently reported data. But the end result is the same: rich media means more clicks.

37% of impressions in Mobclix’s exchange were rich media, up 115% since last year, the new report also noted.

7. Apps Aren’t a One-Trick Pony

Apps don’t just get played with once, then ignored – at least, not in all cases. Some app developers have found that constantly re-engaging with your users can lead to a long-term relationship, says Mobclix. For example, Angry Birds launches an update every 4 weeks and sees a 80% retention rate.

8. Games are King

70% of the chart-topping applications in both usage and gross revenue are games, says Mobclix, citing its own data. Games dominate on every platform, from Apple’s App Store to Android Market and even on newcomers like Windows Phone.

9. Apps are Everywhere

This trend seems like a repeat of #5, as it reports on the status of apps in our daily life. The average smartphone users spends 2.8 hours per day using apps and 3 in 5 people first turn to an app before searching the Web, says Mobclix, We also reported on apps’ growing popularity over the browser this year, referencing research from consulting firm Parks Associates. They found that consumers under 3 (“millenials”) are ditching the Web browser in favor of mobile apps.

10. Don’t Underestimate iCurrency

The title of this trend is somewhat cutesy, but also accurate. It’s actually referring to the revenue opportunities via iTunes. Apple has driven over 10 billion downloads of digital content through iTunes this year, says Mobclix, delivering over $1 billion in earnings to developers. It’s still the behemoth in the mobile app ecosystem and can’t be ignored.(source:readwriteweb)

