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Epic游戏开发引擎Unreal Engine添加iOS支持功能

发布时间:2010-12-16 12:46:29 Tags:,,,

3D巨制手机游戏《Infinity Blade》发行5天创下至少110万美元的销售纪录(游戏邦注:官方数据尚未公布,该数据是根据Game Center下载量统计而得),彻底打消了人们对Epic的Unreal Engine工具不适用于开发iPhone游戏的疑虑。



有了《Infinity Blade》这个成功范本,Unreal Engine这款强大的引擎向iOS游戏开发领域进军的时机也已经成熟。据游戏邦了解,Epic公司将于本周推出添加iOS支持功能的Unreal开发工具(Unreal Development Kit,简称UDK)。



Epic公司联合创始人马克·莱茵(Mark Rein)在《华尔街日报》的采访中表示,苹果App Store是最有活力的手机游戏市场,开发商如果想多赚钱,就一定会选择iOS平台。

不过添加了iOS支持功能的Unreal Engine,究竟能否战胜其他智能手机游戏开发工具,这一点仍然是个未知数。

马克·莱茵还认为,Android平台的发展仍然有待观望,因为开发商一次性编写完成的代码能否有效运行于多款Android手机值得怀疑,另外Android Market对游戏文件大小也有限制,这些因素导致Android相对缺乏竞争力。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,转载请注明来源:游戏邦)

Epic to roll out iOS support to Unreal Development Kit

Any suggestion that Epic’s Unreal Engine would be unsuitable for iPhone development has been firmly quashed by the success of the record-breaking Infinity Blade.

Official figures remain a mystery, but Game Center numbers suggest Epic’s first iOS release might have pulled in revenues in excess of $1.1 million in its first five days on sale.

The decision to make Unreal Engine available to other iOS developers, therefore, is a bit of a no-brainer, with Epic expected to add iOS support to the Unreal Development Kit (UDK) before the week is out.

Mobile marvel

As before, downloading UDK itself will come without charge, though developers looking to make use of it in an iOS release will have to pay $99 for a license.
Studios will then have to hand over 25 percent of all royalties once the game has passed $5,000 in sales.

“Apple’s App Store is the most vibrant market for mobile gaming,” Epic co-founder Mark Rein told the Wall Street Journal of the move.

“If you’re going to make a game for a mobile device, and you want to make the most money, you’re nuts not to make it for iOS.”

Android unlikely

Any suggestion that the addition of iOS support would precede the Unreal Engine popping up on rival smartphone formats in the years to come is far less certain, however.

The paper reports Rein is yet to be convinced by Android, for instance, with the Epic man reportedly stating he believes writing code to suit the wide array of handsets running on the OS and the file size limit on Android Market essentially rules the platform out for the time being.(source:pocketgamer)

