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Digital Chocolate跃居Facebook第五大社交游戏开发公司

发布时间:2010-12-10 17:28:57 Tags:,,,,

8日上午,据Appdata数据显示,社交游戏开发公司Digital Chocolate凭借猛增的日活跃用户数量跃居Facebook游戏开发商排行榜第四位。之后,被劲敌PopCap公司反超,下滑至第五位。

此外据游戏邦了解,Digital Chocolate旗下热门社交游戏Millionaire City在今年也取得了不俗的成绩,成为Facebook社交网站增长速度第二快的公司。在11月新发布Hollywood City, Island God, Vegas City, Epic Fighters和Ninjas Rising等5款新游戏后,这家由Trip Hawkins创办的社交游戏公司目前总计有13款运营于社交网站。

trip hawkins

trip hawkins

目前据Appdata数据显示,Digital Chocolate凭借420万日活跃用户量位居排行榜第5位,其中Millionaire City占有近300万用户数。Digital Chocolate的排名超越了迪士尼公司7月以5亿6000万美元收购的社交游戏工作室Playdom。排名第四和第三的PopCap和CrowdStar公司日活跃用户都在430万左右,差距不大。而社交游戏巨头公司zynga以4590万日活跃用户的绝对优势高枕无忧地位居榜首。

近来,Digital Chocolate开始进军手机游戏领域。旗下三款游戏Millionaire City, MMA Pro Fighter和Hollywood City在iPhone和android手机平台发布后,下载超过1亿次。

Digital Chocolate公司总裁Marc Metis认为“Digital Chocolate同时进军Facebook和手机平台的市场定位使公司与业内其他公司有所不同。未来Digital Chocolate将继续开发各种成功的Facebook游戏,同时将社交游戏品牌拓展到iPhone,Android等领域。”(本文由游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译  转载请注明:游戏邦)

Social games developer Digital Chocolate claimed earlier today that it had jumped into fourth position in daily active users among Facebook game makers, according to data collated by AppData. Since then, the company jumped back one place to fifth, having been overtaken by close rival PopCap.

The news brings to a close a remarkable year for Digital Chocolate, with Millionaire City the second-fastest growing Facebook game of 2010. The Trip Hawkins-founded company now has 13 games on the social networking site after adding Hollywood City, Island God, Vegas City, Epic Fighters and Ninjas Rising last month.

AppData currently lists Digital Chocolate in fifth place on its chart, with 4.2 million daily active users, with almost 3m of those provided solely by Millionaire City, which ranks it above Playdom, which Disney bought in July for $560 million. PopCap and Crowdstar are both within reach, each with a shade over 4.3 million. Top spot would appear to be some way off, with social gaming giant Zynga leading the charge with 45.9 million.

Digital Chocolate has also expanded its reach in the mobile sector, with the company boasting over 100 million mobile downloads following iPhone and Android releases of Millionaire City, MMA Pro Fighter and Hollywood City.

“Our combined market positions on Facebook and mobile platforms make us a unique player in the industry,” says Marc Metis, President of Digital Chocolate. “We’ve broadened our success on Facebook across a well-developed portfolio and extended our social gaming brands onto new platforms like iPhone and Android.” (Source:next-gen)

