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Epic Games推出3D巨制iphone手机游戏Infinity Blade

发布时间:2010-12-10 11:08:56 Tags:,

据venturebeat消息,Epic Games日前推出了3D巨制iphone/ipad手机游戏Infinity Blade。(游戏邦注:社交游戏的3D时代已经开始)




此前此类游戏的专用平台是诸如PlayStation或者Nintendo DS的掌机。现在Infinity Blade在iphone/ipad平台上的视觉效果已经逐步逼近PlayStation或者Nintendo DS。

该技术的引入看起来可能是智能手机或者平板电脑游戏技术的一个新纪元。但是此举也可能意味着那些小团队靠着小制作也能成功的时代即将结束。(本文由游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译 转载请注明:游戏邦)

One of the long-awaited 3D games hit Apple’s App Store today.

Epic Games has launched its Infinity Blade fantasy combat game on the iPhone and iPad today. The title is a groundbreaking visual feast that shows that it is possible to make high-end games with rich 3D graphics on the Apple platforms. With titles like this one, dedicated game devices such as the PlayStation Portable and the Nintendo DS seem like they’re doomed. Infinity Blade looks so good it approaches console quality.

When you see something like this, it feels like the dawn of a new era on smartphones and tablets. In the past, weak graphics quality has been a turn-off for hardcore gamers. And with games like this coming out, the days may be over when small apps made by small teams can succeed.(source:venturebeat)

