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games:雅达利推Facebook游戏《Asteroids Online》

发布时间:2010-12-07 17:49:14 Tags:,,,

据悉,曾经风靡一时的电子游戏《Asteroids》现在已经通过发行商雅达利(Atari)公司,以《Asteroids Online》的新面目登陆Facebook网站。游戏邦发现,除了保留在80年代初期备受青睐的游戏玩法,《AsteroidsOnline》还添加了一系列针对社交游戏玩家的现代新功能。该游戏由Unity 3D引擎开发而成,其中许多小行星和飞船都以3D图像体现。值得注意的是,该游戏的重新调整和改良并不仅限于此,它可不是一款普通的Facebook游戏。

Asteroids Online 1

Asteroids Online 1

雅达利的用户体验副总裁帕特里克·福特(Patrick Ford)表示,希望自己的游戏能够与众不同,Facebook有成千上万种不同类型的用户,喜欢玩《FarmVille》的家庭主妇也许不会喜欢《Asteroids》,但相信一定会有众多其他玩家来捧场。

虽然该游戏的风格不变,但除了基本的“驾驶和射击”这项功能设置,其他玩法都已经与当初明显不同。虽然游戏指南还没有出炉,不过也不用担心,相关游戏说明应该很快就会面世。据游戏邦所知,虽然《Asteroids Online》更具有互动性,对玩家的操作技术要求也更高,但它与大多数社交游戏一样,都要求玩家要完成相应的“任务”。大多数任务还是让你把那些陨石轰炸成碎片,除此之外还有一些限时任务,让玩家在游戏中不得不分秒必争,也有一些让玩家与敌人面对面作战的任务。

Asteroids Online 2

Asteroids Online 2

在原先版本中,玩家要按键盘中的方向键指示飞船驾驶方向,按空格键可以发射炮弹,在《Asteroids Online》这一新版本中,如果你按快捷键“V”还可以激活一个名为“超空间”(Hyperspace)的新功能。这个新功能可以让你的飞船缩小,然后逃到一个小洞中避难,等危险过后再飞出来。如果你正急于脱险,这个功能就非常管用(当然,它也会拖延你再向敌人发动进攻的时间);这个方法也可以将敌人引进或引出小行星。


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Asteroids Online 3


Asteroids Online 4

Asteroids Online 4


另外要提醒各位的是,《Asteroids Online》目前仍处于测试阶段。看来雅达利正准备通过对这款曾经异常火爆的游戏进行大幅度的改造和调整,积极向Facebook社交游戏领域进军。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,转载请注明来源:游戏邦)

Atari and Asteroids blast onto Facebook with Asteroids Online

One of the original space odysseys in video gaming, Asteroids, has reached Facebook in the much updated form of Asteroids Online. Made possible by its original publisher, Atari, Asteroids Online brings back the same gameplay you adored in the early 80s onward with a massive suite of features designed for the modern, social gaming crowds. Using the now-popular Unity 3D engine, much of this Asteroids overhaul is in 3D including its various ships and the infamous asteroids. But the overhaul doesn’t stop there–this is not your average Facebook game. And that’s the whole point.

“We’re consciously trying to stay away from the mindless click fests,” Atari’s VP of Consumer Experience, Patrick Ford, told IGN. “There are millions of different types of people on Facebook. The FarmVille-playing housewives might not like Asteroids, but we’re confident plenty of people will.”

While this is still Asteroids, nearly everything aside from the basic gameplay of steer and shoot has changed. And with that said, a detailed tutorial is in order, but don’t worry–it won’t be too long before you get to blow stuff up. Asteroids Online operates in Missions, like most social games, though these are far more interactive and skill-based than most . And while most of them involve blowing flying hunks of rock to bits, there are some that pit you against the clock or toe-to-toe with alien enemies.

In addition to the original combat of steering your ship via the arrows keys and firing away furiously with the space bar, the ‘V’ key activates an interesting ability called “Hyperspace.” This new feature warps your ship into a wormhole of sorts and back out into usually a safe area, which is perfect for when you’re in a pinch and need to get out fast. (Though, it does take time to recharge.) This is also useful for luring enemy aliens into asteroids, which can take them out too (and they don’t have shields).

Missions are split up into three Sectors, or rounds. Your job in each Sector is to destroy enough rock chunks to fill up the meter on the top right corner of the screen completely. However, each new round isn’t exactly a fresh start as the damage to your shields will carry over into the next Sector until you complete the mission. Luckily in this version of the game, death isn’t necessarily ‘Game Over.’ But if your ship sustains maximum damage, you will have to pay up in Credits to repair or if you’re too low on Credits you may abandon the mission. Doing this will result in you losing the Energy needed to access the mission. Abort too many times and you’ll be at a standstill.

Of course, Energy is what drives your actions in this game and you’ll need gobs of it if you want to play for longer than a few missions at a time. In addition to Energy refilling over time, players can currently gift each other Energy in packs of 40. You can also purchase Atari Credits to pay for more Energy in packs of 400, 1,000, 2,000 and 4,000 for $5, $12.50, $25 and $50, respectively. This paid currency can also be used to speed along the timed process of ship upgrades which cost Credits regardless, the game’s natural currency found through blasting asteroids while on Missions.

Much unlike the original Asteroids, this update contains six ships with several different weapon and shield configurations. Believe it or not, this multitude of ships and weapons matters when it comes to dealing with the game’s variety of enemies and situations. They’ll also be necessary when moving onward to new star systems, which can be accessed through the game’s Galactic Map feature. Each new area requires a certain amount of experience to enter and will be blocked off by a red beam until that time comes. These additional zones will certainly contain more missions and hopefully more ships and weapons, but it’s too early to tell given the game just launched recently.

Keeping in mind that Asteroids Online is still in its beta phase. There are still a number of mysterious features like “Champion” and “Challenge” that have yet to surface in addition to what appears to be a worldwide leaderboard. Despite the lack of these features, Atari has come out swinging on Facebook through a massive overhaul to one of the most beloved retro games and transforming it into something relevant.(

