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Windows Mobile侧重企业路线,WP7争取大众市场

发布时间:2010-11-29 11:18:30 Tags:,,,,

据市场调研公司Distimo最近的报告所称,微软Windows Phone 7现在最热卖的付费应用是游戏,这一点和其他手机操作系统类似,但明显与Windows Mobile原先的定位截然不同。



微软在收复手机操作系统市场份额方面已经算是小有作为,现在WP7平台上超过半数的应用售价低于2美元,而在之前的Windows Mobile操作系统中,以如此价格出售的应用还不到40%。另外,微软的应用商店运营也收获颇丰,在一个多月的时间里就聚集了3000款左右的产品;反观Window Mobile,它问世一年多也才笼络了1350款应用。

WP7的登场可谓微软的一次成功转型,因为微软在企业手机操作系统领域的地位已被削弱,所以它的亮相也标志着微软终于迈入以手机应用为主导的时代。与iPhone和许多Android手机所走的路线一样,WP7手机比Windows Mobile更适合典型的大众用户。

微软的这种战略调整很可能与RIM在企业手机市场的强大势力存在有关,RIM最近在该市场领域的用户已达4600万人左右,苹果在这一细分市场也有相当规模的用户。这两者虽然各有所长,但性能都比Windows Mobile操作系统更加超前。


这并不是说微软在企业手机市场就毫无发挥余地,因为WP7还绑定了微软强大的办公应用,而在这方面能与其抗衡的只有DataViz公司推出的Documents to Go文件编辑办公应用。而且DataViz公司被RIM收购后,就立即停止了对WebOS手机操作系统的支持,所以该办公应用究竟能否与微软同类产品一争高下仍然是个未知数。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,转载请注明来源:游戏邦)

Report: Windows Mobile was for work, Windows Phone 7 is for fun

Microsoft seems to have a new mantra: When all else fails, shoot for a bigger audience.

All of Microsoft’s top-downloaded paid applications for its newest Windows Phone 7 mobile devices are games — much like other mobile operating systems — compared to just one for its older Windows Mobile operating system, according to a report by Distimo.

Microsoft is running a pretty well-known and reliable play to reclaim its share in the mobile operating system space. More than half of Microsoft’s applications on its Windows Phone 7 operating system are now less than $2, compared to less than 40 percent of apps on its old Windows Mobile operating system. That’s in line with other app stores. Its app store has grown to around 3,000 applications in just over a month. That’s compared to only 1,350 applications available for Windows Mobile after the operating system has been out for a year.

It’s a marked shift in Microsoft’s strategy, since its presence in the enterprise mobile operating system space has diminished. Windows Phone 7 finally brought Microsoft’s mobile operating systems into an age that is dominated by apps. The phone is geared much more toward typical consumers, like the iPhone and many phones running on Google’s Android operating system.

A lot of Microsoft’s refocus may have to do with Research in Motion (RIM)’s presence as a smartphone maker of choice for the enterprise. RIM currently dominates the enterprise mobile phone market with around 46 million customers. Apple is also charging into the enterprise space. Both of these operating systems are, in their own ways, superior to the classic Windows Mobile operating system.

That leaves little room for operating systems that are late to the party. Windows Phone 7 came out about a month ago and has since scrambled to catch up with the rest of the smartphone market. The mobile operating system has already picked up 15,000 developers in a short period of time and is growing quickly. But Apple and RIM already have the jump on Windows Phone 7. They’ve been playing in a market dominated by apps for a few years now.

That isn’t to say Microsoft can’t reclaim its presence in the enterprise space. Microsoft is able to integrate its Office applications into its mobile interface. The closest thing to that on other mobile operating systems is Documents to Go by DataViz. But that company was acquired by Research in Motion, which quickly killed support for the WebOS mobile operating system — so the future of that application on competing platforms is unclear.(source:venturebeat)

