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Facebook Credits现身英国零售商店开始国际化进程

发布时间:2010-11-18 10:23:14 Tags:,,

之前我们刚刚报道了Facebook Credits从线上交易走向了线下贩售,包括Target、沃尔玛、百思买、GameStop、Radio Shack和Safeway等零售商店(含游戏)都开始对外(含美国和加拿大地区)发售面值5美元到50美元不等的Facebook Credits,同时还通过7-Eleven和CoinStar进行相似促销。

facebook credits

facebook credits

现在据英国每日电讯报的报道,Facebook Credits已经现身英国本土零售商店开始国际化进程。消息称从本周起英国当地的Tesco和Game shops都将开始对外发售Facebook Credits。

Facebook Credits对于facebook来讲意味着潜在的巨大营收市场。以facebook平台上的社交游戏为例,仅仅zynga就对外宣称他们总共有超过3亿2000万的游戏用户,而zynga旗下的游戏绝大部分是支持Facebook Credits进行虚拟交易的。对于facebook来说通过Facebook Credits他们能从开发者那里或者30%的交易营收。

执掌Facebook Credits和facebook社交游戏的Deborah Liu对每日电讯报宣称尽管Facebook Credits目前仅支持facebook网站,但是其影响范围足以辐射那些加入Facebook Connect使用Facebook ID的网站。(本文由游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,转载请注明:游戏邦)

Facebook Credits, the popular digital currency used within social gaming on the Facebook Platform, can now be purchased in-person at retailers in the UK, a move that has much broader implications.

Users will be able to purchase gift cards with pre-loaded euro amounts at Tesco and Game stores reports The Telegraph.  This is coming on the heels of last week’s addition of Facebook Credits gift cards to U.S. retailers Safeway, GameStop, and RadioShack.  Previously, gift cards could only be purchased at Target, Best Buy and Walmart in the U.S. and Canada.  Facebook has also offered promotions to buy credits through 7-Eleven and CoinStar.

This is a huge source of potential revenue for Facebook.  Accordingly to Zynga CEO Mark Pincus, who spoke at yesterday’s Web 2.0 Summit, Zynga’s gaming base boasts an astounding 320 million users, most using the Facebook Platform.  Zynga’s games, which include Mafia Wars, FarmVille, FishVille, and others require the use of Facebook Credits to advance or unlock certain features.

Facebook currently takes a 30% cut of all transactions in which Facebook Credits are used.

The strategic timing of Facebook’s unveiling is clear: stocking stuffers.  As we get full-swing into the holiday shopping season, retailers are sure to promote Facebook Credits as an open-ended alternative to traditional gift cards that doesn’t require the redeemer to return to the retailer, something many parents may find worth considering.  Similarly, the gift cards allow children and those without credit cards to purchase Facebook Credits by using cash.(source:all facebook)


Social network Facebook has announced the UK launch of its virtual currency “Facebook Credits”. From this week, gift cards for the new currency will be sold in Tesco and Game shops.

Facebook Credits can only be used to buy virtual objects, for instance in games, and can also be earned through some applications in the same manner as air miles. More than 200 apps and games currently accept Credits, and 22 of the 25 Facebook apps use them. Farmville, the most popular game on Facebook, is one of the more than 50 per cent of games to adopt the currency.

Deborah Liu, manager of product marketing for Facebook Credits and games at Facebook, told the Telegraph that although Credits could currently only be spent on itself, their reach could expand beyond the main site using Facebook Connect, which allows users to login to other sites with their Facebook ID. (source:telegraph)

