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Massive Black(有上海办公室)人事变动创始人兼CEO离职

发布时间:2010-05-27 07:18:14 Tags:,,,

知名游戏公司Massive Black日前宣布了一项人事异动,前创始人兼首席执行官Jason Manley正式离任自己主政6年的岗位,由原来的联合创始人Chris Hatala履新顶替。

massive black

massive black

Massive Black总部位于旧金山,在中国上海设有分部。该公司曾经推出业界数款重磅游戏,诸如StarCraft II(星球大战2), God of War III(战神3), Diablo 3(暗黑破坏神3), BioShock 2(生化奇兵2), Killzone 2(杀戮地带2), Dragon Age(龙腾世纪)等游戏(呃,款款血腥劲爆,但是市场表现良好)。



Jason Manley称赞继任者Chris Hatala是Massive Black游戏公司能够获得成功的关键功臣,他有能力继续带领Massive Black获得成功。

Jason Manley is leaving the posts of president and CEO at Massive Black, the game art outsourcing company he founded and led for six years, as co-founder Chris Hatala takes up the reins.

According to a statement made by the San Francisco-based studio today, Manley will remain on the company’s board of directors, but plans to spend more of his time tending to his websites and The Art Department. Both sites have been long-time affiliates of Massive Black, with many of the firm’s key employees sourced from the former site’s community.

For the five years prior to taking his new roles as president and CEO, film industry veteran Hatala served as the company’s animation director.

In addition to its San Francisco headquarters, Massive Black operates a Shanghai studio. It has recently contributed to StarCraft II, God of War III, Diablo 3, BioShock 2, Killzone 2, Dragon Age, and numerous other major games.

Manley praised his successor in today’s announcement. “Chris is a key reason Massive Black is respected in the field of entertainment and art production,” he said. “I have trusted his levelheaded approach to business, creative voice and problem solving abilities since we began working together in 2004.”

