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Digital Chocolate旗下Facebook游戏月活跃用户突破2000万

发布时间:2010-11-16 10:39:27 Tags:,,,

最近,手机和社交游戏开发公司Digital Chocolate公布其Facebook游戏的月活跃用户量突破2000万大关。这一记录距离上次突破1200万大关仅仅不到两个月时间。

Digital Chocolate还称其新增日活跃用户多于其他Facebook应用。其中,大部分新玩家主要涌向该公司最热门的社交游戏Millionaire City。据AppData数据显示,该款游戏目前以1240万月活跃用户量排名Facebook热门游戏第7位。

Digital Chocolate

Digital Chocolate

手机和社交游戏开发公司Digital Chocolate在2003年由Trip Hawkins创建,公司总部位于美国旧金山,在赫尔辛基、巴塞罗那、保加利亚和墨西卡里都设有办公司。旗下知名的手机和社交游戏包括格斗游戏Pro Fighter, Rollercoaster Rush, Tower Bloxx和上文提到的Millionaire City。

在本月的前两周,Digital chocolate发布了4款新Facebook游戏:两部Millionaire City的姊妹作——Hollywood City和Vegas City,另两部为Island God和Epic Fighters。该公司计划在本月末发布第5款游戏。目前Digital chocolate是Facebook社交网站上排名第10的应用开发商。

facebook dev

facebook dev

同时,Digital Chocolate还公布旗下游戏iPhone和Android等智能手机设备的下载量超过8000万。该公司已发布iPhone版Millionaire City,而Android版的也即将上市。

该公司总裁Marc Metis表示,“在Facebook平台的快速发展使Digital chocolate脱颖而出。同时,我们在社交游戏开发,Facebook和手机开发领域、全球发展策略和技术规模等方面都拥有自己独特的优势。”(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,转载请注明来源:游戏邦)

Mobile and social game developer Digital Chocolate says its Facebook titles now have 20 million monthly active users — a milestone reached less than two months after the studio hit the 12 million mark.

Digital Chocolate claims to have attracted more new daily active users than any other app developer on Facebook. Many of those new users are playing Millionaire City, the studio’s biggest title and the seventh most popular game on Facebook with 12.4 million users, according to figures from AppData.

Founded in 2003 by Trip Hawkins and headquartered in San Mateo, Digital Chocolate has offices in Helsinki, Barcelona, Bangalore, and Mexicali. It is best known for mobile and social game releases like MMA Pro Fighter, Rollercoaster Rush, Tower Bloxx, and the aforementioned Millionaire City.

The studio has launched four titles on Facebook in the past two weeks — Hollywood City, Island God, Vegas City, and Epic Fighters — and plans to introduce one more game later this month. Digital Chocolate is currently the tenth biggest application developer on Facebook.

Digital Chocolate also notes that its games have seen over 80 million downloads on smartphones like Apple’s iPhone and Google’s Android devices. It has released an iPhone edition of Millionaire City, and an Android edition is forthcoming.

“Our growth across the world’s most exciting platforms separates us from the crowd,” says Digital Chocolate president Marc Metis. “We are unique in combining social gaming expertise, leadership on both Facebook and mobile, a global approach, technology leverage, and scale.” (Source:Gamasutra)

