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下载量超100万次 Glu Mobile手机社交游戏初战告捷

发布时间:2010-11-15 10:07:06 Tags:,,,

日前,手机游戏发行商Glu Mobile公司宣布其最新推出的两款免费模式的iPhone游戏,《Gun Bros》和《Toy Shop Adventures》各自下载量都超过了100万次。

其中,《Gun Bros》最近每日平均活跃用户超过了10万人,《Toy Shop Adventures》的日均活跃用户人数为7万。



据了解,这两款游戏均采用广告赞助和游戏内置付费功能的创收模式,是Glu首席执行官Niccolo de Masi将公司业务转向社交性、“可持续发展”游戏的战略步骤之一。

Niccolo de Masi表示,Glu首次推出的这两款手机社交游戏获得成功,让他们大为振奋,并表示每季度将针对智能手机和平板电脑,推出5到6款的新社交手机游戏,满足用户对优质、创新的手机社交游戏的需求。



1m downloads each for Glu’s first two social mobile games

Mobile games publisher Glu Mobile has announced that its two recently-released freemium iPhone games, Gun Bros and Toy Shop Adventures, have both been downloaded more than one million times.

What’s more, Gun Bros is currently averaging more than 100,000 daily active users, while Toyshop Adventures has 70,000.

The two games both rely on a mixture of ads and in-app purchases to make money, and are part of a turnaround strategy from CEO Niccolo de Masi to shift Glu into social ‘persistent’ games.

“We are thrilled with the reception to our first social mobile games,” he says.

“We expect to release five or six new social mobile titles every quarter on smartphones and tablets to satisfy mobile gamers’ appetite for quality, innovative gameplay and social mobile games.”

Glu hasn’t said how much those Gun Bros and Toyshop Adventures players are spending.

In its recent Q3 financial results, Glu said it made $590,000 from micro-transactions and in-game advertising in its games. It will be hoping the growing communities for its two new games will boost that figure in Q4.(source:mobile-ent)

