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发布时间:2018-09-03 09:25:38 Tags:,,


原作者:Haydn Taylor 译者:Willow Wu

《行尸走肉:我们的世界》(The Walking Dead:Our World)和《侏罗纪世界Alive》(Jurassic World:Alive)这两款AR新游本想利用Pokémon Go所创造的巨大市场需求为这些玩家们呈上新的LBS盛宴,但是事实证明玩家并不买账。无论是《行尸走肉》还是《侏罗纪世界》都没有进入榜单的前十,更别提要动摇Niantic在增强现实领域的主导地位了。

根据Apptopia的统计,《行尸走肉》发行首周的IAP收入是63万美元,《侏罗纪世界》是48.8万美元,跟Pokémon Go的2700万差了几十倍。


ar games(from

ar games(from


尽管《行尸走肉》的市场表现比《侏罗纪世界》好(两者的首周下载量分别为100万和90万),但它们跟Pokémon Go的3000万完全不在一个等级。


同是AR游戏的《捉鬼敢死队世界》(Ghostbusters World)将在今年晚些时候发行,但鉴于Pokémon Go在这个领域中难以撼动的主导地位,即使是重量级的IP产品也很难再现如此规模的成功。

Apptopia联合创始人&COO Jonathan Kay表示“游戏机制和IP密切相关的产品更能吸引玩家,这就是《行尸走肉》表现略胜一筹的原因,而且它应该还会一直赢下去。《行尸走肉》游戏的核心就是灭僵尸,在末世中生存下来,就跟电视剧一模一样。

“Pokémon Go的成功原因是多方面的,包括它跟动画、电影、早期游戏的密切关联性。




Aspirations that The Walking Dead: Our World and Jurassic World: Alive could capitalise on the insatiable consumer appetite for Pokémon Go have fallen short.

Neither Jurassic World or the Walking Dead have been able break the top ten, let alone trouble Niantic’s dominant position as the defacto augmented reality mobile experience.

According to data from Apptopia, first week IAP revenue of The Walking Dead and Jurassic World games was $630,000 and $488,000 respectively, compared to the $27 million of Pokémon Go.

Since launching on May 23 the peak ranking of Jurassic World was No. 21; The Walking Dead fared even worse and has only climbed as high as No. 94 since its July 12 release.

It is worth noting that Jurassic World was only live in Europe and Asia for its first week, launching globally on May 31.

While The Walking Dead is outperforming Jurassic World, with one million first week downloads compared to 900,000, both again drag miles behind Pokémon Go’s first week which saw the game downloaded over 30 million times.

Currently there isn’t enough data to know whether there is any crossover between Jurassic World/Walking Dead players, and Pokémon Go players.

However, with Ghostbusters World set to release later this year, Pokémon Go has set a clear trend in mobile AR games, but it seems that even the biggest franchises around are struggling to generate anywhere near the same level of success.

“Games whose functions closely resemble that of their associated IP are more engaging,” Apptopia co-founder and COO Jonathan Kay tells

“This is why The Walking Dead is doing better than, and will continue to outpace Jurassic World. The Walking Dead is about killing zombies and surviving, which is exactly what the show is about.

“Pokémon Go is successful for a multitude of reasons, including its close correlation to TV show, movies and older games.

“And as simple as this sounds, people love collecting things – so when collection goes hand and hand with experiencing what the characters in the IP experience, you typically have a winner.

“Jurassic World has the collecting aspect but this isn’t really what the characters in the movies are focused on so it doesn’t work as well.

“Given this, I think Ghostbusters World will end up being more successful than Jurassic World and The Walking Dead.

“It appears the premise of the game closely resembles what the characters in the movie went through, which includes collecting ghosts.”(

