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发布时间:2017-12-11 14:53:47 Tags:,,


原作者:Jon Jordan 译者:Willow Wu


我对MZ(Machine Zone)模式和历史有特殊偏好,但不得不说2017年7月,是MZ自己作死的一月

2017年6月起,MZ为了强推梦幻新作Final Fantasy XV:A New Empire进行了挖坑行动,资源大量倾斜给Final Fantasy XV:A New Empire

但很遗憾Final Fantasy XV:A New Empire不是头部产品(没有强势崛起,反倒陷入口碑泥沼)

自2017年7月,Game of War-Fire Age自2013年上架以来,历史上第一次出现下载和营收同步断崖式下滑

自2017年7月,Mobile Strike自2015年上架以来,历史上第一次出现下载和营收同步断崖式下滑

Game of War-Fire Age和Mobile Strike的全球表现甚至要弱于Clash of kings


Final Fantasy XV:A New Empire的失误,将100亿美元估值的超级公司,瞬间拉低好几个身位

machine zone(from

machine zone(from


参阅:对于相对依赖营销驱动的Machine Zone而言,错误的资源倾向(资源大量倾斜给Final Fantasy XV:A New Empire),就有可能带来灾难,减少持续资源支撑的Game of War-Fire Age和Mobile Strike自架以来,历史上第一次出现下载和营收同步断崖式下滑

最近pocket gamer网站也出现了一篇类似的话题探讨,如下:


从2013年开始到2015年,MZ的4X策略手游Game of War和Mobile Strike在全球各大应用商店相继登顶,无论是Game of War还是Mobile Strike都能在一年内狂捞几十亿美金。






下载榜的数据是最明显的,我们看的是Google Play商店,比较清楚,但是在苹果商店那边情况也是一样。

多亏了MZ没有中断营销投入,Game of War和Mobile Strike的下载量在6月底之前都还保持在前50的位置,然后它们就跳水般地掉出了前100。到7月中旬的时候,这两个游戏被远远地甩到了500名之后。




从某种程度来说,这种突然下滑的原因是显而易见的。六月末,MZ发行了《最终幻想15》,这是他们跟Square Enix联手制作的手游。

但这并不是说MZ没有投入大量资金去运营这个代理游戏、吸引新玩家,他们还请了模特兼网红Alexis Ren拍摄宣传视频呢。

正是因为这个《最终幻想15》还在Google Play下载榜单的前50之中,但是显然跟7月之前的Mobile Strike差远了。

然而我们可以看到《最终幻想15》现在是Google Play美国地区盈利前十的游戏之一,而且数据还在上升,朝着前五奔去,这说明MZ的营销投入还是有些作用的。



Game of War和Mobile Strike都是非常成功的产品,但是随着它们的寿命逐渐步入晚期,如果要让它们继续保持在盈利榜单靠前的位置,MZ所需的营销投入可能会越来越多。


相较之下,很容易就可以算出来花更少的钱在《最终幻想15》上,让它成为收益前五的游戏之一,能得到更多的利润。就算把付给Square Enix特许权费和公司整体的收益下滑算进去,也还是能收获可观的盈利。


鉴于MZ所创造的成功,我想无论是哪个老牌游戏公司都会很乐意跟Square Enix一样,跟MZ签署类似的授权协议。



Despite being a longstanding admirer of MZ’s business operations, the question that has to be asked is what the hell is going on at the US mobile game developer?

Since 2013 and 2015 respectively its 4X strategy games Game of War and Mobile Strike have sat atop the world’s app stores, each generating an estimated billion dollars annually.

Of course, that sort of success hasn’t come easy or cheaply.

Not even committed players of the games would dispute they are hardcore experiences, heavy on metagame, and aggressive in their alliance-focused monetisation.

For that reason, MZ has been in the vanguard of mobile game marketing, both in terms of absolute spending as well as creative innovation in terms of how and where it spends.

But as a cursory look at the app store charts shows, it looks like those two games have effectively been sunsetted.

Dropping like stones

The download chart is the most revealing; we’re using Google Play as it’s clearer, but the same is true for the Apple App Store.

Thanks to MZ’s continued marketing, both Game of War and Mobile Strike were top 50 games in terms of downloads until the end of June when they dropped like a stone out of the top 100. Indeed, by mid-July both games were outside the top 500.

Given their committed player base, cutting off the supply of new players hasn’t had such a dramatic impact in terms of their top grossing position, but it has had an impact.

From the start of July, the games dropped out of their usual top five position in the US, dropping out of the top 10 during October. If the current trajectory is maintained they could be outside the top 50 by the start of 2018.

Changing of the guards

On one level, the reason for this sudden reversal is obvious. At the end of June, MZ released Final Fantasy XV, its co-production with Square Enix.

The game is very similar to MZ’s previous 4X games, but the appeal of the licence should make a bigger game in terms of player numbers and more efficient on a dollar-to-download level to market.
Not that MZ isn’t spending big to push the game both in terms of in-game UA and wider campaigns, using model and influencer Alexis Ren.

For that reason it’s one of the top 50 most downloaded games on Google Play, but significantly not at the same high level that Mobile Strike experienced prior to the July switch-off.

Yet, on that basis, we can see the marketing spend has been more efficient as Final Fantasy XV is now within the top 10 top grossing games on Google Play in the US and continuing to rise towards the top five.

What’s next?

And this is the real reason MZ has taken what appears to be such a radical decision.

Both Game of War and Mobile Strike were very successful, but as they aged, the amount of marketing spend required to keep them at the top of the grossing charts was likely increasing.

No doubt, MZ is a highly profitable company but the difference of spending 30% of turnover on marketing compared to spending say 50% of turnover on marketing is stark in terms of overall profitability.

In that context, it’s a fairly simple calculation to work out how much more profitable it will be to spend less marketing Final Fantasy XV into a top five grossing position, even given the royalty fee paid to Square Enix and a decline in overall revenues.

So, perhaps, what will be more significant to see is what MZ does next.

Given its previous and current success, every traditional game company on the planet would happily sign a Square Enix-type licensing deal with MZ.

It likely has its own homegrown ideas about new games too, although given a chronological release sequence that reads 2013, 2015 and 2017, it may be some time before its intentions are clear.

(source: pocket gamer )

