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发布时间:2017-12-01 14:38:13 Tags:,

原文作者:Mike Fahey 译者:Megan Shieh



Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds


只要你熟悉了按钮的布局,盲目地加入战斗其实也没那么糟糕。游戏手柄上的四个按钮是用来出脚和出拳的,包括轻拳、轻脚、重拳、重脚。 除此之外,每个角色都可以实现一个基本的连击组合——轻拳+轻脚+重拳+重脚。做完这些动作之后,你还可以出一个下蹲重脚,这样你的对手就会飞到空中去啦;然后你需要乘胜追击,继续战斗。一旦你掌握了这一点,就可以开始组合不同的自定义动作了,也许还可以在使用连击的时候换人攻击。如果你是那种不怎么会用组合动作的玩家, 那么《漫画英雄VS卡普空:无限》对你来说会是很好的起点。



我选择了春丽(Chun-Li)和神奇队长(Captain Marvel),因为我喜欢这两个角色;后来我发现在回合开始的时候,神奇队长能够轻易地躲开冥王(Jedah)的攻击炮弹,但是刚开始的时候我不知道这个功能,所以就傻傻的站在那里挨打。






《漫画英雄vs卡普空:无限》里我唯一不确定的一点是无限宝石。一共有六颗宝石,这些宝石会赋予玩家特殊的能力,能够帮助他们扭转战局。它们到底是有用的工具,还是烦恼的来源? 我已经记不清有多少次差点就赢了,然后有一个玩家用灵魂宝石发起一场无限风暴,让一个倒下的小队成员满血复活,并卷土重来。真烦人。





The story side of Marvel Vs. Capcom Infinite stumbles in trying to achieve a semblance of order amidst the clashing of discordant fictional worlds, but the multiplayer action is just as intense and chaotic as it’s ever been, with spectacular battles that are enjoyable no matter which side comes out on top.

While I played through Marvel Vs. Capcom Infinite’s story and arcade modes multiple times leading up to Tuesday’s release, I’ve only just begun testing my skills against other players.

Eventually I will pick a pair of fighters from the 30-strong launch roster that complement each other’s strengths and weaknesses, take them both through their challenges in Mission Mode and really get to know them inside and out. But for now I’m just picking characters I like and seeing how they handle against real people.

Going into battle blind isn’t so bad, as long as you’ve got the hang of the button layout. The four face buttons on the controller are kicks and punches, with heavy and light versions of both. Every character can perform a basic combo by stringing them together in the right order—light punch, light kick, heavy punch, heavy kick. Drop a crouching heavy punch to the end of that and your opponent’s in the air, ready to be pursued and pummeled, keeping the combo going. Once you’ve mastered that, start weaving different special moves in, maybe swap out your characters in mid-combo, spice things up. If you’re the kind of player who has trouble stringing combos together in fighting games, Marvel Vs. Capcom Infinite is a good place to start.

And if you’re the kind of player who’d rather not bother learning, there are a series of assists that can be enabled or disabled. Auto-combo, which I keep forgetting to turn off, turns repeated presses of the light punch button into a basic combo, while auto-jump makes sure your character follows a launched enemy into the air. The easy hyper combo option makes pulling off otherwise complicated super moves into a squeeze of a shoulder button. These assists can make the most novice of novices put on a good show at the very least.

If you want to learn the game properly, turn the assists off, something I failed to do in one of my earliest online matches, seen below. I picked Chun-Li and Captain Marvel because I like the characters, not because I knew Captain Marvel could easily slide under Jedah’s projectile attack at the beginning of the round. I did not, hence the standing, blocking and looking puzzled.
I lost the match above, but I put on a good show. I blocked, I used my advance guards techniques. I exhibited patience. Had I been a little more familiar with my characters’ movesets, I might have prevailed.

Then I accidentally hit rematch and went full-on button-mashing monster.

I feel like I accomplished more in the first match, but damn if the second wasn’t a lot of fun as well.

There are four online modes in Marvel Vs. Capcom Infinite: Ranked, Casual, the Beginners League and Lobby. The first two are self-explanatory, and an endless source of entertainment via both colorful losses and skin-of-your-teeth wins. The Beginners League is a special area for the lowest ranks to compete for graduation into the big leagues. It’s a good place to flail against other players with all of your might, with no regards to things like strategy or defense. We’re learning together, you guys.

Meanwhile, in the lobbies, players group together and take turns fighting and watching each other fight. I like to hang out in the lobbies most of all.

The only aspect of Marvel Vs. Capcom Infinite I’m still not sure about are the Infinity Stones, six gems that grant players special abilities capable of turning the tide of battle. Are they useful tools, or sources of abject annoyance? I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve nearly won a match only to have a player using the Soul Stone initiate an Infinity Storm, resurrecting a downed team member and staging a massive comeback. So annoying.

On the other hand, say you’re in a match with a player who instantly begins juggling you all to hell with Thor, and then tries to set you up for it over and over again. To me it seems like a good moment to start spamming the ever-loving-hell out of the Time Stone, rapidly dodging back and forth across the screen with no rhyme nor reason, snatching victory from the jaws of defeat.
Is that too much power? Since the match above I’ve been actively avoiding choosing the Time Stone in order to avoid temptation. We’ll have to see how it all plays out as the competition settles.

One win, two losses (at least two that I’ve posted video of here), and three very entertaining matches. I’ll never be the best at Marvel Vs. Capcom Infinite, but I’m having the best time not getting there. (  )

