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发布时间:2017-11-10 09:28:31 Tags:,

作者:Dean Kakahashi 译者ciel chen






Apptopia公司对这些游戏进行分析发现,《Toy Blast》是年均增长率最高的游戏(28.7%)。同时,在已经上市一年以上的游戏中——它还是其中有14天的最高用户留存率,或者在14天之后仍然在玩游戏的玩家的百分比最高的一款游戏。

“如果你想要从移动广告里赚钱,比起应用内购买量(IAP),你需要更多的用户留存率,”Apptopia的品牌推广大使Adam Blacker在博客中这样说道。“发行商需要寻找到他们的核心用户群体,并通过用户愿意花钱的方式来赚钱。如果游戏的软件内购买量的比例设置得越重,似乎越难留住玩家,只留下‘鲸鱼’”


“以个人经验来说,我玩了《海岛奇兵》一两个礼拜我就不玩了,因为我得不断充钱来打败别人,而像《Toy Blast》这样的游戏因为可以通过广告赚钱,不需要我去购买什么道具也能拥有游戏的美好时光。《Toy Blast》的用户留存量从第一天开始到第七天下滑比较明显,不过从第7天之后,一直到第30天,它也就才下降了几个百分点。


It’s a big accomplishment for a mobile game to get a lot of players. And it’s still more difficult to keep them around.

Hanging on to users, known as retention, is important to generate loyalty among them. And since loyal users tend to spend more money in free-to-play games, retention is often viewed as key to monetization.

But Boston-based mobile app intelligence firm Apptopia studied retention data from 16 popular mobile games. It found that top-grossing games do not experience the same high retention that top-ranked overall apps do

Of the games the company analyzed, Apptopia found that Toy Blast experienced the most year-over-year growth (28.7 percent). It also has the highest 14-day retention rate, or percentage of players that are still playing the game after 14 days, for games that have been on the market more than a year.

“If you want to monetize from mobile ads, you will certainly need higher retention than an in-app-purchase (IAP) heavy game,” said Adam Blacker, brand ambassador at Apptopia, in a blog post. “Publishers need to find their core users and monetize them how they like to be monetized. The heavier on IAPs a game is to compete, it seems the less likely it is to retain users, leaving behind the whales.”

Whales are the users who spend a huge amount of money in a game by making in-app purchases. Blacker said that strategy games are typically heavy on IAPs.

“As a personal example, I stopped playing Boom Beach after one or two weeks because I needed to constantly spend money to compete, but games like Toy Blast also monetize off of ads and do not require me to purchase anything in order to have a good time,” Blacker said. “Retention slides the most from day one to day seven. After day seven, it only drops a few percentage points until day 30.”(

