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发布时间:2017-04-05 09:24:37 Tags:,,

本文原作者:Sean Cleaver 译者:ciel chen


16年游戏行业的出色表现是在为17年做铺垫的,我相当期待在这个惊人的行业里能有更多的游戏和令人兴奋的消息。个人想法是:我期待看到微软和索尼在电子娱乐展览会(E3)上对Scorpio细节、VR平台的进化进行公开,以及希望有更多实验性游戏能发行。游戏方面的话,我期待《Ghost Recon: Wildlands》的发行,因为我一直是这系列游戏的粉丝。在看了《西部世界第一季》后我同样已经为玩《Red Dead Redemption 2》调整好了情绪。(Stefano Petrullo ——Renaissance的PR)

Daybreak Game Company(from

Daybreak Game Company(from

就我个人而言的期望的话,我希望我的房子可以完工我好从我住了两年的房车里搬出来。就公司层面期望来讲,我希望我们自筹资金发行的《Sniper Elite 4》能在评价与商业上都获得成功。(Jason kingsley——Rebellion游戏开发公司的共同创始人)


第二是Xbox Scorpio。自从Xbox One发行以来,微软都沉浸在对游戏机做出大胆改进的尝试里。事实上升级硬件规格是非常重要的,这将转变人们对系统的看法——未来会变的很有趣。


最后是对未知的期待。因为坦白说,12个月以前从没有人会想到一个AR游戏《精灵宝可梦》可以一夜之间风靡全球。同样12个月以前,没人想过小岛制作室(KOJIMA)会解散,《莎木3》或者STEAM Machine的消息会这样来去匆匆。6个月以后的游戏界是个什么样子真的无法预料,然而这也正是我喜欢游戏的原因。(Rob Crossley——Creative England数字游戏主管)

作为游戏的创建者和开发者,我们为我们的工艺技术感到自豪,我们让作品为自己代言。2017年我很期待一年一度的游戏开发者大会在旧金山举行,因为这次大会是首次针对用户体验(EX)举办的峰会。这表明游戏行业正在成熟,我们不只研究如何开发游戏我们还开始探索用户如何玩游戏。我将在那里进行我的第一次个人演讲,同样我还期待着和用户体验从业同僚的见面,看我们如何为玩家共同构建最佳娱乐体验——我们要不仅应对得了多样化的科技还要能迎合多样化的用户。对于即将到来的新第一年里,我为游戏行业的各种可能性感到振奋。在这个时代周期的舞台上,我们经常能在台前看到那些极富创意的作品,而我则很庆幸能加入到他们的队伍中去。(Anisa Sanusi—— UI/UX 设计者)

我希望2017年是PSVR和移动VR游戏向大众市场进发的一年。有那么多酷炫的科技和VR的demo就在那儿,我想如果要是能有大型AAA级价值的游戏机游戏进入市场,这将有助于这种硬件的普及化。还有就是希望google daydream(VR眼镜)的发布也能让我们看到一些很酷的移动游戏体验。(Stig Strand—— Amiqus公司)

我对任天堂swtich非常期待。非常多开发者在手机游戏投注了相当多的心血,所以我们现在才能看到一些新型手游、接触到一些很酷的手游概念。然而些热情却是我希望能有所减少来增加到美好的任天堂游戏中去的。(Simon Phillips, 22cans的CEO)

我真的非常希望在2017年能举办更多精彩的游戏音乐会——在这一点上今年的表现真的非常精彩,这些精彩中包括我自己的原创作品《Dear Esther》在巴比肯艺术中心的演奏。我已经迫不及待想要听到看到更多世界级交响乐队能演奏游戏音乐了,要知道这种音乐类型已经变得越发丰富多彩和振奋人心了。我的目标是在2018年能有一场游戏音乐舞会,同样地,我想我们能实现这个愿景!(The Chinese Room的作曲家和共同创建者,Jessica Curry)

对于明年,Switch真的是非常吸引我们眼球的一款游戏机,更强的续航和全新的界面应该意味着有希望产生创新型的IP。同样地我期望能看到像Hololense这样的AR/VR平台还会带给我们什么新惊喜、以及开发者要如何用它来创造良好的用户体验。(Richard Pring,Wales Interative的技术指导)

我非常期待2017年任天堂的Switch——它看上去是个非常与众不同和令人兴奋的机器,而且它能够很好地跑动《塞尔达:荒野之息》,这真是太赞了。我爱VR,所以我看到今年所有平台上的新型创新都非常兴奋,其中包括微软提出的Scorpio项目和最近由Game Republic成员开发的新VR游戏。同样希望我能够去2017年二月份到三月份的旧金山举办的游戏开发者大会,那里总是充满了乐趣以及叫人心痒的行业内幕信息——不过我希望在那之前特朗普不要引发第三次世界大战。全球热核战争肯定会对英国游戏行业产生不利影响。(Jamie Sefton,Game Republic的总经理)

在体会过2016的游戏盛世后,至少对我们Red Kite Games来说2017将成为最激动人心的一年。我们不仅期待看到那些受到我们帮助的高质量游戏继续蓬勃发展,我们也计划加大我们自己内部IP的发展力度。祝我们所有的游戏制作者们好运,我保证2017年对电视游戏来说将会是不平凡的一年。(Simon Iwaniszak,Red Kite Games的总经理)

明年对我们Creative Assembly来说将会是一个重要的里程碑,我们游戏开发团队迎来了30周年。明年也将会是最让我们雀跃的一年,我们在《光环战争2(Halo Wars 2)》发行中的大规模参与、手头一些未公布项目的大好势头、与世界公认的搭档(包括Game Worksshop和Wargaming)的继续合作。肯定地说,2017年是Creative Assembly振奋人心的一年。(Tim Heaton,Creative Assembly工作室的负责人)

我对未来在Steam趋势中看到的更多变化有很大感兴趣。2016年似乎每个人都感觉到了独立游戏的饱和状态;情况会变得更糟,还是会看到消费者和游戏行业共同调整状态来更好地寻找和分享质量内容?(Olly Bennett,Cardboard Sword的CEO)

2016年对于消费者来说真的首次对虚拟现实中的游戏有所体验。然而,这么多发行的游戏仍属于小型体验。这些早期作品是在让开发者能最后明白该如何做出一个故事性强、可玩度高的VR游戏。我认为2017年,我们了不起的开发者将会带来市场上第一个VR游戏,他们将能够从探索概念的圈子中走出来,呈递上优质的长期游戏体验。(John Linden,Seismic Games的总裁)

我知道VR和AR现在正炒得火热,但是就我个人而言,我期待能看到更多移动游戏的深度和成熟。那意味着移动游戏会有更多的玩法选择,更有深度的策略和故事线,以及强有力的社区支持。(Jon Van Canegem,VC Mobile的CEO)

MARVEL Contest of Champions(from

MARVEL Contest of Champions(from

2017年将会是游戏界历史性的一年。4年来在开发新游戏平台圈(Xbox One、PS4)的带动下,开发者们现在进入了在该硬件上的游戏开发第三代/周期——我希望这些游戏在质量、真实感和玩法上能有较大的改善。游戏成长中质疑度最大的区域就是VR了——很多的钱投到了VR上,却没多少钱从VR中出来——这说明这块领域还没有特别多的参与者(暂时)。随着消费者对VR市场的关注度升高和开发者团队在该领域参与度的增加,相信未来会有很多开发者涌入这个市场搅动风雨,用更多更好的作品在这个新游戏领域夺得一席之位。(Peter Busch,Faceware Technologies商务部副总)

《荒野大镖客2(Red Dead Redemption 2)》是我个人榜单中期待最久的一款,也是我最想玩的游戏,还有任天堂的Switch也很让我期待,我的游戏榜单上的Swtich游戏也在增多。同时我还想看到索尼和微软他们是如何让他们的PS4和XBOX ONE揽获更多用户的,这样的未来充满了挑战也充满了激情。关于Team17而言,我们在2017年公开了《脱逃者2Escapists2》和《Yooka-Laylee》两款游戏,我们还有一些有关惊喜迫不及待想要在接下来的一年里同大家分享。(Debbie Bestwick MBE,Team17的CEO)

2017年对我来说会是充满希望的一年,因为游戏界会致力于VR游戏的音频标准定义。主要问题是能否在内容、试验和一系列创新方案的测试(他们有相同的潜在效用)的巨大压力下给足因音频部门空间和自由来做这件事——让真实世界的VR呈递在浸入程度和真实度上最大化。至于作为作曲家的我来说,我非常想看到我的同行们将如何应对这些音乐方面的挑战。(Stephen Baysted,Slightly Mad Studios的作曲者兼声音设计师)

对于Playground团队来说,来年将会是非常重大的一年,因为我们将继续转型为两个团队、两个项目工作室来开发我们的第一款非赛车类游戏。同时,我对Scorpio的发行也是迫不及待了……在这样强大的推动力下,我很激动能够看到我们游戏的更多可能性。(Gavin Raeburn,Playground Games的CEO)

我期待在2017年看到手游行业佼佼者带来的新成果。我们在2016年已经有所窥见了——比如《精灵宝可梦》、《皇室战争》这样的游戏以及大量的病毒传播,这些都表明玩家对新奇趣味游戏的大需求被抑制。然而巨头公司在创意上无法垄断,从某种程度上来说这他们是处劣势的,所以我认为在2017年底我们的开发者们,有可能是那些还没有取得巨大成功的开发者,他们将带来两个到三个新类型或新模式玩法的手游成为我们讨论的游戏主题。(Simon Hade, COO Space Ape Games)

2017年对Gram Games是意义重大的一年,随着我们的业务在全国范围扩展开来,我们将同时继续扩大我们超赞的团队。同时我们也非常自豪女性游戏从业者为游戏行业中22%的游戏项目贡献出自己的一份力,再次也希望能看到女性游戏从业者们在明年能有更多的方式来支持游戏行业的发展。对于创意方面,我们也非常兴奋能在这个产业里看到更多创新作品,作为一家公司,我们会开展比如周五原型展示日等多样化的活动,继续从内部推动创新进程。我们已经迫不及待想在明年看到更多尝试性和测试性的游戏概念了。试验、学习然后迭代在,和我们独特的文化一样,是过程中非常重要的一部分,而我们也非常愿意在整个游戏圈范围里帮助推进这些实践(这也是我们成功的途径)。(Erin O’Brien, Gram Games文化开发人员)

明年有好多我们期待已久的游戏,有《地平线:黎明时分(Horizon Zero Dawn)》、《海贼(Sea of Thieves)》还有《我欲成人(Become Human)》。同样还有我们热情期待的续作系列,比如《不义联盟2(Injustice 2)》和《王国之心2.8(Kingdom Hearts 2.8)》,还有就是无比激动人心的《最后的生还者2(The Last of Us 2)》。还有重制的《古惑狼》也是作为过去校园时期的最爱排在我们的愿望清单上。
任天堂新出的游戏主机和Xbox当然也是让明年精彩的内容,我们真的非常希望能看到VR是如何呈现更多体验的。总而言之,2017眼看就要躁起来了!(Liz Prince,Amiqus成员)

2017年我们会是发行队伍中的一员,这对工作室来说是无比兴奋的一年,我们同样很开心看到香港继续支持游戏发展,并发挥着作为全球创意产业中心的作用。像苹果、谷歌和Facebook这些巨头公司的继续扩展,将进一步为我们营造机会来为我们的用户创造更多新颖的游戏。(Shaun Rutland,Hutch的CEO)


Develop asks the game development world what they are looking forward in the coming year.

It’s been a stand out year for games. As we talk about in the December/January edition of Develop, there are a lot of things to look forward to in 2017. So we asked you, the game development community, what it is that you are excited about for next year. We got sent some amazing quotes about many different areas, so amazing in fact that we just didn’t have the room to publish them all. Here are the brief (and not so brief) thoughts from you:

2016 was a blast and for 2017 I am really looking forward to more games and more exciting news about our amazing industry. Personally, I am looking forward to see what Microsoft and Sony will unveil at E3, the details of Scorpio and the evolution about the VR platform and more experimental indie releases. Gamewise, I am looking forward to Ghost Recon: Wildlands as I am always been a fan of the franchise. Having just watched Westworld I am also getting the right mood for Red Dead Redemption 2.

Stefano Petrullo, Renaissance PR

For me personally, I hope my house will be finally finished and I can move out of the caravan I’ve been living in for two years. On a company level, I’m hoping for critical and commercial success for our self-funded, and self-published title Sniper Elite 4, and on a wider scale I hope that the doom and gloom of recent events on both sides of the Atlantic ocean gets lifted somehow, the fears of many don’t come true, and that humanity and decency prevail.

Jason Kingsley, Rebellion

Four things. First and foremost, the release of Nintendo’s Switch, which has already had an encouraging start. It’s fantastic to see Nintendo discuss the console so naturally and persuasively – the concept is straightforward and sells itself. That’s something I didn’t feel it was able to do with the Wii U.

Second. Xbox Scorpio. Ever since the Xbox One launch, Microsoft has been obsessed with making broad improvements to the console. Upgrading the hardware spec, quite significantly in fact, will transform how people look at the system. Going to be very interesting.

Third, VR. 2017 will be a major test for the hardware. I expect by the end of the year we’ll have a much better idea of how the core VR market looks, whether the tech can appeal to broader tastes, and what ideas outside of games are in development.

Finally, the unknown. Because let’s be honest, twelve months ago no one expected an AR Pokémon game would become an overnight phenomenon. Twelve months prior to that, no one expected Kojima’s departure, or Shenmue 3, or that Steam Machines would come and go. It’s impossible to accurately predict the next six months in games, which is what I love about it.

Rob Crossley, Head of Games and Digital, Creative England

As creators and developers, we take pride in our craft and we’ve let our work speak for itself. That’s why for 2017, I’m excited for the next annual Game Developers Conference in San Francisco because for the first time ever, it will be featuring a UX Summit. It shows a maturity of the games industry as we explore not only how we make games, but also how games are played. I’ll be speaking there for the first time myself, and I’m looking forward to meeting fellow UX practitioners and seeing how we can construct an optimally enjoyable experience for our players – how we adapt to not only diversity in tech but also diversity in audience. Moving into the new year I’m reinvigorated by what the year has to offer. We’re at a stage in this cycle of a generation where we often see the best and most creative work come to the fore. And I’m so honoured to be a part of it.

Anisa Sanusi, UI/UX Designer

I’m hoping that 2017 is the year for killer PSVR and mobile VR titles for the mass markets. With so many cool tech and VR demo’s already out there now I would love it if there is a big AAA console production value title on the market that can really help shift the hardware to the masses. Hopefully with the release of google daydream we will also see some really cool mobile experiences too.

Stig Strand, Amiqus

I am pretty excited for Nintendo Switch at the moment. Mobile has dominated so many developers for quite some time that it could offer something new and energise some new cool ideas. That and I’m looking forward to sinking some time into delicious Nintendo titles.

Simon Phillips, CEO, 22cans

I’m really looking forward to more amazing game music concerts in 2017- it’s been a wonderful year for this, including my own Dear Esther at the Barbican, and I can’t wait to hear and see more world class orchestras playing music from what is increasingly a rich, diverse and exciting catalogue of music. My aim is for there to be a Game Music Prom in 2018 and together I think we can make that a reality!

Jessica Curry, Composer and Co-Founder, The Chinese Room

The Switch has really caught our eye for next year, more power and a totally new interface should hopefully mean new and innovative new IP on the way. Also very much looking forward to seeing what’s to come with the new AR/VR platforms like the Hololense and how they can be utilized to create great user experiences.

Richard Pring, Technical Director, Wales Interactive

I’m really looking forward to the Nintendo Switch in 2017 – looks like a very exciting and different machine, and being able to play Zelda: Breath of the Wild on the move is fantastic. I love VR, so excited to see new innovations on all the platforms this year, including what Microsoft come up with on Project Scorpio and some of the new VR games currently under development by Game Republic members here in Yorkshire and the North. Hopefully I’m going to GDC 2017 in San Francisco this Feb/March too, which is always enormous fun and full of fascinating industry insider info – although I hope Trump hasn’t initiated World War III by then. Global thermonuclear war would definitely have a detrimental effect on the UK games industry.

Jamie Sefton, Managing Director, Game Republic

Having enjoyed a successful 2016, 2017 is shaping up to be the most exciting year yet for Red Kite Games. Not only are we looking forward to seeing several of the high profile games that we’re currently helping to develop continue to flourish, we’re also planning to ramp up the development of our own IP’s internally. Best of luck to all the lovely game making folk out there, I’m sure that 2017 is going to prove to be a vintage year for video games.”

Simon Iwaniszak, Managing Director, Red Kite Games

Next year is an important milestone for Creative Assembly, marking our 30th year of games development. It’s also set to be our most exciting year yet, with the much anticipated release of Halo Wars 2, a number of currently unannounced projects gaining momentum, and our work with world-recognised partners, including Games Workshop and Wargaming, continuing. Safe to say it’s an exciting time to be at Creative Assembly.

Tim Heaton, Studio Director, Creative Assembly

I’m interested to see further fluctuations and changes in Steam trends. There seemed to be a prevailing sense of saturation of indie titles in 2016; will this get worse, or will we see consumers and the industry adapt to better find and share quality content?

Olly Bennett, CEO, Cardboard Sword

2016 was really the first year where consumers got to experience what games could be in virtual reality. However, so many of the releases were still bite-sized experiences. These early works are letting developers finally see what goes into making a great story and strong game play for virtual reality. I think 2017 will bring to market the first set of VR games from amazing developers that have been able to move from exploration of great concepts to delivering quality long-term game experiences.

John Linden, President, Seismic Games

I know that VR and AR are all the rage, but personally, I’m looking forward to seeing more depth and maturity in mobile games. That means mobile games with more gameplay options, deeper strategy and storylines, and driven by strong communities.

Jon Van Caneghem, CEO, VC Mobile

2017 aims to be a historic year in the gaming space. With now over 4 years under the belt on the development cycle for new consoles (Xbox One, PS4), developers are now entering the third generation /cycle of game development on this hardware — I expect big improvements in quality, realism and gameplay. The biggest and most questionable area of growth in gaming is in VR. Much money has gone into VR, but not a lot has gone out —there simply is not enough units in the space (yet). The increase in consumer eyeballs and units in the field will drive the VR market and hopefully enough developers will have weathered the storm to survive to make better and better content for this new medium.

Peter Busch, vice president of business development, Faceware Technologies

Red Dead Redemption 2 has been a big want of mine for such a long time so that’s top of my personal list, I’m also looking forward to the Nintendo Switch and my list of game wants is growing on that platform. I’m equally looking forward to seeing how Sony and Microsoft broaden the audience for PS4 and Xbox One, there are challenges ahead but equally some incredibly exciting times also. Team17 wise we’ve announced The Escapists 2 and Yooka-Laylee are both releasing in 2017, we have a few more surprises and I can’t wait to share those during the year.

Debbie Bestwick MBE, CEO, Team17

2017 for me will be the year in which hopefully the games industry endeavours to define the audio standards for Virtual Reality Gameplay. The big question is whether there will be enough latitude and freedom given to audio departments, which are always under huge pressure to deliver content, to experiment and test a range of innovative approaches (all potentially equally valid) to achieve the most immersive and convincing representation of the real world. And from my perspective as composer, I am intrigued to see how my peers will respond to these challenges from a musical perspective.

Stephen Baysted, Composer & Audio Director, Slightly Mad Studios

It’s going to be a huge year for us at Playground as we continue to transition over to becoming a two team, two project studio and develop our first game outside of the racing genre. I also cannot wait for the release of Scorpio… with such a huge boost in power, it’s going to be exciting to see what new possibilities this opens up for our games.

Gavin Raeburn, CEO, Playground Games

2017 is going to be an exciting year for game development in Nottingham. The sumo studio in Nottingham will go through it’s 50th employee milestone and will be taking on new projects.

The newly re-invigorated National Videogame Arcade in Nottingham will be hosting a whole series of new events to promote the games industry as an exciting and important part of the UK economy and continue on its mission to encourage the next generation of video game developers for the UK. Sumo will be enthusiastically supporting the NVA as it grows and develops in 2017.

Across the company we’re looking forward to experiencing the the Switch console and can’t wait to see what new ideas come out of the VR world as the hardware become more available.

Karl Hilton, Studio Head, Sumo Digital (Nottingham)

I’m looking forward to a new crop of mobile winners emerging in 2017. We saw glimpses of this in 2016: games like Pokemon Go, Clash Royale and a spate of viral hits showed a massive pent up demand from players for something fresh and interesting. The big established companies don’t have a monopoly on new ideas, and in some cases are at a disadvantage, so I think at the end of 2017 we’ll be talking about two maybe three new big genres or play patterns getting owned on mobile most likely from developers who have not yet had massive success on the platform.

Simon Hade, COO Space Ape Games

2017 is going to be a big year for Gram Games, as we expand our global capabilities, perspectives and reach, whilst continuing to grow our amazing team. We are also proud to wave the flag for women in the gaming industry via The 22% Project, which we will look to further support in other ways next year. In talent, as in all else, we are excited to see more innovation across the sector. As a company, we will continue to drive this internally with various initiatives, such as prototype Friday, and we can’t wait to see the ideas that are tried and tested next year. Experimenting, learning, and iterating are all such important parts of our process, as well as our unique culture, and we are eager to help drive these practices, which have led to our success, throughout the industry.

Erin O’Brien, Culture Developer, Gram Games

There’s a bunch of new titles we’re looking forward to including Horizon Zero Dawn, Sea of Thieves and Become Human. There’s also some hotly anticipated sequels like Injustice 2,Kingdom Hearts 2.8 and there’s huge excitement around The Last of Us 2. The re-mastered Crash Bandicoot is an old-school favourite that’s right up there on our wish lists too.

The new consoles from Nintendo and Xbox are sure to make it an exciting start to the year and we’re really looking forward to seeing how VR develops as more experiences come out. All in all 2017 looks set to rock!

Liz Prince, Amiqus

We’ve a number of releases pegged for 2017, and whilst this is incredibly exciting from a studio perspective, we’re also delighted to see the UK continue to grow gaming and act as a global hub for the creative industries at large. The continued expansion of giants such as Apple, Google and Facebook, further facilitates opportunities for us to create innovative games for our audiences.

In addition, we are looking forward to seeing what inspiring new start ups might emerge in 2017, triggering further disruption, sparking new creativity, and generally challenging the rest of us to raise our game! At Hutch, we will continue to focus on company culture in order to make Hutch one of the best places to work, whilst continuing to attract the very best talent from across the industry.(source:develop online  )


