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发布时间:2017-02-15 15:17:55 Tags:,,,,

作者:Thomas Bidaux


特别值得一提的是,在2016年《Pokemon Go》的确掀起了巨大的轰动。这是远超我们想象的疯狂。因为太疯狂了,所以我在此所列出的一些数值将仅限于电子游戏媒体。我们拥有General Interest和Tech media,但它们所收集到的数据也不是那么完整。

Pokemon Go(from znjchina)

Pokemon Go(from znjchina)


让我们先说说《Pokemon Go》。在游戏刚发行时我写过它,虽然自7月以来情况相对缓解了些,但这款游戏每一天还是能收到无数宣传报道,甚至是在没有出现可以讨论的更新内容时。


在2015年9月刚公开时,《Pokemon Go》所获得的媒体报道并不多,直到2016年7月初刚发行时才逐渐多了起来。我们所收集到的只是6个月的报道数量,相比之下《守望先锋》在5月发行前便已经获得了许多报道了。

如果我们将这些数值与去年以来的数值进行比较(即考虑更广泛媒体类型),我们便会发现《Pokemon Go》作为一款任天堂游戏和手机游戏的确非常突出。






你们会发现我将《Pokemon Go》从数据中删除了。因为这款游戏发行时太过强势所以造成数据一边倒(游戏邦注:2016年7月游戏媒体中有超过7%的文章是关于《Pokemon Go》)。虽然删除这款游戏并非最佳方法,但却能让整体画面和谐一些。








就平台而言,2016年真的是很有趣的一年。虽然这一年没出现什么新主机,但是有许多重大升级,迭代以及主要辅助程序的问世。PlayStation 4和Xbox One都取得了巨大的进步,Wii U也在去年成为了任天堂的主要主机,并且Switch也即将和我们见面。

而关于媒体报道方面最有趣的还是关于PlayStation 4,它在2016年所获得的媒体报道也远多于2015年。主机已经巩固了其霸主的地位了,所以媒体只是在追逐这一趋势。PlayStation VR和PlayStation 4 Pro在这方面都起到很好的推动作用。

对于Xbox One,这也是比2015年更闪耀的一年(媒体报道增长了18%),其全新主机版本Project Scorpio将在2017年发行。

而Wii U的媒体报道却一年比一年减少(下降了24%)。比起Oculus Rift,这是一个立基平台,一发行便让我们看到了Oculus的潜能以及Wii U的衰落。



而就像往年那样,在12月初举办的PlayStation Experience活动也取得了巨大的成功并引起了广大媒体的注意。


似乎在2016年微软对于宣传策略都采取“防守”策略,但实际上他们也一直在努力提高媒体报道率。希望今年他们能够开始发功,毕竟他们的Project Scorpio即将问世了。


Games in the media in 2016 – Overwatch comes out on top

by Thomas Bidaux

To complete the usual series of blog post reviewing the past year, I present to you 2016 and video games in the media.

Like last year, bear in mind that we are using our internal tool to collect these numbers, and understanding the methodology is important. It is particularly worth mentioning this year Pokemon Go is definitely making things crazy. Or crazier than usual I should say. In order to account for that, a lot of the numbers presented here are limited to video games media. We do have General Interest and Tech media in our tools, but they are not as exhaustively collected on our end.


Let’s address Pokemon Go now. I wrote about the game shortly after the launch, and while things have calmed down since July, the game is still receiving an impressive amount of coverage daily, even at times where there is no new update to discuss.

This being said, it wasn’t the number one game mentioned in the games media (important to be specific here), that was Overwatch.

Pokemon Go, while announced in September 2015, received very little coverage until it launched in early July 2016. The amount of coverage collected here is basically only 6 months worth, where Overwatch was already well covered prior to its launch in May.

If we compare these numbers to the ones from last year (which take into account a wider range of types of media), Pokemon Go’s performance is striking as it is a Nintendo game (only Splatoon managed to barely get in the top 15) and a mobile game (there were none in that ranking in 2015).

Overwatch is also impressive as it had 50% more coverage than any game in 2015. The online nature of the game, with its constant updates, coupled with the power of the Blizzard brand, pushed the game to the top here, making it by far the game with the most media presence in 2016.

Overwatch is also striking in the sense that it is one of the only two new IPs in this ranking (The Division being part of the Tom Clancy’s franchise), alongside No Man’s Sky. Many industry commenters pointed to No Man’s Sky’s hype as being the main reason for its fall from grace, and you have to give them credit here, when you see the game is in the top 15 most covered by media game of the year, while coming from a small independent studio. Even the Sony PR machine can’t be the only thing at play here, as many very large productions didn’t manage to make it in these rankings. The game’s hype took on a life of its own, and got big.

For the fans of the respective series, it will interesting to note that Battlefield 1 secured about +40% more coverage than this year’s Call of Duty game. Year-on-year, Call of Duty’s media coverage dropped about -12%.

Monthly Data

For a very long time, we wanted to run these numbers. As ICO is also a PR agency, a lot of the discussions with the studios and the publishers come around to the best timing to do a particular communication. The above is a great way to understand when certain periods are swamped, while some are on the contrary very light.

You’ll see that I removed Pokemon Go from the data. The game was so dominant at its launch that it was skewing the data (more than 7% of the articles in the games media in July 2016 mentioned Pokemon Go). Removing it is not a perfect solution either, but it draws a slightly better picture.

There are different ways to understand these numbers, but here are my takeaways:

You probably want to communicate when the ratio of articles for AAA is lower. It means the coverage is more varied and more likely to be covering your game. From that perspective, November is often deemed a tough month for communications, and both graphs illustrate this well.

When there is a lot of coverage, you also have more chances to be covered, however, the communication will also stand out less as higher volume of articles means more noise overall. In that sense, communicating during the E3 period (June) can be a blessing and a curse at the same time.

While media coverage does drop during the Christmas period, it is the only time in the year where there is a visible drop in the volume of coverage across all media. It means that any other time, there will always be a minimum number of articles that need to be written, and it can pay off to aim for the periods outside of the AAA games releases, like January or July.

While making these graphs, the question came up about the number of games beyond those top 20 games. The truth is, we don’t know how many games communicate in any given month. We do know how many games are released on Steam on average, and this is where the 500+ number comes from. In reality, you can expect all the games releasing to have some form of communication that month, but you would also need to add all the games that are announced, the games that are communicating about their upcoming release, the released games having some newsworthy announcement, like an expansion, or a DLC release, not to mention the live games with significant updates.

That 500+ figure for games is quite conservative in truth.


2016 was interesting as far as platforms are concerned. While there were no new console coming out, there were upgrades, iterations and major accessories announced and released. The Playstation 4 and the Xbox One are hitting their stride while the Wii U is in its last year being the main console for the Nintendo line up, with the Switch being around the corner.

What is interesting in the media coverage is the fact that it was yet again a strong year for the Playstation 4, with even more media coverage than in 2015 (+14%). The console has established its lead, the media follow the trend. The PlayStation VR and the Playstation 4 Pro both helped bring the device in front of the media as well.

For Xbox One, it was also a good year compared to 2015 (+18%), a growth in coverage not necessarily being a given considering the most important announcement, Project Scorpio, related to a new version of the console to be released in 2017.

The Wii U year-on-year numbers see a steep decline overall (-24%). Comparing it to the Oculus Rift, which is a niche platform that had its first release in the year both shows how much Oculus has accomplished, and how much the Wii U has dropped.

Sony’s communication strategy is well established by now, with most of its coverage originating from E3 and a combination of their own events and industry conferences.

gamescom, despite the absence of a press conference, is still an important source of coverage overall, but it does come after the press event ahead of the Tokyo Game Show.

And like last year, the Playstation Experience event in early December was a tremendous success for Sony as far as media coverage is concerned.

The Microsoft coverage over the year has fewer events sparking spikes in coverage. The two most notable ones are the E3 in June, and gamescom in August, even though, like Sony, they didn’t put a press conference together in 2016.

Microsoft seemed to be on the defensive in its communication strategy the whole of 2016 and the fact it still managed to grow the coverage is a good sign. Hopefully they will be more aggressive this year, with the Project Scorpio device coming, to shake things up a bit.(source:gamasutra)


