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发布时间:2017-01-24 15:53:26 Tags:,,,,

作者:Motoi Okamoto


famous_titles_in_2016_s2(from gamasutra)

famous_titles_in_2016_s2(from gamasutra)



并且在2016年我们迎来了两款大受欢迎的游戏,即Niantic的《Pokemon Go》和任天堂的《超级马里奥跑酷》。它们都向世人展示了任天堂IP的强大吸引力。《Pokemon Go》在短短8周时间内便创造了5亿下载量,《超级马里奥跑酷》也在4天内便获得了4千万下载量。这两项纪录都让人非常惊讶。


除此之外,其它主机平台所有者,如索尼早2016年4月于日本创办了子公司Forward Works以面向智能手机发行自己的IP游戏,这一新公司在去年12月举办了新闻发布会并向我们展示了一些即将发行的游戏,如《Shots Golf》,《Wild Arms》和《Arc the Lad》。

我们同时也不应该忘记Aniplex,即Sony Music Entertainment Japan旗下以动画和音乐为主营业务的公司。你是否听过《Fate / Grand Order》?这款手机RPG在过去一年甚至超越《Pokemon Go》稳居日本畅销游戏榜单前三的位置。这是一款融合了JRPG和视觉小说的游戏。

根据AppAnnie的报告,《Pokemon Go》在过去一年里赚取了9.5亿美元的收益。而如果是着眼于每月排行(游戏邦注:即iOS和Android的收入总和),我们会发现Aniplex的《Fate/Grand Order》的销量超过了《Pokemon Go》并在2016年12月位列第四。


据说在日本社交游戏产业中,比起PvP,日本在线玩家更倾向于合作型内容。但是在2016年,一些PvP游戏开始崛起,如《部落冲突》(策略游戏),《影之诗》(数字换式卡牌游戏),《游戏王:怪兽之决斗》(数字换式卡牌游戏)和《Shiro-Neko Tennis》(行动体育游戏)。

而就像《马里奥网球》是基于《超级玛丽兄弟》的世界,《Shiro-Neko Tennis》也是一款基于《Colopl Rune Story》(行动RPG)游戏世界的竞争型体育游戏。它突出了《Colopl Rune Story》中受欢迎的打网球元素。



根据《部落冲突》在Google Play(日本)每个月的平均收益排名,你会发现其位置会随着时间而下跌。我并不打算在此分析导致这一情况的原因,但要想在日本市场保持PvP游戏的平衡并不是件简单的事。
































《Pokemon Go》便引进了一些全新的盈利方式,如Egg Incubator,Lure Module,Incense和Lucky Eggs。这款游戏的成功让那些还习惯于Gacha模式的游戏开发者大吃了一惊。











Latest Trends for 2016 and 2017 in the Japanese mobile game industry

by Motoi Okamoto

Last year, I wrote these articles about the nature of the Japanese mobile game market and so now I’ll briefly summarize the last year’s trends and this year’s forecast in the industry.

1. Nintendo and Sony advance in mobile games

2016 it will be remembered as the year that two console-platform-holders Nintendo and Sony advanced into mobile games market extensively.

The two BIG titles, Pokémon Go by Niantic, and Super Mario Run by Nintendo launched in 2016. They showed how the Nintendo IP is overwhelmingly popular. Pokémon Go got 500 million downloads within only 8 weeks and Super Mario Run got 40 million downloads within only 4 days. Both records are incredibly amazing!

Also, Nintendo has a plan to release Animal Crossing and Fire Emblem for Smartphone this spring. Super Mario Run had a problem with the selling method, but I think that these two titles will probably take a more suitable monetization method.

The other console-platform-holder, Sony (Sony Interactive Entertainment) established the subsidiary Forward Works having a strategy to provide their IP titles for smartphone in Japan in April 2016 and the new company held the press conference in December, showing some titles to be released like Hot Shots Golf, Wild Arms and Arc the Lad.

What we should not forget is Aniplex, a Japanese anime and music production owned Sony Music Entertainment Japan. Have you heard about Fate / Grand Order ? The mobile RPG got Top3 in grossing ranking in Japan beyond Pokémon Go last year. The game is designed as a brilliant fusion of JRPG and Visual Novel.

According to the report of the AppAnnie, Pokémon Go earned sales of $950 million last year! And so, look at this monthly ranking (sum of grossing in iOS and android). Aniplex’s Fate / Grand Order outperformed the sales of Pokémon Go and was ranked 4th in December 2016.

2. PvP is becoming popular

It has long been said in Japan’s social game industry that Japanese online gamers prefer cooperative to PvP. Nevertheless, in 2016 some PvP titles got a brilliant success like Clash Royale (Strategy), Shadowverse (Digital TCG), Yu-Gi-Oh! (Digital TCG) and Shiro-Neko Tennis (Action-Sports).

Just as Mario Tennis is based on the world of Super Mario Bros, Shiro-Neko Tennis is a competitive sports-game based on the world of Colopl Rune Story (Action-RPG). It features popular characters of Colopl Rune Story playing tennis.

Of course, the new trends are affected mainly by the success of worldwide PvP games like Clash Royale and Hearthstone. It shows the possibility that Western and Asia PvP games might be successful in Japan’s mobile market.

However, if those game titles try to keep their success in the long term, it is necessary to maintain users who are keen on getting enthusiastic about the game while relaxing the stress of the users who want to avoid the PvP match as much as they can be defeated.

Referring to Clash Royale’s monthly average of gross ranking on Google Play (Japan), you can see a decline over time. We have not conducted a detailed analysis on the cause, but steering the game balance of the PvP genre in Japan is not easy.

32.5th Mar
44.6th Apr
49.2th May
74.3th Jun
73.7th Jul
87.2th Aug
63.1 in Sep
61.4th Oct
73.9th Nov
97.6th Dec
109.0th Jan (until 21 Jan)
Source: Average Data from AndroDB

3. Success of Digital TCG

As mentioned above, Digital TCG titles got a great success in the market. It is similar to the phenomenon in the 1990s that Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG and Pokémon TCG were born from Japan due to the influence of Magic the Gathering, becoming very popular worldwide.

There are three reasons why digital TCG had a success in 2016.

a. Many teenagers who were crazy about the TCG in the 1990s become adult gamers.

b. Around five years ago, in the golden age of the Mobage and the Gree, many publishers released hundreds of card games following the ultra success of Dragon Collection by Konami. Now, many developers have assets of those titles.

c. As mentioned above, there are many excellent artists and art studios drawing attractive artworks of characters and monsters in the industry.

4. RPG genre is Red Ocean

As you all know, the RPG genre is very popular in Japan. In general, RPG tends to have a high ARPU and sales are large. As the result, competition in the RPG genre becomes more intense and development costs and advertising expenses have risen.
It is getting harder for Non-IP titles to succeed in the market.

The battle system has become complicated to the same extent as PS4 and PSVita’s RPG. The presentations are also luxurious including the opening animation movie, the battle represented by the 3D model, full-voice, story demonstration.

Although many passionate mobile gamers pay attention to the new titles in the first month, they play with greed and judge the deepness of the gameplay, and so move on to the next new titles.

5. Growth of Asian publisher’s share in the market

It is well known that Japanese Publishers occupy a high market share in the Japanese market, because Japanese gamers have distinctive preference and attracting to gamers is not easy. Therefore, the Japanese market is often said to be too closed market.

However, success stories of foreign publishers are increasing little by little. Last year, Korea’s and China’s publishers released some successful titles like Seven Knights (Netmarble), THE KING OF FIGHTERS ’98UM OL (OURPALM) and HIT (Nexon) in 2016.

In general, when bringing Asian online game titles to the Japanese market, characters and their presentations, for instance illustration and voice are very important for success. Asian publishers have been gaining much knowledge to attract Japanese users.

6. Diversification of monetization method

In traditional, Japan’s mobile F2P games adopting Gacha-model tend to introduce new units into Gacha every two weeks or month. Introducing units high frequently make it difficult to manage complicated game-balance and it tended to inflate unit performance.

Rapid inflation of unit performance shortens the practical period when the user’s unit exerts its strength and reduces the user’s willingness to purchase. It is the problem that happens in some titles over the medium to long term. On the other hand, Digital TCGs take longer interval like 3 months to introduce new units. It is a sufficient time to tune game balance.

Pokémon Go introduced some innovative monetization method like Egg Incubator, Lure Module, Incense and Lucky Eggs. The brilliant success of the game gave a surprise and impression to Japanese mobile game developers who usually adopt Gacha model.

Although Japanese mobile game developers have developed dozens of location-based games since 2000, those games tend to be low-ARPU and most of the developers prefer to develop high-ARPU Gacha model games.

Also, Super Mario Run is the courageous challenge to try out selling out model. It is hard to say the result is a success that meets expectations, but some industry people evaluate it as an approach to earning revenue from late-majority users in Japan’s mobile market.

7. New companies specialized in service

The new companies like Mynet, funplex and so on, specialized in providing online game service have been growing fast. Those companies don’t develop online games on its own, but purchase online games other companies are servicing. They improve the quality of them and get better revenue from them.

Those companies can avoid the big risk of developing games that are unpredictable whether to success or fail. On the other hand, developers get proceeds from the sale of their titles and can devote themselves to development of new titles.

In most online games, sales decline after several years, therefore when sales fall short of service cost, developers make a decision to stop their service. If instead of stopping the service you sell it to a company specialized in service, total life cycles of the game would be extended and all users could continue to play it.

Purchase and sale of online game title have expanded rapidly in recent years and its market is called “secondary market” in the industry. Several companies are entering the market. The most remarkable growth is the two companies of Mynet and funplex (GREE’s subsidiary).

Conclusion and forecast

The above trend continues this year and chances for foreign companies are expanding. And one more I forecast that games for women will increase considerably.

Thank you for reading this to the end. I hope this article gives you valuable insights. Ask me in the comments If you have questions about this article.(source:gamasutra)


