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发布时间:2017-01-23 16:56:13 Tags:,,,,

作者:Dylan Moran

我们已经进入了2017年,其中任天堂更是通过公开Nintendo Switch以及《火焰之纹章》系列的全新游戏而揭开这一年的序幕,如此快准狠地向世人传达着这将是该公司强势突击的一年。而除了任天堂以外,在新的一年我们还将期待些什么呢?

VR(from gamasutra)

VR(from gamasutra)


去年,VR意图成为一种引人注目的全新工具。但事实上它却未能真正激起人们的热情。虽然在2016年末随着PlayStation VR的发行让这一工具吸引了一些关注,但这仍不足以推动人们去购买这一昂贵的硬件。今年将会有更多游戏面向VR发行,并且也会有一些游戏成为其中的“系统卖点”。这样的游戏将向我们展示出优秀的VR到底是怎样的。并且在新的一年里各种主机以及PC头盔的价格将会降低,所以我们将可能看到更多玩家去尝试这一工具。


2016年冬天对于AAA级发行来说是个冷冬。很多大型游戏的续集都卖不好,虽然我们不能否认它们那让人称赞的高质量。《泰坦陨落2》便是我玩过的最棒的FPS游戏,但是这款游戏的销量却和质量成反比。《耻辱2》不仅延续了最初游戏的所有优点,甚至比之前的游戏做得更好。虽然它拥有出色的关卡设计,但其销量却远不如预期。所以到底发生了什么?显然这些优秀都很出色,但是它们在商业上的成绩却均不如之前的游戏。也许只是因为市场不再待见这些AAA级游戏了。在2017年我们仍将继续看到AAA级游戏的问世,而或许这种糟糕销量的趋势也会继续延伸着。这时候如果去对比独立游戏以及B级游戏的销量和表现将会看到很有趣的结果。Early Access为许多小型和中等大小工作室开启了全新大门,这一趋势也不会止步于此。像在线博彩等其它游戏类型也未曾出现这样的人气下降。也许也是因为像New Jersey Online Casino等平台会提供给全新玩家注册福利并不断更新他们在线老虎机内容(游戏邦注:不管是基于不同主题还是经典的老虎机)。而在2017年我们有可能看到AAA级游戏的再次崛起与发展。


去年《Pokemon Go》一夜之间便吸引了世界各地玩家的注意。而在之前这是没有人料到的。人们都低估了智能手机及其用户的威力。同时,PlayStation 2和Wii也拥有强大的市场渗透率,如今智能手机已经成为一种再普遍不过的产品,所以开发者拥有许许多多的潜在玩家。《Pokemon Go》的成功既是源自人们的怀旧情怀也是因为它使用了特殊的AR功能。同时《马里奥跑酷》已经在iOS平台上取得了巨大成功并将在三月份进军Android平台,我们可以清楚看到有很多人期待着这款非手机游戏出现在智能手机上。2017年我们将继续看到智能手机市场的发展。而硬件的继续发展也意味着我们将能看到更高质量的图像,并且添加电源接口成为一种标准也意味着数据传送和充电速度将变得比之前更快了。而在更多开发者开始使用这些游戏技术前我们将会看到一两款出色游戏的问世。还记得《部落战争》最早是什么时候问世的吗?然后再想想现在有多少游戏在复制那款游戏吧。


2017 – What’s Going to Happen?

by Dylan Moran

We’ve barely stepped foot into 2017 and Nintendo have grabbed the year by the horns by showcasing the Nintendo Switch and announcing new entries for the hit Fire Emblem series. They’ve wasted no time in stamping their mark into the year making it quite clear that this isn’t just the year of the rooster but of Nintendo as well. Nintendo aside, though, what else can we expect from 2017?


Last year, VR was meant to be the cool new kid on the block. What happened in reality though was far more underwhelming. VR did begin the pick up some traction with the release of PlayStation VR in late 2016, but there still aren’t enough dedicated games to warrant the purchase of the quite pricey hardware. This year though, more games are being released exclusively for VR and any one of those could be a ‘system seller’. That one game that shows exactly how good VR can be. The price for the various console and PC headsets is bound to drop throughout the year as well, so we can expect more players to get involved, too.

Non-AAA Games

Winter of 2016 was strange for AAA releases. A lot of the big sequels didn’t sell as well as projected despite their astounding quality. Titanfall 2 is possibly the best FPS game I’ve ever played and yet the sales don’t mirror this and it is losing players and a criminal rate. Dishonored 2 took everything that was good about the original game and made it 100% better. It has some of the best level design of the generation in the Clockwork Mansion and yet it too hasn’t sold as well as projected. So what happened? Clearly, these were excellent games but they have both done worse commercially than their predecessors. Perhaps there just isn’t the market there used to be for these kinds of AAA releases. In 2017 we will no doubt continue to see AAA games, but maybe this trend of poorer sales will continue. If it does it will be interesting to see how the sales of indie and B level games perform. Early Access has worked wonders for many small and mid-sized studios and this is a trend that will continue throughout 2017. Other types of gaming like online casinos haven’t seen the same kind of popularity drop either. Perhaps this is because places like New Jersey Online Casino offer tantalising sign-up bonuses to new players and are constantly updating their catalogue of online slots machines both themed and classic slots. 2017 is going to see alternatives to AAA games grow and flourish.


Last year Pokemon Go became an international phenomenon overnight. Nobody expected that it was going to be anywhere near as successful as it was. Everyone underestimated the power behind so many people owning a smartphone. In the same way that the PlayStation2 and Wii had such deep market penetration, the smartphone is now such a common product that developers have so many potential gamers to target their games at. Pokemon Go succeeded with a mix of nostalgia and intrigue with their unique use of AR. However, Mario Run has seen great success on the iOS and is coming to Android in March, so clearly, there are enough people who want to see this usually non-phone games come to smartphones. 2017 is most definitely going to see growth in the smartphone market. The hardware is continuously improving meaning higher quality graphics are becoming a possibility and the addition of USB-C to be used as standard means that data transfers and charge speed will be even quicker than before. All it will take is one or two excellent phone games before we a swathe of other developers using those same techniques. Remember when Clash of Clans first came out? Now think about just how many copy-cat games there are for that style of game?(source:gamasutra


