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google新LOGO Pac-Man被指耗费了用户超1亿美元

发布时间:2010-05-26 00:57:06 Tags:,,


时间管理工具RescueTime对google新LOGO Pac-Man耗费全球用户把玩时间进行了统计,RescueTime大胆估算可能达到4,819,352小时,换算成金钱的话,将达到120,483,800美元(超过1亿2000万美元)。




We joked last week when Google  changed its logo to a playable game of Pac-Man that the world’s collective productivity would take a sharp plunge, but it turns out that’s exactly what happened.

The blog for time management tool RescueTime did the math and determined that Google Pac-Man consumed 4,819,352 hours of time, or $120,483,800 in productivity.

The cost was determined by looking at how much time was spent on Google’s (Google) homepage the day the Pac-Man logo was up (48 seconds) versus the average amount of time spent on other days (11 seconds) and multiplied by the number of visitors to the site that day (503,703,000).

The cost seems like a bit of a stretch, though. RescueTime assumed that the average Google user makes $25 per hour; that’s considerably higher than median income in Internet (Internet)-connected nations. Also, you probably can’t assume that everyone who visited the site Friday was on the clock at work.

If you haven’t wasted time at work playing Google Pac-Man already, you still have a chance to add to that lost productivity tally. Google has preserved the Pac-Man game logo at (you can also download the game) even though the front page has returned to normal.

