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发布时间:2015-07-17 09:32:18 Tags:,,





despicable-me-2(from polygon)

despicable-me-2(from polygon)


这让我想起了David Jones(侠盗猎车手)在谈开发者应该以什么样的态度来审慎对待自己创意设想的问题(开发者需要在投入研发以前先仔细考虑产品寿命和受众价值,如果自己四五个月后就忘了某个游戏理念就最好不要去开发这个理念,而如果两年后仍然对这个想法念念不忘并且满怀激情,那么他就知道这个想法已经成熟,可以将其转变成产品了)和现今阶段的一个比照(要么翻版或者拼凑现有相对有市场的产品设想,要么抱着自己一个拍脑袋得来的想法就果断做产品研发)就必然很清楚失败为什么总是能在最后作为一个大概率事件呈现。而其中最不能略省的就是开发者对自己想做的事情不够明朗(比如只是大体上模糊地知道自己差不多该做什么),这和我早先阅读Tess Jones做游戏和电影比照的时候有太多相似的地方,Tess Jones认为电影脚本需要一个相当严厉的制作、审核和考评过程(甚至需要介入大量的观众喜好元素,即便如此也不一定能够获得拍摄的机会)而现在基本处于大跃进状态的游戏研发(特别是以社交游戏和手机游戏为典型的轻游戏更是如此)在题材遴选和脚本撰写层面则明显不负责任许多(当然和成本投入有关,但更多呈现的是盲然和不专业性,只凭喜好和随时可能熄灭的所谓热情,随时上马一个新项目或者终止一个研发中的项目),同样在其他的附属层面也明显缺失整体考量的拼凑居多(比如声效和背景乐基本在游戏中是独立游离的,很少有能够自始至终将听觉感触当成游戏完整的组成环节)。因为门槛低的缘故,很多明显的瑕疵最后都被市场大潮表面冲刷得一干二净,也鲜少有开发者愿意去回想过去失败的症结,所有人基本都忙着一个事情:我们都处在主动或者被动的大潮中,没有任何片刻停留的心情。

和电影制作相似,好的脚本方案同样是游戏研发的出发点,而这一点在轻游戏的概念中一再被忽视(很多游戏设计基本太慵懒,转而直接借助于现有的方案模板或者进行粗糙换皮或者进行二次整合),鲜少能够为合适且惬意的出发点做探寻,反而是随便一个借力点就出发了,至于究竟能够达到怎样的终点在出发的当刻估计都来不及考虑,所有的一切都急急忙忙,盲目推崇着“唯快不破”的至高理论,以为率先迈出的这一步就一定是赢得未来世界最坚实的筹码。Thomas Grip(Frictional Games)在谈到游戏制作表现力的时候提到了游戏也许也能够追寻电影《辛德勒的名单Schindler’sList》、《肖申克的救赎(The Shawshank Redemption》那般给用户最深处的视听感触,以故事的元素(至少在脚本方案层面下更多的心血而不仅仅只是一个游戏创意的附属,甚至在程序端和美术端能否实现的双重夹击下再度扭曲,更改得面目全非,全然不知道出发点的本意是什么)去引导用户在体验当刻的沉浸(再建一个完整的虚拟世界,并试图让用户忘记除此之外的任何事物)。而这无非和现实人生相似,所有的一切都被切割为碎片再重新拼凑为每一个具有涵义的横断面去支撑玩家在不同时间长度内所能体验的每一个看起来完整的故事(符合逻辑性,比如为了完成一次药材的收集,不同的配方后面都隐含着一个独立而完整的冒险题材,都有着各自惊心动魄的背后故事),没有太明显的中止属性,都能够沿着可选择的方向做不同的延伸(玩家参与了其中的每一个进程,并慢慢对故事的当前状况,过去的脉络和未来的走向有一个概念性的认知,然后以自己已有的知识框架去探寻和验证自己在游戏中的所有的设想)。这也是Ted Price(Insomniac Games)关于用户沉浸理解力的一部分:当开发者的设想框架和玩家真实经历在游戏中逐渐重叠,此时所有玩家之前沉睡于心底的意念就会逐步被唤醒,并开始体现出玩家自己的个体属性来,而这也正是我们所想说的,开发者和玩家两者的共同努力最终赋以了游戏以活的灵魂(共同的呼吸节奏,相互探寻走向和需求,每一次离开都有某种眷念,按照Sean Baron的说法则差不多是这样的:玩家本来可能只是打算稍微体验下游戏消磨时间,可是不知不觉几个小时过去之后才后知后觉地意识到自己正在扮演一个某个游戏角色,并且几乎和这个角色融合到了一起)。

而至于如何将纯粹的理念化归为实际操作,Hidetaka Suehiro(Deadly Premonition,尽管当时这款游戏的骂名居多)将之归结为多个层面:其一是将游戏中的行为与玩家在现实生活中的行为联系起来(在游戏中体现人类的日常需求进而对屏幕外的玩家产生影响,或许还有一些可能某些情节会停留在玩家的脑海不停地徘徊);其二是减少游戏中玩家的受迫感(让玩家在游戏中有自由选择权限而非仅限于任务的强制式);提供给玩家能够区别于其他游戏的印象(比如特征化的角色,经典的对白、游戏角色口头禅或者相对震撼的剧情规划)。Brian Kindregan(StarCraft II)的观点则认为符合逻辑固然是架构故事层面的关键,但是适当和适量的隐秘情节以及一些相应不可预期的游戏机制同样能够挑动玩家对游戏不断的新鲜认知(即所有的环节并不都是能够按照玩家的估算原则走的),吸引人的好故事能够在带入感的感知上演绎出如影视般的视听体验。

当然在可执行的角度上同样存在着如何在操作分寸的可控性,David Jaffe(God of War)认为有些游戏过于着急想展现开发者内心的框架理念,以故事的表现力覆盖了游戏本身必需具备的操作交互属性,诸如在Batman:Arkham City中Bruce Wayne被锁链铐住带往监狱的那段时间就以故事铺垫的名义牺牲了游戏玩法导致玩家在特定的时间内暂时无事可做(如果从游戏的角度而不是影视表现力铺垫的角度,战斗和玩家行为是必须能够尽快获得切换的)。

Ken Levine(Irrational Games)认为这种就必然需要涉及到减少玩家从一个目标向另外一个目标迁移所需要执行的相关步骤(不必像电视台以广告效益考虑所做的剧间强制广告休息,因为玩家在当刻几乎是全神贯注在做一个事情的,没有必要让玩家的思维切换到一个新的事物中,等到差不多时间段内再切回到游戏,这样只能遗失用户对该游戏的专注度)。

另外一种极端就如Erik Wolpaw(Valve Software)所担心的,完全没有必要在游戏中设置一个圆桌任由各种角色围绕期间做各种喋喋不休的高谈阔论(当然没完没了的过场动画也几乎有一样的反面效应)。在国内目前的部分网页游戏中我们是可以这样看的,为了展现战争场面的复杂和壮烈程度,往往对整个战斗需求进行切割(比如同一场战斗又区分为和士兵的战斗、和将领的战斗、和高手的战斗,而每一种类型的兵种可能还可以再区分为若干小种),甚至相似的战斗场面需要经历4至5次以表示足够的繁复(背景相似、声效相似,参与战斗的角色外观上相似,包括数值最后也基本是相似的,这个可以是指多少次技能打击能够击败对手),但是对于玩家而言,这种拖泥带水的表达式则完全违背了开发者设置的初衷而走向反面,我们在舞台剧中所最常看到的一般不是这样呈现的,往往三五个跑腿的小兵即能意指所谓的千军万马而围着舞台简单绕两圈则可能意味着该玩家已经日夜兼程淌过千万重的山山水水了。这里的问题在开发者没有找到合理的思路来处理他们心目中繁复的程式和各种波澜壮阔的画面只能更多借助于重复来进行间接地抒发,以致最终所有的故事模式都有一个基础的模板:来到一个目的地,在这个目的地中参与战斗,征服这个目的地,然后再进入下一个相似的目的地(其实玩家并不完全清楚这些重复的战斗模式对他们能够意味着什么)。所缺少的大概就是Ritesh Khanna(ClipWire)所说的,玩家在游戏中的每一个操作都应该纳入一个具备价值属性的系统,成为一个对后续故事发展有益的筹备,而不仅仅只是一个可有可无的操作指令(或者在当时没能让玩家明白他们操作这一步骤所能够得到的有益价值在后面将呈现为什么)。

有些环节在开发者看来是省时省力且似乎是合情合理的设计,在实际的运作过程中可能会因为出现的高频度而惹恼玩家(玩家在游戏中想体验的并不是一个个只做略微变动的故事内容,他们需要释放更多的故事来满足他们的好奇,而不仅仅只是从换汤不换药的场景换皮),这其中最大的症结仍然是故事叙述不佳,和我们前文所论证的一样,游戏设计的出发点过于自以为是或者过于单薄。Alexis Kennedy(Failbetter Games)认为即便开发者很难从故事框架的角度或者突破,也仍然能够通过以组合的途径或者创造新奇的方式让玩家感受到差异化的体验,诸如在场景中安置一些随机可触发的事件将玩家带入事件模式(哪怕这种事件容量也是单薄的,但终究能够将玩家从寻常的逻辑中岔开,去获得不一样的游戏认知)或者如Vanillaware的Odinsphere将角色与角色之间从剧情层面做串联,在独自完善的同时又给彼此的后续故事留下足够的填补空间或者如Pascal Luban(The Game Design Studio)的建议将影视/小说拓展元素衍化到游戏的表达中(比如使用便捷的方位传送或者自动化传送来改变游戏中冗长到无聊的跑位动作;使用声效特别的变换来唤醒用户对不同环境的辨识)。

而有些游戏事实上也是从相似的角度出发的,诸如Discovery Communications与Hive Medai联合推出的Deadliest Catch: The Social Game(原为获得艾美奖的纪录片连续剧)或者James Patterson以Women’s Murder Club为蓝本推出了Catch a Killer。


作者:Terence Lee











hitbox image(develop-online)

hitbox image(develop-online)







hitbox image(develop-online)

hitbox image(develop-online)


























第一种也是最显著的一种便是ludonarrative失调(游戏邦注:ludonarrative是由原LucasArts创意总监Clint Hocking提出,这是一个合成词,由ludology和narrative两个单词组成,意指游戏故事与玩法之间的冲突)。这意味着什么?ludonarrative失调是发生在你看到英雄正哀悼着与家人的疏远,而下一刻,你却驾车碾过100个人。Ludonarrative失调是发生在一个勇士的同盟独自说着自己多狡猾多可怕,但在下一刻他却愚蠢地绕着圈子旋转,烦人地阻挡着你的前进道路,然后中弹死掉。即当故事所传达的与玩家所做的或体验不相符时便会产生这种情况。





hitbox image(from develop-online)

hitbox image(from develop-online)













hitbox image(from develop-online)

hitbox image(from develop-online)
























尽管《古墓丽影》的场景更像电影,并且具有让人印象深刻的视觉效果,但这却是很容易让人忘记的。而你差点就要死了,这点不应该更让人难忘吗?!但事实却不是如此,因为玩家故事与明确故事是相矛盾的。在这里,玩家故事是指你观看一个过场动画,突然游戏基于一个明显但却让人厌烦的方式要求你按压一个按键,你将被迫在无聊的重复折腾下按压这个按键。而明确的故事是指你的角色Lara Croft使用她那敏锐的感觉和技巧逃离了危险。这两个故事具有显著的差别!它们是如此的不协调啊!












































作者:Andrei Filote












显然,这是一段社会暴行的简史。随着殖民者开拓新大陆,他们会销售锤子,换取弓箭、步枪、大炮。Calamity割裂山脉,摧毁生物的能力其实是种超现实的核武器。同时也是武器中的极端,并且是人们不会打败战的终极保障。游戏发生于Calamity的背景之下,如果要扭转局势 ,Kid除了与现实妥协之外,别无选择。他想逃脱的同时,也在为其所困。





Bastion(from gamecareerguide)

Bastion(from gamecareerguide)





Bastion(from gamecareerguide)

Bastion(from gamecareerguide)



由于《Bastion》的叙述者会根据玩家动作做出相关反应,因此Supergiant Games开发团队需要确保他的每句台词均吻合游戏情境,玩家的动作氛围以及游戏叙事内容。因为稍微一丁点儿偏差,或某个错误步调,便会致使这位忧郁严肃的叙述者陷入滑稽境地。但《Bastion》并没有犯下这种过失,其叙述者努力配合脚本情节与玩家自然催生的故事。






作者:Tielman Cheaney





























在《模拟城市》中破土动工并观看着自己的体育场不断壮大是有趣且具有奖励性的。在《植物大战僵尸》中收集足够的太阳去设置你的第五个Melon Pult是有趣且具有奖励性的。在《极速快感》紧凑的回合中漂移是有趣且具有奖励性的。而选择“礼貌”或“粗鲁”的回应却不是。




story-in-games-groundhog-day(from gamasutra)

story-in-games-groundhog-day(from gamasutra)

在电影《偷天情缘》中,Bill Murray所扮演的角色因为一些不明原因将反复在同一天复生。每一天他都会尝试一些新事物,但每天早上他都会在同一天同一座城镇的同一张床上醒过来。在某种意义上来看他是被困了,但是他却可以做任何自己想做的事。



Bill Murray说道:“我是God。”

Andir MacDowell说道:“你是God。”













但是当你接近那些华丽且精心勾勒的NPC时,所有的幻想都会破灭。那些控制思维的简单脚本是不能与能够控制行动的复杂脚本进行比较的。Alex Vance可能拥有一个能够不断改变目光交流层面的程序,但是如果你想听听她说什么,你就要做好听一些她对于你的钦佩之语的准备。虽然外观发生了巨大的变化,但是如今的NPC的内部结果却与1995年的没有多大区别。


恐怖谷理论是情感投入的巨大障碍。每次当Alex Vance重复一句话,或挡住你前进,或目光呆滞地站在远处时,你便会清楚他不是真人。她只是一个程序。









篇目1,Designing game narrative: How to create a great story

By Terence Lee

In this article, we talk about why storytelling needs to revolve around the interactive nature of the medium. Come and learn how to identify great game narrative, and to understand the importance of interactive – rather than cinematic – storytelling.

Imagine one day you are struck with a flash of inspiration: freshly seared onto your mind is a story, one that is undoubtedly the greatest tale ever conceived by Man. It has all the elements of a great narrative: a gripping plot, nuanced characters, and an evocative setting.

How would you write a book to convey this story?

First, let’s look at how the medium of literature works. Writers use words to express ideas, arranging them in ways that draw the reader into the world of the story. Writers use descriptive language to evoke the senses; they construct dialogue to reveal personalities; and they structure words into sentences, paragraphs, and chapters, to set the pacing and flow.

Now, let’s say you write your book while disregarding all of these guidelines. You use trite descriptions, a destitute vocabulary, and you reveal your characters in unsubtle ways. An excerpt of this book might read:

“It was a dark and stormy night. Bob was an evil man. He said to John, the good guy, ‘I hate you and I will kill you.’”

You continue to churn out the whole book in this horrible style, somehow still managing to communicate the bare facts of the amazing story you had in mind.

People who read the book would laugh. Even though it may actually contain the outline of an amazing story, it fails to properly put it into words – you could say that it didn’t take advantage of the medium of expression (literature). The story and the storytelling are not the same thing; you’ve only conveyed the facts of your story, but not the greatness of it.

Of course, you know better. Let’s say instead, you write the book beautifully, creating the best novel of all time. Great job! Now, you have a new task: you must convey your great story as a movie.

Now, let’s look at the medium of cinema. Whereas literature can be characterized by using words to present ideas over the course of time, cinema builds on that by adding a second dimension of expression: sensory input.

The audiovisual experience in a film is a whole new realm of possibilities for artistic expression. Whole pages of descriptive language in a book can be represented by a brief scene of imagery in a movie. A conversation between characters is now enhanced by their body language, their tone of voice, and the cinematography.

So, to make your movie, what do you do? Here’s one method: hand a random person your amazing, book version of the story, and film them reading it out loud. Perhaps you also sprinkle in some beautiful panoramic landscape shots. That counts as a movie, right? It’s got audio and visuals set to ideas presented over time.

Well, despite containing narration of the best novel of all time, the movie is a failure. Again, it did not take advantage of the medium of expression – the visuals and the audio are not used in a way that brings the story to life. Anyone who viewed it would laugh at how it tried to tell a story with complete disregard of the entire sensory dimension of cinema. If you’re just going to watch a movie of a guy reading a book out loud, you might as well just read the book yourself.

What about the beautiful, panoramic shots? They’re nice, but if you haven’t unified the narrative elements with the cinematic ones, then all they are is a distraction. The visuals and the audio are the primary vehicle for telling the story; they shouldn’t be treated as mere artifacts of the medium. The level of cinematic quality of the panoramic shots needs to be permeated throughout the whole storytelling; you can’t just segregate the story part and the video part. It’d be like trying to save that bad book we wrote earlier by sprinkling in Shakespeare quotes. You can’t just staple on pretty cinematics to a book and call it a film adaptation.

Of course, again, you know better – this is all obvious stuff. Instead, you film an amazing movie. Good work! With that achievement out of the way, you have one final task: to tell your amazing story using a video game.

We said that cinema was kind of like two-dimensional literature, the second axis being sensory input. Video games introduce a third-dimension: interactivity.

In books, depth comes from the words you read; in film, additional nuances emerge from hearing and seeing a scene. In games, you can discover further depth from doing the scene. With interactivity, you now get to experience the story firsthand. When you play as the protagonist, you have the opportunity to take on their motivations and emotions. You hear and see things via your own discovery, not from the guiding lens of a cameraman. We could say that video games communicate depth of narrative experientially, whereas cinema did it visually.

So, to adapt your story to a game, you do this: you take your amazing movie version of the story, cut it up into its individual scenes, and create a computer program that plays back the clips. You code some fun segments of gameplay that are tangentially related to some unimportant parts of the story, and then sprinkle them in between the movie scenes.

Well, despite having the best story, the best writing, and the best cinematic representation of it, the game again fails to take advantage of the medium of expression – it did not integrate the interactivity into the narrative. What about the fun gameplay sections you sprinkled in? Well, just like the Shakespeare sprinkled in your bad book, and the panoramic shots in your bad movie, those gameplay sections don’t do anything to advance the narrative. All you’ve done is segregate the game into its story parts and gameplay parts. No matter how fun the gameplay part is, no matter how good the story part is, if there is minimal overlap between the two, then you can hardly say that the story was successfully told through the medium of games. All you’ve done is staple gameplay onto a movie.

Now, people who play this game would laugh at how poorly the narrative is presented, right? Well, no, they wouldn’t.

You may be unsurprised to learn that almost all big-budget games present their narrative in that method — story, gameplay, story, gameplay, with minimal overlap.

Story versus storytelling

Wait-a-minute: this method isn’t actually bad storytelling, is it? I mean, people love these games, don’t they? They sell well, and people always talk about how good their stories are.

Well, yes, I would say that it is bad storytelling. Now, that isn’t to say that the games themselves are necessarily bad, or even that their stories are bad. Narrative isn’t automatically a crucial component in games, as it often is in film or literature. Interactivity is the defining feature of games – and indeed, games that excel in their gameplay are most often great games. However, a large number of games appear to have serious narrative ambitions, yet they try to tell their stories by jamming together the mismatching puzzle pieces of cinematic control and interactivity.

It doesn’t matter how good your story is. What matters first is how good your storytelling is, and that’s defined by what medium you’re telling that story in, whether it’s a book, movie, or game. The aforementioned games with big narrative ambitions have great stories but bad storytelling.

So what makes storytelling good, and how do we identify bad storytelling?

A note on game criticism

Before we answer those questions, let’s all get on the same page regarding some concerns: Isn’t this all subjective? If everyone likes it, then what’s the big deal?

Is the quality of game storytelling subjective? Only partially. A story-focused video game, like any form of creative expression, is an act of communication. The goal of a game designer is to communicate an experience and theme to the player. What’s subjective is the value of that desired experience and theme.

However, what’s not as subjective is the effectiveness of the communication of those ideas. Most game criticism about stories tends to discuss the subjective themes, while taking the clarity and presentation of the theme for granted. It’s like if critics were discussing the horrible movie that we made earlier, and rating it positively solely because of the content of the narrated story, overlooking the fact that the story is presented in a horrible way.

But people like these games; they have fun and they enjoy the stories. Well, I don’t mean to diminish their positive experiences. Rather, I hope to show that enormously greater experiences are possible. We have very low standards, mostly because there are such few good examples out there. This is reinforced by popular game journalism reviews, which really is just an extension of the game industry’s marketing arm, a symbiotic feel-good loop that ensures that only the most easily digestible game concepts are explored.

We think what we want are movies with a dash of interactivity, when there is actually an entirely unexplored universe of possibilities out there. Once you think about what the theoretically perfect game narrative could be, you realize that what we currently have falls drastically short. We already have works in literature and cinema that are close to ideal perfection, but we don’t even know what the ideal is in games.

The goal of this article is to show that games have barely even figured out how to present a theme, and that we should first focus on how to properly use the medium as a tool of expression before we start to worry so much about what is being expressed.

How to measure artistic quality

Before we talk about storytelling, let’s first talk about how to even identify good qualities in a game. One of the strongest indicators of artistic quality or good design is how effectively the individual elements work together to communicate the theme. In a good movie, everything should work to reinforce the thematic ideas, from the colors and the angle of the camera, to the music, acting, and makeup. If one of these elements instead contradicts the theme, then it sticks out and detracts from the power of the message, or at the very least, misses an opportunity to strengthen the message.

For example, in The Matrix, colours are used to emphasize the idea of opposing realities. All the scenes that take place in the simulated matrix world have a green tint built into the very props, wardrobe, and lighting, while all the scenes that take place in the cold and harsh real world have a blue tint. This visual cue helps the viewer subconsciously distinguish the contrasting worlds. It’s an elegant way to subtly reinforce that theme.

If the color palettes were instead chosen arbitrarily, the theme of contrasting realities would be that much weaker, that much less coherent. A good cinematographer finds and takes these opportunities in order to maximize the strength of their ideas. Likewise, in game storytelling, we also find opportunities to reinforce the message of the story with game elements like interaction and decision making. To ignore the theme while designing these elements is to have a weaker storytelling experience. This is a restatement of our earlier revelation, that we must take advantage of the traits of the medium in order to effectively tell a story in that medium.

A creative work made with this attitude feels elegant and consistent, because it manages to communicate many related ideas with few components. A less coordinated game instead feels unfocused, clumsy, and conflicting. If we want to identify weak storytelling, these are the attributes to look for, which we can detect by playing through a game and paying attention to see if our mind fills with dissonance.

Three kinds of dissonance

Cognitive dissonance – it’s an internal, mental conflict, and is usually quite subtle. It happens when you hold two conflicting beliefs or ideas in your mind at the same time. What kind of dissonance do we feel when we play these kinds of games? Here are three kinds that I’ve identified.

Conflicting experiences

The first – and most apparent – kind is ludonarrative dissonance. What does that mean? Ludonarrative dissonance is when you watch a game cutscene where the hero laments his distancing relationship with his family, and then in the next moment, you’re driving a car over a hundred people. Ludonarrative dissonance is when a great warrior ally monologues about how cunning and fearsome he is, only in the next moment, he’s running in circles, blocking your path annoyingly, and then gets shot dead instantly. It’s when what the story says and what the player does or experiences don’t match up.

This kind of dissonance happens quite often when you segregate the narrative and the gameplay, because the narrative is in the hands of the writer in one moment, and the player the next. It makes it hard to take seriously what the story is saying, because it conflicts with what we are actually experiencing.

“Who am I?”

The next kind of dissonance is a dissonance of identity. To explain this, let’s first back up a bit to the analogy of literature, cinema, and games as dimensions. Another way to look at this triplet is in their increasingly intimate point of view. Think about books: a lot of literature could be described as third-person storytelling: the events are verbally recounted to you by a third party – the author – and you interpret the words on your own.

Movies, on the other hand, are second-person storytelling: you watch the events unfold before your eyes, seeing things directly as they are. Lastly, video games are first-person storytelling: you are the actor living out the story. Instead of simply being told what’s going on, or watching it happen, you’re experiencing it firsthand!

However, in poor game storytelling, we often have a big dissonance regarding your identity. In one moment, you are the protagonist, exploring the world and fighting enemies. In the next moment, you jump out of your body and watch your character interact with others without your control, walking and talking on their own.

You’ve switched from first-person to second-person. Who are you? Are you the actor or the viewer? Games should be consistent with their point of view. It severely diminishes the importance of your actions if it constantly feels like the game distrusts you with making the important ones.

It diminishes the importance of your actions if it feels like the game distrusts you with making the important ones

One of the basic principles in writing is to show, don’t tell. If you want to convey that a character is nimble, don’t explicitly say “Bob is nimble,” show it: “Bob dodged the falling boulder.” In games, the principle should be to do, don’t show. Don’t just show a cinematic of your character dodging a falling boulder, do it: have the player dodge the boulder himself. Now it is the player themselves who feels nimble, instead of just his avatar. This conversion of character development into personal development is the key to immersive storytelling in games.

The problem with cutscenes

The last kind of dissonance is the weird modal shift that happens every time the game awkwardly tries to switch between “narrative mode” and “game mode”. One minute you’re playing a game, the next you’re watching a movie. It breaks the immersion, reminding you constantly that you’re consuming a piece of media. Not only that, it strips away any tension and emotion that was built up during the gameplay.

Imagine you’re playing an intense game where you’re fighting for your life. You’re in a really difficult segment: the whole time you’re on your toes and watching your every step, making sure you don’t make any mistakes. The stress and tension you are filled with is real: it’s genuine, tangible pressure, not just because your character is in a thematically tense situation with bullets flying and zombies shambling, but because you yourself are being challenged, trying to master the gameplay and pull victory out of a tricky situation. This part right here is good storytelling: the emotions the player is feeling matches up with the thematic situation at hand.

Converting character development into personal development is the key to truly immersive storytelling

While you are playing through this part of the game, all of a sudden, the camera zooms out, and now it’s a cutscene. Instantly, all your internal tension is gone. You put your controller down and sit back and watch. Even though the characters on-screen might now be engaged in an even more thematically tense situation, jumping from helicopters or something, you as a player don’t really care about that. Deep down inside, you know it’s just “movie mode”: anything that happens now is just supposed to happen; it’s all just “part of the story”.

Any mistakes you made before, during the gameplay mode, actually mattered: they caused you real world stress. But now, since you have no more control, any mistakes that you see your character doing during movie mode are all “part of the plan”. You no longer have skin in the game. You find yourself relaxing when it switches to this mode. You’re relaxing during the climax! What’s supposed to be the most intense part of a game is now the moment for your to ease your muscles and take a breath of relief. The game wasted a hard-earned emotional buildup in the name of being more “cinematic”!

Every time the game switches from gameplay mode to movie mode, your attachment to the player character switches from 100% emotionally invested, to 100% detached. That’s pure, jarring, dissonance right there.

Here’s another, very different example of this kind of modal shift, this one happening outside of games: silent movies. These films have pretty good cinematography and very good acting. You could say that they fill out the visual experience quite well. However, every once in a while, an intertitle comes up.

Intertitles are those fullscreen captions that describe what is happening or contain dialogue. During these captions, the film regresses back a dimension – it ignores the sensory experience, the thing that makes film unique from literature, and puts straight up literature on the screen. If we were to graph the progression of a silent film on our 2D chart, it would look something like this:

Over the length of the film, it generally maintains high levels of visual experience; however, whenever an intertitle comes up, the amount of sensory experience drops down to near zero. The exact same thing happens with game cutscenes!

When a cutscene happens, you ignore the whole dimension of interactivity, the thing that makes games unique from film, and put straight up film on the screen. Games with cutscenes are the silent films of games. At least silent films are excused by their technical limitations – no comparable excuse exists for games. The worst part is that the most important plot points tend to happen during cutscenes, while keeping you at a safe distance from actually participating.

Games with cutscenes are the silent films of games.

Let’s look at a counter example to cutscenes. The Half-Life series has an alternative approach: instead of showing a movie, they unfold the content of the scene naturally during the gameplay, and you never lose control of your character. Characters start talking around you, impressive visuals happen in front of you, but you’re always in control. You may be confined to a gated area during these parts, but you’re still free to walk around and examine things, and watch the action unfold while remaining in-character.

This works pretty well: the immersion is not broken, and you don’t change point-of-view – you never stop being an actor in the story experiencing things firsthand. It’s not perfect though: the formula does eventually get a little bit predictable, and the illusion wears away once you start realizing, “okay, I’m now in a story room,” but for the most part it works well, far better than a cutscene.

Explicit stories and player stories

We’ve talked a lot about what games are doing wrong. How do we improve our storytelling? To figure that out, let’s first take a look at the concept of narrative itself more deeply.

What even is narrative? Do all games have it? Do all games need it? Let’s lay down some definitions. First of all, there are two kinds of narratives in games: the first is the traditional kind, the kind we think of when we talk about plot, characters, and dialogue; and the second kind is the narrative of the player’s personal experience.

The first kind is what I call the explicit story. It’s what games are about. This game is about fighting off zombies. This game is about exploring the world and saving the princess. This game is about saving the world from aliens. It’s the aesthetic context of the game, explicitly stated by visuals, sounds, and words. Not all games have this kind of narrative, but it’s in most. RPGs, adventure games, and action games usually put a lot of emphasis on the explicit story. Other games eschew it completely, like many puzzle games and most traditional card games. Even a game like chess has a tiny amount of it: the game is loosely styled as a medieval war game.

The second kind of narrative is what I call the player story. It’s the player’s personal experience. As they play through the game, a lot of things happen in the player’s mind: they experience a variety of emotions, they develop perceptions and interpretations of characters and events, and they form relationships between their own actions and the on-screen results. These things all work together to create a different kind of narrative experience, one with its own pacing, characters, plot, and dialogue, separate from the explicit story.

A good player story should always be the end goal, while the role of an explicit story should be to support the development of a good player story.

Are these player stories actually real stories? Yes – in fact, players will often just outright tell these stories to others. Ask someone about their intense Tetris match.

“I was trying to beat my friend’s high score. I had a great start, but near the end I just couldn’t get a line piece. It was up to the final few rows, and finally I got one! I used it to put myself in the clear, and went on to beat my friend’s high score.”

That’s a real story. Maybe it doesn’t sound that exciting when you put it in words, but in the player’s mind, it’s a fully developed experience with a real conflict, climax, and conclusion. It’s felt deeply by the player, because it’s something that happened directly to them.

All games have this kind of narrative. Even a game like football has its own stories – people tell them all the time, recounting exciting matches and plays. Many games have both kinds, both an explicit story and the player’s story.

However, a good player story should always be the end goal, while the role of an explicit story should be to support the development of a good player story. A game with an amazing explicit story and a horrible player story is like the book we made earlier that had a great plot but a horrible delivery of it; it’s the movie we made with the bad narrator and boring visuals. You can’t just design both stories separately: as we saw earlier, fun gameplay that is segregated from the explicit story makes for dissonance, meaning you’ll end up with a disjointed and bad player story.

Unifying the two narratives

So how do we tell a good player story and a good explicit story together? By knowing this: the best game storytelling is when the explicit story is indistinguishable from the player story.

Ideally, when you play a game, you should never have to ask yourself, “What am I supposed to be doing?” In a good game, what you are supposed to do should intersect with what you want to do. If the emotions and motivations you feel while playing a game feel natural within the context of the game, then something amazing has happened.

In a good game, what you are supposed to do should intersect with what you want to do.

Here’s an example from the first Portal game. In this game, you play as a test subject with a portal gun, trying to advance through different test chambers. Near the end, you are riding a slowly moving platform to what you are told is a reward for your good test performance. Suddenly, it’s revealed that the platform is actually taking you to a fiery death.

When I was playing this scene, I genuinely panicked: I was deeply immersed in the game at this point, feeling good about myself for beating the puzzles, ready to be rewarded for it, and now I was being betrayed. Without thinking, my eyes lead me to an ideal surface for firing my portal gun, and I created an exit for myself, escaping certain death. For just a moment, I genuinely thought I broke the system. I had outsmarted the enemy with my wits!

Now of course, it turns out that I was actually supposed to do that. But when I did it, it was purely out of my own motivation for self preservation, not because I wanted to “advance the story”. There’s a night and day difference between just watching a character narrowly escape, versus doing it firsthand via your own wits and finesse, experiencing genuine anxiety and relief. A key plot element has progressed naturally, without dissonance. What I wanted to do and what I was supposed to do was the same.

Everything in the earlier parts of the game worked towards making this scene happen naturally for the player: the training in the portal mechanics; the witty dialogue that foreshadowed doom; the test chamber format that made you want to escape; the little hints that escape could be possible.

Let’s break this scene down to the two narrative types: The player story is that you used your wits to escape a stressful situation. The explicit story is that your character, Chell, used her wits to escape a stressful situation. They’re identical!

There’s a night and day difference between just watching a character narrowly escape, versus doing it firsthand via your own wits and finesse, experiencing genuine anxiety and relief.

Let’s compare this scene to a similar one in a different game. I’ll use the new Tomb Raider as an example, although there are countless situations in other games that play out the same way. In one scene, you are watching a cutscene of your character running from danger, and suddenly it’s revealed that a large boulder is about to crush you. You have exactly one option: press the × button within the next half second. If you do, your character jumps out of the way safely. Any other action causes your character to die.

On the outside, both scenes in Portal and Tomb Raider seem to have the same amount of danger: in both cases, failure means a gruesome death for the heroine. Yet in Tomb Raider, the situation is experienced largely emotionlessly by the player. Perhaps you cringe a bit when you see the grisly death animation, or maybe you experience frustration as you miss the button the first few times. But there’s never the excitement of using your wits to save yourself from danger, as there was in Portal.

Even though the Tomb Raider scene may be more cinematic and visually impressive, it’s forgettable. You almost got killed! Shouldn’t that be memorable? It’s not, because the player story clashes with the explicit story. The player story is that you’re watching a cutscene, and suddenly the game tells you to press a button in an obvious and annoying way, and you are forced to press it under the punishment of boring repetition. The explicit story is that your character, Lara Croft, narrowly escape grave danger using her keen senses and agility. That’s a huge disconnect between the two! How dissonant is that?

This is what I mean when I say that the explicit story is the aesthetic context to the player story. It’s a way of framing your actions and motivations, a way to increase consistency and to reinforce themes. The two narrative types work together. If there was no explicit story in that Portal scene, you would just be jumping from gray boxes into gray walls, so that you don’t fall into the red zone that would reset your position. You might feel good about figuring out the puzzle, or enjoy that you’re getting pretty good at the mechanics, but you wouldn’t feel like you “beat the system”, or that you used your wits to cheat death.

On the other hand, if there were no player story, like if you had just watched a really cinematic video of the situation, you wouldn’t have felt those things either. You may get excited by the visuals, or feel happy that the protagonist survived, but you wouldn’t feel any personal achievement or any risk to yourself.

Linear, scripted, cinematic stories

So we just saw a good example of how tell a good story of a short action sequence. How can we extend these principles to the entire story of the game?

Well, it’s hard. Not many games have pulled it off very well, especially games with a linear, scripted, cinematic format. By this format, I mean games with a big emphasis on the explicit story, with scripted events, lots of characters and dialogue, and usually a definite ending. There are a lot of weaknesses with this format: a lack of choice; an over-emphasis of dialogue, even though the player has little control over it; a rigid, linear progression. These aren’t weaknesses in a film, but in a game, these traits clash quite heavily with the medium’s emphasis on interactivity.

Portal is one of these games, but it manages to do a great job at storytelling. However, I think it is an exception, in that it is unique in its ability to take advantage of those weaknesses. The lack of choices, the one-sided dialogue, and the linear progression, all made sense in Portal’s test chamber format. You’re forced to do what is told, since you’re just a guinea pig; you can’t talk back, since there are no other characters except for a disembodied computer; and you only have one direction to go in those test chambers.

This convenient format means that none of the usual dissonances arise. But you can’t really generalize these techniques to other games. It’s as if the only way to overcome these weaknesses is by embracing them and building them into the story itself. That’s not an option for most game stories.

Maybe the linear, scripted, cinematic story just isn’t a great format for games. Some games with this format do a pretty decent job, at least in some aspects, but I doubt we’re going to see great advances in this style for a long time. It’s a style that is imperfectly adapted from movies, and it just doesn’t fit very elegantly in a medium about interactivity, choices, and personal experience.

I don’t think it should be the go-to format for game stories. What other formats are there? There are a few options, many of them experimental, but there’s one in particular I want to explore in this article: emergent narrative.

Putting the player back in control

We saw that the weaknesses with the linear, scripted, cinematic format all revolved around control. The writer in us wants to create a string of concrete events that unfold unvaryingly, but what if we loosened up on that desire? What if we gave up that strict control? A common thing we saw in those games is that they first created the explicit story, and then designed the player story around that. They have their script all written out, and then built the gameplay with the script in mind, trying to get it to match up. What if we did the opposite? What if we designed the player story first, and then built the explicit story to match that?

Now, I don’t mean to simply make a fun abstract game first, and then write a scripted story that makes sense with it. That’s certainly a great method to try out, but it’s not exactly what I’m talking about at the moment. What I mean is, instead of having any scripted elements at all, we let the explicit story describe the player story. We let the plot, climax, and characters all emerge from what the player experiences. In short, the story describes what the player did, instead of what the player needs to do.

What would that look like, exactly? Here are a few examples.


The first example is the game Journey. In the game, the explicit story appears to be very loose. When you start out, all you know is that you’re some sort of person or creature in the desert. That’s it. There are no explicit goals, motivations, plot, conflict or dialogue. However, these things naturally emerge, simply through the design of the game.

Early on, you see a beautiful, gleaming beam of light on a mountain far in the distance. Either consciously or subconsciously, your goal becomes to get to that mountain, as it always seems to be in your view. Along the way, you encounter some characters. These are other human players, going through the same experience as you. You can’t talk to them with words, but you can communicate with body language and a singing ability.

At this point, the story is different for everyone. Some people partner up with a curious new player, solving problems together, building up their friendship, reaching the end together. Others have conflicts with the other players, and choose to go it alone. Others make a great friend, but become separated from each other through their own struggles in the game, and they mourn the loss of their friend. Others find a mentor, an experienced player who can guide and teach them along their way.

These are all great stories that are deeply meaningful to the players, since they are personal experiences that they created for themselves. And they’re not just personal like an intense Tetris game, but also emotionally complex, like a good movie. I mean, imagine this:

You’re alone in the wilderness, and then you get stuck at the bottom of a cliff. You have great trouble getting out, but then a stranger comes out of nowhere and helps you. The two of you become great friends and you explore the world together. However, as you cross a windy bridge, your friend falls off!

You yell for him, hoping he hears you. You are filled with despair, knowing you may never see him again, but suddenly you hear him wailing faintly in the distance. You know that voice, that singsong pattern that you’ve heard him chirp before. Eventually, you go down and rescue him, as he had rescued you earlier. You journey to the end together safely.

That’s like something out of a movie! However, the experience is even stronger than a movie, because it actually happens to you. It happens not because a writer decided it should, but because of the actions you and your new friend did. You formed real relationships, felt real emotions, real despair and joy. A scripted version of the experience would only be a vicarious one; never a genuine, firsthand one like it is now. You could call it a literal narrative, since everything that’s important actually happens in real life, short of physically going into a mystical desert.

A scripted version of the experience would only be a vicarious one; never a genuine, firsthand one like it is now

It’s not that the designers didn’t design any explicit story. Rather, instead of trying to come up with very specific plot lines, characters, dialogue, and events, they chose to design a context that would highlight those elements when they emerged.

When you find another player, there are visual cues that underscore their presence and introduction. When you communicate with them through singing and body language, all sorts of imagery forms in your mind about the other player’s personality (that’s character development!). When you both are getting along fine, a big hazard tests your relationship. These are all elements of a great story, and they are explicitly designed by the designers. They’re just not shoved down your throat – they happen naturally.

Dwarf Fortress

Let’s look at another example. We talked about letting the story emerge out of the player experience; this game takes that concept to a whole new level: Dwarf Fortress.

It’s hard to describe Dwarf Fortress, but in short, it’s a detailed simulation of a kingdom of dwarves. It looks graphically primitive, but don’t let that fool you: the game is ridiculously detailed. This is a game that simulates everything from rivers cutting through canyons over thousands of years, to an individual droplet of rain on the eyelash of a child. It’s a sandbox game, and you try to build up your kingdom until a catastrophe naturally emerges through the complexity of the simulation, wiping everything away.

One great aspect of the game is that its visual simplicity allows your mind to fill in the blanks and assign meaning and motivation to the details in the game. It’s like how when you read a good book, your mind naturally creates what the characters look and sound like. Through this and through the game’s complexity, you can imagine what kinds of stories must emerge. catalogues many of these: some filled with action, some unexpectedly heartfelt and touching, others just plain silly. Check them out to see just what kind of imagination and emotions get stirred up by people playing this game.

While I would consider Dwarf Fortress to be on the extreme side of its style of storytelling, as it is quite inaccessible to most people, there’s still a lot from it that we can learn. The main thing we can take away is that an emergent situation – whether it came from the interaction of complex rules, the player’s experimentation, or even just through random chance – can be just as impactful to a player as a scripted situation, sometimes even more so.

The beauty comes when the situations feel purposeful and add depth to the player story. The fact that a situation is emergent means it’s likely unique, making the experience feel special for the player, since they know that no one else has encountered it before. It’s like when you play Minecraft the first few times and find a beautiful natural formation. You feel a sense of awe, knowing that you’re the first person to have ever seen it. It must be what old explorers felt when trailblazing. That’s a hard feeling to create with scripted situations!


A final example of emergent narrative is a roguelike game called Brogue.

In Brogue, you are an adventurer exploring a procedurally generated cave, trying to reach the artifact at the bottom and bring it back up in one piece. It’s very difficult: death is permanent, and there are an infinite number of mistakes to make. The explicit story is minimal: all you know is what you’re looking for, and that the world around you is highly dangerous. Like Dwarf Fortress, the minimal visuals let the player form their own interpretations of the action.

However, the game is filled to the brim with opportunities for the emergence of great player stories. There are complex interactions between items, enemies, and the environment, and you always have a myriad of options for dealing with the current situation. Grass catches on fire; enemies can turn into allies; dropped items can trigger switches. There are so many interactions between individual elements, yet there are no scripted sequences. What kinds of emergent stories can arise from this? I watched my friend play the game once:

There he was, stuck on a wooden bridge over a deep chasm, goblins closing in on both sides, blocking the bridge exits. He is at low health and can’t fight them all. All he has is an unidentified potion, which he can only hope is a potion of levitation, so he can fly off the bridge to safety. With the goblins just steps away, he drinks the potion. Unfortunately, it was a potion of incineration!

A huge burst of flames erupts, setting him, the goblins, and the bridge on fire. The bridge burns away and everyone falls into the chasm below. Fortunately, he lands safely in a pool of water, which also puts out the flames. Some of the goblins survive, while others hit the ground nearby and die. However, one of the flaming goblins lands in a bog filled with explosive gas, and triggers a massive explosion that wipes out the remaining goblins. My friend escapes, and continues his journey deeper into the cave.

That scene is packed with action. It’s just as exciting as any action movie or game cinematic, and it’s just one of many equally amazing scenes that I’ve seen happen in the game. Despite that, none of it is scripted; it’s not even directly intended by the designer. It simply emerges from the interactions of the mechanics. The difficulty progression in Brogue means that as you get further in the game, the more elements you’ll encounter, meaning more interactions and more intense sequences like these will happen.

We should stop looking to cinema as inspiration for our narrative, and start realizing that nontraditional structures can be a stronger storytelling technique than the ones in the biggest scripted and cinematic games

A playthrough of Brogue truly does contain a genuine story: the story of the player’s adventure through the dangerous caves. Just because there aren’t names or dialogue or cinematics doesn’t make it any less of a story. I honestly think the storytelling in Brogue, despite the game being entirely untouched by plot writers, is superior to the storytelling in a game like the new Tomb Raider.

Yes, Tomb Raider has a more complex plot and more detailed characters, but remember: the story and the telling of it are not the same thing. Perhaps Tomb Raider would make for a better movie than Brogue, but we’re talking about games. Tomb Raider is that book we wrote at the beginning of this talk that has a good story but uses words and sentences poorly. Brogue is like Hemingway, with a simple plot, simple vocabulary, and simple sentence structures, but is written masterfully, in a way that deeply communicates its themes. I think the themes of action and adventure resonate much more deeply in Brogue than in Tomb Raider.

A new frontier

Emergent narrative is still a fairly unexplored technique, one that I think is particularly promising, since it delves so deeply into forming personal experiences. It’s one of many possible storytelling methods, and I think designers will have to first branch out in these areas if we want to discover the ideal form of game narrative. Until then, let’s remember to focus on the player story when building the explicit one.

Video games are a young medium of creative expression. Books have been around for millennia; cinema for a century. Video games became popular only just a few decades ago. We’re still just passing over the silent film era of games. I don’t think we’ve fully understood yet what it means to have great narrative in games, so we need to be open minded about different storytelling formats.

We should stop looking to cinema as inspiration for our narrative, and start realizing that nontraditional structures can be a stronger storytelling technique than the ones in the biggest scripted and cinematic games. Let’s redefine game narrative to mean more than just plot and dialogue – what we really care about is the story that happens in the player’s mind.

篇目2,How Bastion Blends Narrative With Play

by Andrei Filote

[Many games support their narratives via cutscenes and other non-interactive channels, but Supergiant Games' Bastion finds a way to work storytelling into its very core.]

Narratives and video games have always gone hand-in-hand. Even simple games like Pong find a way to tell their own stories, as players create their own experiences based on what’s happening on screen. Stories in games often emerge from the way we interact with them, but even decades after the medium’s inception, we still don’t have a solid consensus on the best ways to craft interactive narratives.

An exhaustive discussion of these methods will likely entertain scholars and designers for decades to come, but for now, it’s worth taking a look at a few examples that in my mind demonstrate a seamless union of gameplay and narrative.

How does narrative come about in a videogame? In essence, it all comes down to the way the brain assimilates information. Based on the way we process visual information, images lead automatically to narratives. This is convenient for games because — like movies — they are all pictures strung together in sequence! It’s important to note because that we often separate writing, dialog or story from play, but in reality they are as tightly interdependent as the two sides of a single coin. Since a videogame exists as a virtual environment, our perception of that environment and of what takes place within it automatically creates a story.

Many games today try to get the player to experience a written, pre-defined story on one hand, and on the other a series of interactions with the virtual environment, which create other, more spontaneous stories. Usually these two halves are kept separate by a series of constraints, whether technological or philosophical, so that we often experience them alternately (one section of gameplay leads into a corresponding cutscene and so forth). This creates a bit of a problem: proper storytelling is never addressed; as the stories that emerge during gameplay or cutscenes have little or nothing to do with each other. Thus, the whole experience becomes divided: One part is a game, the other is a movie contained within the game.

But despite this common problem, there are games that have found ways to work around the constraints of non-interactive cutscenes. One of the latest is Bastion.

Interactive Storytelling: Three Examples

The three instances we will be looking at are all underlined by the use of suggestion, a technique which is supremely suited to videogames but often ignored. It seems almost foolish to make use of something so understated in a medium that has a tendency to celebrate explosions, but the attention-demanding nature of videogames actually lends itself very well to suggestion.

While you are distracted with the challenges of the moment, something entirely different may unfold beneath the fabric of the immediate, creating ulterior motivation and providing new context to otherwise obvious actions.

1. When violence mirrors narrative

Violence is often a vehicle for play, but when the user spends most of his or her time physically destroying opponents, combat tends to become trivial, and it tends to lose significance in terms of storytelling. The critical subtext provided by Bastion’s use of suggestion changes all of this.

Consider first the game’s array of weapons. The progression in their technological advancement reveals the increasingly warlike aspect of the society of Caelondia. We witness a hierarchy of needs: to build (the hammer), to defend oneself from the environment (spear, bow), to dominate the environment (fire bellows), to combat other societies (carbine, musket), to dominate those societies completely (mortar, calamity cannon), to unleash the end-all weapon itself — the Calamity.

The progression follows the development of the story and its themes. The more destructive your weapons become, the closer you get to learning the truth about the equally destructive conflict between the City, founded by colonists who seek to exploit nature and harness its forces, and the Ura, who still live in a world of inviolate divinity.

It’s a remarkably simple history of a society’s violent deeds. As the colonists penetrate the new continent, they trade hammer for bow for musket for cannon. The Calamity, with its ability to sunder mountains and render any living being into ash, is a surreal nuclear weapon. It is also the logical extreme of the arms race and at the same time the ultimate guarantee against defeat. It’s fitting that the game take place in the backdrop of the Calamity, because in attempting to reverse it the Kid has no choice but to come to terms with the reality of its deployment. Having just escaped it, he is embraced by it.

2. Contextualizing the enemy

Your enemies are neither anonymous nor without motivation. They occupied different roles before the Calamity and must now scramble to rebuild themselves. Their efforts come into conflict with the Kid’s, whose goal of rebuilding the Bastion is, according to the narrator, a victory for everyone. Whether we can trust the narrator is one thing, but this justification suddenly provides a sharp counterpoint to the killing of the sentient creatures who are attempting to create their own version of a safe haven.

The realization that your enemies have as much right to survive as you is a critical part of the game and is present most obviously in their opposition to the Kid, in their struggle to organize, regroup and rebuild, looking clearly to path out a future in a world which must recover from apocalypse. These are clearly the efforts of someone who has something to gain and to lose. The Windbags, a lower social order now displaced but inheriting a ruined city; the Ura, whose survivors focus their grief into vengeance, though not so much as to forget honor; the Peckers — birds with a “post-calamity superiority complex” — who are a humorous if irritating addition. Each are clearly acting on their own motivations, and are willing to use their resources to accomplish their goals. In so doing they are simply mirroring the Kid’s actions, and are being just as definite, as resolute.

Bastion’s antagonists are not evil. Nor do they rush blindly to their doom. Most of the time they are the natural world, or the lesser part of society, or a different society altogether.

They are all, undeservedly, subject to the violence of an invader: You. It is important to spell out this achievement, because Bastion doesn’t simply spill out hordes of automatons for the player to gun down. It provides context for its antagonists, which helps the game become something more.

3. The Shrine

The Shrine as a concept executes a perfect marriage between two separate needs: one, strictly narratological, to explain the faith of the Caelondian people, the other, a function of gameplay, to enable higher difficulties. Both of these are achieved through the act of praying. Prayer itself exists on two levels. The first level is that of the interface, which tells us, the player, who we are invoking and what we are getting for our trouble (enemies hit harder, faster, etc). But in the story proper there is no interface, and from the Kid’s perspective there is no user: His prayer is an act of pure faith, and like swinging his hammer, it’s no make believe. He makes a decision, reaching out into the unknowable to ask for something.

What does he ask for? We never know. What we get is difficulty, trials, and tribulations, all of which constitute one thing: Punishment. Is it too far a leap to guess the Kid believes he deserves to be punished for the crimes of the past? We can only wonder, but wondering is in itself both reward and achievement — to have created characters who own their lives and act on their experiences, who, in short, live every moment as intensely as we do, as though they have broken away and now live independently, occupying a space we have the privilege to touch. That is the goal of any narrative, whether it comes in a game, film or novel.

These considerations can only be made through the use of suggestion, through those silences and whispers which tell us enough to get by, but which conceal an entire world left to the imagination. Beneath the surface of its beauty, behind the lush color palette, beyond even the physical world which comes together spectacularly at the player’s feet, Bastion is a game of ethnic conflict, even of genocide, and of many, many mistakes.

An exceptional element: The narrator

Plenty of video games have used narrators to support their storylines, but there has never been one quite like Bastion’s, which is all-encompassing, and reactive to the player’s actions.

Because Bastion’s narrator reacts dynamically based on the players actions, the development team at Supergiant Games needed to make sure that each of his lines fit the context of the situation, matched the tone of the player’s actions, and even fit within the game’s narrative. With even a slight deviation, a single false step, the grave, melancholy Narrator could have turned into a hilarious accident. But Bastion made no such mistake, and its narrator manages to encompass both scripted plot and a player’s naturally arising story.

While it spends much of its time reacting to the player, Bastion’s narrative goes far beyond just describing his or her actions. As players work their way through the game, we not only receive clever exposition, but find ourselves in a position better and better suited to judging the narrator himself, who with every spoken line reveals as much about his own person as about the world.

It’s also easy to see how the entire device could be construed as a gimmick, a peripheral part of the whole exercising an interest useful for little else but marketing. We could envision many different forms of this system, even one in which the player might be able to deactivate the narration entirely. But that’s not the case here. To uproot the narrator would be to cripple the game’s very spine, removing in one violent pull any and all meaningful motion. We are not dealing with a system parallel to others (weapons, upgrades, etc) but are facing up to the carrying structure of the whole narrative. It is the essential core of Bastion’s experience.

Like the Shrine, the narrator works on multiple levels. He reveals to us the world as we advance through it, but he is not omniscient, merely working with information he has managed to acquire retroactively, sometimes conjecturing, sometimes just guessing, other times becoming defensive or proving to be simply clueless. There are times, such as during the endgame, when he works openly within the greater frame of the story being told to entertain two people simply waiting for the” End,” though we do not realize this fact until we have come face to face with the here and now of the narrator, which has always been the player’s destination.

The endgame is where everything changes. Players pass the point of no return. Something is lost forever, and not just the possibility of choice, but the illusion of it. The story is revealed to be precisely that, a convenient reconstruction drawn out of memory and guesswork. Where we have been working from the easily decorated past we have come into the uncertain present. We reach what is simultaneously the source of the story, and the end of it all, the heart of the Bastion. The narration then ceases, ridding the speaker of his divinity, and we come into the full force of the immediately real. Then it’s time to make a choice.

篇目3,3 Massive Problems Confronting Storytelling in Games

by Tielman Cheaney

The best stories told in video games today are pale shadows of the best stories told in books, movies, and the stage today. Why?

Games contain huge, unavoidable obstacles that prevent traditional storytelling.

Here are the three problems of game stories, in order of severity:

1: The Problem of Systems

Systems make games fun, but other media boring. Players enjoy learning, playing with, and mastering systems.

How games use systems:

Games spend hours chronicling every footstep and reload that a soldier makes during a firefight. No movie would ever do that. Complex combat systems make it fun. It’s fun to manage ammo, weigh the risks of advancement, use cover, then pop out and get those headshots. Failure to use the system well results in a short backpedal and a lesson about how the system works. The interesting part of a war game is the gunfight. “Will a flashbang stun the guys in the bunker long enough for me to fire two rockets at the tank?”

How movies use systems:

But in movies, gunfights are only interesting after we’ve formed an emotional bond with the characters. Fantastic war movies like Apocalypse Now, Black Hawk Down, The Hurt Locker, or Full Metal Jacket spend far less than half their running time on yelling and shooting. The fun comes from characters interacting. “Jeff has been a reliable soldier, but he’s going crazy. Will he get everybody killed in the next raid?”

Books are even less action-focused, with For Whom the Bell Tolls, The Killer Angels, and The Red Badge of Courage spending pages and pages on the thoughts and feelings of their characters. “I volunteered for this, but I think I might be a coward. Whoops.’”

The same story, told differently:

A book, a movie, and a video game can all tell the same story. But the fun in a game comes from the opposite place than it does in a book or a movie.

Learning how to fight in a movie is a two minute montage. Learning how to fight in a game is hours and hours. It’s practically the whole experience.

By the same token, character development in a movie is hours of talking. Character development in a game is a two minute cut scene.

Yes, this is an oversimplification. You can combine action with character development, and most stories do. But we can make a clear divide between “Sitting and Talking” and “Running and Shooting,” to illustrate the strengths and weaknesses of each medium.

This is a huge problem for storytelling in games. Conventional writing does not work. The itch to get back to the action, to the system, overpowers most of the character development and plot a writer would want to present. When we play a game, we become very goal-oriented, and we want to live in the system. Anything that takes us out of it is an obstacle between us and our goal. Even death is a known, measurable part of the system. Story, on the other hand, usually isn’t.

Cutscenes: worse than death?

Death, in a game, is a temporary setback that keeps us from our goal for a set amount of time. We quickly learn exactly how long it takes to watch the death animation, hit the “reload” button, and get back to the action.

A cutscene, in a game, is a temporary setback that keeps us from our goal for an uncertain amount of time. We don’t know how long these characters are going to talk, what they’re going to talk about, or if it’s going to be interesting. In games, cutscenes can be worse than death.

I enjoy a certain amount of cutscenes, but my personal tolerance hovers around the < 5 minute mark. Games face an uphill battle when forcing the player to stop playing long enough to become emotionally invested.

Games live or die by how great their systems are. Traditional storytelling doesn’t work with current systems.

Can it be solved?


The best way to cultivate emotional investment is character development and interaction.

In life, we have many goal-oriented conversations, based on what we know about the other person and how to use words. Conversation is a system.

Theoretically, a system for conversational interaction could be the basis of a game. If players know what they want when they approach an NPC, if their skill at manipulating the conversational system impacts the results, and if the system is fun, then a whole new level of gaming is in reach. Character development and emotional involvement unlocked. Level up. But it’s not going to be that easy.

Games have made fantastic strides in a players’ ability to interact with the world, enemies, and their own gear. But systems to explore the emotional core of humans interacting with humans still seems miles away

A gun in a video game is a simple, fun, rewarding tool for interaction. The “press A” prompt to start a conversation is not. A gunfight creates a system based on skill, with learnable punishments and rewards. A branching dialogue tree does not.

Breaking ground and watching your stadium go up in Sim City is fun and rewarding. Collecting enough sun to place your fifth Melon Pult in Plants Vs. Zombies is fun and rewarding. Drifting past the Ferrari on a tight series of turns in Need for Speed is fun and rewarding. Choosing the “polite” or “rude” response is not.

Without a system of interaction that can be learned, manipulated, and mastered, human interaction will continue to be an obstacle.

2: The problem of Groundhog Day

A player will always be able to replay events until he gets what he wants.

In the movie Groundhog Day, Bill Murray’s character is forced, for unexplained reasons, to relive the same day over and over, tens of thousands of times. Every day he tries something new, but every morning he wakes up back in the same bed in the same town on the same day: Groundhog Day. In one sense he’s trapped, but he can do anything he wants, all the time.

Video game players can replay any scenario until they get the outcome they want. The designer can’t effectively force the player to make a certain decision.

Replayability is a superpower, probably the best superpower. We can be immortal. We can be infallible. We can try infinity times. With each life, we create an alternate universe, and the one we stay in the longest is the one that brings us to victory. The level 8 boss might be as big as a house and have claws for hands, but nothing can stand against an infinite, immortal, infallible gamer.

“I’m a god,” says Bill Murray.

“You’re God.” Says a sarcastic Andie MacDowell.

“I’m a god, I’m not the God. I think.”

“Because you survived a car wreck?”

“I didn’t just survive a wreck. I wasn’t just blown up yesterday. I have been stabbed, shot, poisoned, frozen, hung, electrocuted, and burned. And every morning I wake up without a scratch on me, not a dent in the fender… I am an immortal.”

In games, so are we. And that’s a big storytelling problem.

The same fears and motivations that affect characters in other media, and affect us in real life, don’t work on our game avatars. We routinely barge into stranger’s houses, attempt 20-foot roof leaps, and charge demon platoons without a second thought. The problem of Groundhog Day ruins tension. It ruins believability. It creates dissonance between the abilities of the gamer and the story told by the developer.

If certain events need to happen in the story a developer wants to tell, the player can’t have any choice at all regarding those events. The player will choose what they want, not what the storyteller wants, and they’ll choose based not on normal human wants and needs, but on the wants and needs of an immortal. A developer must choose carefully what freedoms to give the player.

Games create immortal characters with unusual motivations. Traditional storytelling doesn’t work with such superhumans.

Can it be solved?


Solving the Problem of Systems and the Problem of the Uncanny Valley would go a long way. If the NPC’s are allowed to drive the story, and player choice does not affect major plot points, then the designer is free to write anything. Then it remains to align player motivation with the game world.

3: The problem of the uncanny valley

Art and technology have not advanced far enough for designers to be able to create realistic, believable characters in a game.

There is one emotional driver that games do better than any other media: immersion. There is no other experience like being in the world of Thief, Myst, Mass Effect, Rage, or WoW. Movies cap out at three hours and books place you inside heads better than inside worlds. Games create environments that captivate you for weeks.

But the illusion falls apart when you approach one of those beautifully rendered, carefully-animated NPCs. The simple scripts that run their brains can not compare with the elaborate scripts that generate the shadows under their noses. Alex Vance may have a great program that dynamically alters her level of eye contact from moment to moment, but if you want to hear what she has to say, you’d better be ready to listen to a canned phrase about her admiration for you. The innards of an NPC now are about the same as they were in 1995, while the outsides have undergone a massive makeover.

We know humans too well. The best NPC human in the world will reveal its inhumanity within 30 seconds of interaction.

The uncanny valley is a huge obstacle to emotional engagement. Every time Alex Vance repeats a phrase, or blocks your passage through a doorway, or stands too long staring at nothing, you are reminded that she is not real. She’s just a program. You don’t need to care about about a string of ones and zeros.

Gamers adapt. We’re able to develop some emotional connections with our uncanny cohorts in games. But non-gamers see the creepiness much more clearly than we do.

I was showing off Mass Effect 2 to my wife, and instead of being impressed by the fantastic voice acting and animation, she said “the dialogue doesn’t sync up very well, does it?” And she was right. For a person used to Pixar’s levels of quality, Mass Effect 2 looks kind of sloppy. We’re coming from a world where pressing X to watch Cloud say “…” is emotionally resonant, and she’s coming from a world where teams of hundreds invest months tweaking Buzz Lightyears’ facial expressions.

Without emotional connection, there’s no story.

Can it be solved?

Yes. It’s being solved. Artists avoid the problem by telling stories about animals, bugs, toys, robots, or aliens. Or they stylize the characters in a way that works around the medium’s limitations. Or they use radios and recordings to move the characters off-screen. So while technology catches up, developers are able to use tricks to tell better stories.

In Conclusion:

Games have the potential to tell immersive, compelling, life-changing stories that rival or surpass the stories told by other media. We just need to solve a few problems. I know that many of you are hard at work right now trying to work around or fix these issues. I look forward to seeing your creativity and intelligence on the market soon!

