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发布时间:2015-05-12 10:38:38 Tags:,,,,,

作者:Jonathan Raveh

尽管App Store与Google Play问世仅有几年时间,开发者却已经由此收获了大量宝贵经验。在过去数年中,游戏晋升为榜单之首的途径已经发生了许多变化……这并非对开发者有利的局面。你总能不时听到某位原来名不见经传的开发者所推出的应用突然就飙升到了榜单第一,第二或第三名。但这种情况已经越来越少了。iOS和Android应用数量超过300万,这个领域竞争日益激烈。因此不投入足够的广告预算,似乎就不太可能从中脱颖而出。

更糟糕的是,优化应用并提升流量的一个主要工具也正迅速衰落。没错,应用关键字的效能正走向绝境。如果你搜索网页就会发现大量关于灵活使用关键字而令应用获得极高辨识度的励志文章。许多公司和服务(如Sensor Tower)为开发者提供优化其关键字的工具。不幸的是,这一招已经不管用了。2012年已经远去,热门关键字背后现在都已经集结了成千上万款相互竞争的应用。而使用较为冷门的关键字在许多情况下仍然可行,但若使用了这种关键字就无法获取广大用户。




当今应用开发者要做的第一步就是理解从数量到质量的转型。你应用下载页面的高转化率在许多情况下,可以补偿流量不足的情况。因此,要实现应用在Google Play和App Store的优化,就很有必要采取以下一系列措施:





3.病毒性——好友及熟人推荐是应用获得下载安装的最可靠途径。要确保你为用户提供了在Facebook、Twitter或其他相关社交网站上分享、推荐应用的功能。iOS游戏可以绑定Game Center,使用Facebook登录API也可以加分。










Death of the app keyword – what’s next?

by Jonathan Raveh

While the history of the App Store and especially Google Play is still relatively short, developers have already gained considerable mileage in experience. The ability to become a chart topping, massive app-hit has changed quite a bit in the last few years… and not in favor of the developers. Every now and again you’ll find an anonymous developer sky-rocketing his app into the number 1, 2 or 3 spot. But those incidences are becoming increasingly rare. With over 3 million iOS and Android apps available, clearly the competition is as fierce as ever. Standing out, without an ample advertising budget, seems almost impossible.

To make things even worse, one of the main tools to optimize an app and generate traffic is quickly fading away. Yes, app keywords are dying. If you search the web you may find insightful stories about apps that gained massive recognition due to the clever use of keywords. Many companies and services (such as Sensor Tower) offer developers tools to help them optimize their keywords according to performance. Unfortunately, this reality is no longer in play. 2012 is in the distant past, and there are no longer available popular keywords that don’t have thousands of quality apps competing for them. Using less popular keywords may still work in many cases, but you won’t reach the masses using them.

So what’s next?

The very first step for every app developer nowadays is to understand that the focus has shifted from quantity to quality. High conversion rates in your app download page can, in many cases, make up for the lack of sufficient traffic. As a result, there are quite a number of action items that now must take place in order to optimize your app on Google Play and the App Store:

1.    Icon, Description, Screenshots and Video – The other components of your app page are now more important than ever. It is absolutely essential that you create quality text and materials. Don’t go live without a quality video

and a unique, high-resolution icon. Killer text is also key because that will, more than anything, make users understand what your app is all about. Quality now beats quantity, so you are much better off with fewer but more loyal and targeted users.

Note: All of these elements, no matter how good you think they are, need to be re-thought, optimized and re-built to make sure you are getting it right.

2.    Ratings/Reviews – These now have a huge impact on your App Store position. Use all the tools you can to reach your users and have them rate. Most users need a small ‘push’ to go and rate your app. So don’t force them to do it, but don’t be shy about it either.

Note: If you get bad reviews or complaints – make sure you address them and reach out to those who pointed them out. Nothing beats good customer service.

3.    Virality – There are no better users than those who installed your app based off of a recommendation from a close friend or relative. Make sure your users have an easy-to-use ability to recommend you on Facebook, Twitter or any other relevant social network. Connecting to Game Center (for iOS games) and using Facebook login API may also help.

Note: Easy to use is mandatory! If it’s not easy, takes too much time or crashes your app – don’t bother.

4.    Avoiding Common Mistakes – Those who do everything right, but take shortcuts, will ultimately get it all wrong. The list is long; incentivized installs, trademark violations… These shortcuts will only get you so far. Plus, it will all go down the drain when Google or Apple finds out.

Note: Store terms and conditions have everything you need to know. It is pretty straightforward stuff. Work according to their guidelines and you’ll be just fine.

5.    Getting Featured In The App Store – If there’s one shortcut to success, this is it. Getting featured in the store will get you thousands of installs overnight, if not more. The bad news is Google and Apple are controlling it. The good news is that their store content team is always on the lookout for new and interesting apps to showcase. While reaching those teams is pretty hard, there are still some things that can improve your chances to be featured in the store:

a.    iOS – Don’t wait until the last minute. Look for Apple representatives (Apple Developer Relations Managers) and email them with your app prototype. Once it’s ready to go live, email them with all the relevant materials and information to: If you have marketing materials, include them: Don’tbe shy.

b.    Android – Make sure to create your app according to Google’s Best practices. Make sure you localize your app page and content, as Google tends to prefer localized apps over those that aren’t.

6.    Keywords – This kind of contradicts this entire article, doesn’t it? Well, not completely. Keywords are still important, as long as you use them to find relevant users (other than just ‘a whole lot of users’). Think about what your average or ideal users would be searching for. Use the terms you think they would use to find your app. Check out your direct competitors and learn from them.

Note: Disregard popularity of the keywords altogether. Focus only on relevancy.

Even with these tips, success can be hard to gain…especially if you are looking to achieve it within a short amount of time. Following the above steps will lay a strong foundation upon which to build success. Ultimately, creating a quality user experience that serves an essential human need is the true basis for an app success story.(source:gamasutra

