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传微软游戏灵魂人物J Allard将有可能因为平板电脑被砍离职

发布时间:2010-05-22 06:13:03 Tags:,,,,

这个消息对于微软来讲不是一个好消息。据称微软娱乐装备集团首席执行官和首席技术官J Allard将有可能离开微软投身其他公司。离职的理由看起来很简单,他喜欢的平板电脑项目被砍掉了。

j allard

j allard

J Allard是微软游戏部门的灵魂人物,掌控着Xbox和Zune的未来发展,据称他的新目标已经从和索尼在电子竞技方面的抗衡(这一点微软已经做得很好)转移到和苹果在新领域的争夺(zune目前来讲还不具备和苹果抗衡的实力)。

这样一位核心人物如果离开的话,他将改变微软在操作系统以外领域的争夺。更有甚者,可能在J Allard离开的话,他目前主导的项目将面临停滞的窘境。



J Allard was the design brains behind almost everything cool that came out of Redmond in recent years, from the Xbox to the Zune. Now there’s a report that he may be resigning from the company because one of his favorite new projects, a tablet computer called Courier, got axed.

Allard is the  chief experience officer and chief technology officer at the Entertainment & Devices group inside Microsoft. He has responsibility for the design of many strategic new Microsoft products. His goals range from taking on Sony in video games (where Microsoft has done well) to beating Apple (where Microsoft’s Zune has failed miserably).

If it is true, then it shows that things could be drastically changing at Microsoft as it struggles to move into new markets that go beyond the cash cow of the Windows operating system. If Allard is truly out, then it could mean that many of the things that Microsoft is trying just aren’t working. The alternate explanation, of course, is that Allard is just one person and his departure isn’t that significant.

Still, Allard is known as one of the “Baby Bills” at the company and his picture has graced covers of magazines such as Businessweek. He represents a younger, technically savvy generation of leadership at Microsoft. Allard has worked on an impressive array of projects besides Courier, including Zune, Xbox 360, Xbox, and Microsoft’s push into the Internet. You could call him Microsoft’s chief innovator, as well as its head copycat, as he was always chasing one of Microsoft’s major rivals.

Allard became famous for penning a memo in 1994 entitled, “Windows: The Next Killer Application on the Internet.” It raised the alarm bells about competition from web browsing pioneer Netscape and got Microsoft founder Bill Gates to get serious about the Internet. Microsoft poured resources into the Internet and managed to come out on top of on trends such as web-connected software and web browsers.

Then he worked on an extension of the web strategy, dubbed Project 42, which was also canceled. He took a sabbatical, as he has evidently done now, and returned to the company to head the design of the original Microsoft Xbox. He took on an even greater role as the mastermind of the Xbox 360, which launched in 2005 and topped Sony from the leadership position in video game consoles. (Of course, the Xbox 360 is a distant second behind a resurgent Nintendo, which launched the Wii.)

After the Xbox 360 shipped in 2005, Allard moved up to try to help Microsoft regain lost ground against Apple, whose iPod shredded Microsoft’s strategy in music players. Allard headed Microsoft’s Zune project. He was also reportedly in charge of Courier, an electronic book reader and tablet computer. But Microsoft acknowledged that it killed that project, and that’s why the reports this week suggest that Allard is finally calling it a day. ZDNet’s Mary-Jo Foley says he is unlikely to return from his current sabbatical. Microsoft declined to comment.

