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移动运营商沃达丰称360 Shop更受Android开发商青睐

发布时间:2010-11-03 14:47:29 Tags:,,,
       日前,全球最大的移动通信商沃达丰(Vodafone)称其独立运营的Android手机应用商店360 Shop,比谷歌旗下的应用商店Android Market更受开发商欢迎,这种说法更将强化业内对一个问题的关注,即支持Android的新兴应用商店正危及“正牌”Android Market产品的市场份额。


沃达丰互联网服务的开发商市场营销负责人Hemant Madan在采访中表示,开发商对Android Market提供的用户体验服务多有诟病,沃达丰的360 Shop却为Android开发商提供了另一种可替换选择,“(在360 Shop这里)开发商并不需要执行与原来有所不同的操作,如果他们开发了一款Android应用,也可以选择投放到谷歌的应用商店,我们并不强求他们非得投放到360 Shop不可。但许多跟我们合作的开发商,尤其是游戏开发商更倾向于选择运营商的应用商店,而不是谷歌应用商店。”

Madan发表这番言论前,已有不少其他公司也正接二连三地涉足这一领域,打造基于Android的应用商店。今年9月,美国运营商威瑞森(Verizon)的V Cast Apps应用商店宣布面向Android平台提供服务;亚马逊(Amazon)也随即传出消息称正筹备推出运行于Android平台的应用商店,而美国电子零售巨头百思买集团(Best Buy)也正考虑执行同样的策略。既然亚马逊已经有了新动作,相信其竞争对手Barnes & Noble(该公司曾推出基于Android的Noook电子书)同样也不会甘于落后,也有可能借势推出相关应用商店。另外,还有其他像GetJar和PocketGear这类“独立”应用商店,也都有供应Android应用产品(它们同时也出售Android其他竞争平台的应用)。

面对这种四面楚歌的局面,谷歌CEO埃里克·施密特(Eric Schmidt)不得不在上个月做出回应,他否认Android应用商店遍地开花会给用户和软件开发商造成困扰的说法。施密特在一通电话会议中声称,Android Market的宗旨是“让编程人员和应用开发者获利,而不是为谷歌创造营收。”他表示多个应用商店的问世对所有人来说都是一个“净赢”,但这并不是Android的关注焦点。

与此同时,苹果也注意到了这种情形,史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)在上个月曾表示,近期Android在线应用商店的兴起,将导致开发商面向Android应用商店投放产品,远比与苹果App Store这种独家监管的应用商店合作要费劲得多。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译)

Vodafone claims many developers prefer its Android store to Google’s

Vodafone claims that many developers prefer its own Android app shop to Google’s flagship Android Market, a belief that may strengthen industry concern that the growing emergence of new app stores supporting Android is damaging the ‘premium’ Android Market product.

In an exclusive interview with Mobile Apps Briefing for a two-part Focus feature, Hemant Madan, Head of Developer Marketing for Vodafone Internet Services, claimed that, against a backdrop of criticism from developers about the user experience delivered by Android Market, Vodafone’s own 360 Shop for Android provides an alternative that is finding support from the developer community.

“The developer doesn’t really have to do anything different than they’ve already done, they’ve already built an Android app. They may be putting it up on Google’s marketplace, which is fine –we’re not asking for exclusivity here. But what we find is that a lot of the developers that we are working with, especially games developers, are actually preferring the carrier store to the Google marketplace.”

Madan’s comments come as many other players are launching Android-based app stores. In September Verizon’s V Cast Apps store announced it was supporting Android. Since then Amazon is reported to be preparing the launch of its own apps store running over the Android platform, with US electronics retail giant Best Buy also considering a launch. Given Amazon’s reported efforts, an app store from rival Barnes & Noble (which offers the Android-powered Nook ereader) is not unlikely. There are also ‘independent’ stores such as GetJar and PocketGear that offer Android apps (as well as apps from other rival platforms).

These moves led Google CEO Eric Schmidt to last month deny that the availability of multiple Android app stores is creating confusion for users and software developers. On a conference call Schmidt claimed that the goal of Android Market is to “make money for the people who are writing the software and the applications, and it’s not a revenue goal for Google.” He said that the launch of other stores is a “net win” for everybody and not a primary focus for Android.

Meanwhile it’s not an issue that has escaped the attention of Apple, either. Last month CEO Steve Jobs claimed that the recent emergence of online stores for Android applications would force developers to work much harder to distribute their apps than they do with Apple’s single, supervised store for iPhone and iPad programs.(source:mobilebusinessbriefing)

