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发布时间:2014-08-01 14:24:12 Tags:,,,,

作者:Chanda Gohrani





到目前为止跨越不同系列的15个游戏,包括自Playstation 2以来索尼所推出的每一款主机,Clank已经提供给玩家包括喷气发动机组件以及充满羽毛的太空飞船和笨重的拳击机器人等内容。


Clank_cover_pose(from gamasutra)

Clank_cover_pose(from gamasutra)





machinarium(from gamasutra)

machinarium(from gamasutra)


经典的Capcom系列平台游戏突出了许多我在电子游戏中看过的最酷的机器人—-而洛克人更是其中最引人注目的,但他同时也拥有一些机械战友,并一起对抗Robot Master的罪恶联盟。

所以洛克人不仅会通过蓝色铠甲和手臂发射火箭,在沿途他还会联合挥舞着光之军刀的Zero和他的android狗Rush,并战胜像Electric Man,Bomb Man和Pharaoh Man这样的敌人。

如果这些还不够的话,洛克人还会捡起所有的敌人能力,这意味着他将变得比之后提到的支持角色的结合更加厉害。我仍然不确定Pharaoh Man的能量是怎样的,尽管……

MMU-6(from gamasutra)

MMU-6(from gamasutra)

 4.Cait Sith




caitsith(from gamasutra)

caitsith(from gamasutra)



我想要忽视与Cait Sith之间的勾心斗角,但是对于GLaDOS,这个总是尝试着在你穿越废弃的Aperture Science实验室时杀死你的人来说,我们不仅应该原谅他的判断力,同时还要对他报以尊敬,因为他一定是一个特别的存在。


glados(from gamasutra)

glados(from gamasutra)


The 5 Coolest Robots In Videogames

by Chanda Gohrani

Robots and videogames, a match made in heaven. At least I think so, and sure hope you do too – in fact I’d bet good money that you do, since there’s so many examples of awesome androids in games. They make good enemies (exploding in showers of sparks and bolts), sidekicks (with loads of cool gadgets) and player characters alike, and they’re always super cool to boot. Here are just five of my faves from across the years!

1. Clank

The titular hero of the Ratchet and Clank series – well, half of the titular heroes – and the star of his own spin-off game, Clank is so much more than a robotic sidekick. Even if he does spend most of his time strapped to the back of his furry friend Ratchet.

The diminutive ‘droid broke out of captivity on a robot factory in deep space, hooking up with his similarly rebellious buddy and aiding him with any number of cool gadgets and gizmos.

Across the fifteen-or-so games in the series so far – spanning every console Sony have put out since the Playstation 2 – Clank has provided players with everything from a jetpack to a fully-fledge spaceship to a hulking rock ‘em sock ‘em boxing robot.

All of which are cool on their own, but all wrapped up in one little backpack-sized Clank? Now that secures you a place on our list of coolest robots in videogames.

2. Josef

The mechanical hero of point-and-click adventure Machinarium hasn’t quite the wild capabilities of Clank, but he makes up for it with charm and pluck. Named for the Czech artist who invented the word ‘robot’, Josef is a class rust bucket, a miniature tin man.

What he lacks in aesthetics Josef makes up for with his inventiveness, as players guide him through some increasingly fiendish puzzles across a gorgeous hand-drawn world. There’s no dialogue in Machinarium, just the thoughts and speech of the characters expressed in comic book word balloons and cute sound effects.

Josef is the DIY punk automaton of adventure games, which for our money is more than enough to make him one of the coolest videogame robots.

3. Mega Man

This classic Capcom series of platformers feature not just one but dozens of the coolest robots I’ve ever seen in videogames – there’s the star of the show, Mega Man (or Rockman in Japan; the music rather than the mineral), but he also has a cadre of mechanical pals and faces off against a league of villainous Robot Masters.

So not only is there the streets ahead Mega Man, in his baby blue armour and arm that fires rockets, but along the way he teams up with the lightsabre-wielding Zero and his android dog Rush, and defeats the likes of Electric Man, Bomb Man and Pharaoh Man.

And if that wasn’t enough, Mega Man picks up all his enemies powers as he goes on, which means he’s literally cooler than all those aforementioned supporting characters combined! I am still not sure what Pharaoh Man’s powers were, though…

4. Cait Sith

If there’s two things the internet loves, it’s robots and cats. This Final Fantasy VII party member brings to the two together in predictably awesome fashion, a robot kitty who rides upon a giant stuffed toy he magically brought to life.

I don’t need to say more than that, do I? Remote control android cat, who can talk, and walk on his hind legs, and gets carted around by an adorable, huge moogle? Well, he has a crown and a cape too, so he’s working that whole royal angle.

Even when it turns out to Cait was nothing more than a spy for the bad guys, controlled like a puppet, it was hard to get mad at him. Just like you forgive a real kitty a multitude of sins, Cait was just too cute. Sorry, cool. Robot cats=cool.


There have been plenty of brilliant robots on this list so far, but have any of them offered you cake? Or serenaded you with a beautiful song upon its demise? No, they did not. Those are just two of the qualities that make GlaDOS (that’s short for Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System), the nefarious robot AI that puts you through heck in the Portal games, so great.

I am willing to overlook a little backstabbing with Cait Sith, but for GLaDOS – who actively tries to kill you as you venture through the abandoned Aperture Science labs – to not only be forgiven for her discretions but end up with our respect, you know she’s gotta be something special.

Cakes and songs are just the tip of the iceberg. I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the immense charm she expresses as she leads you into death traps, the wit and self-awareness of an AI that’s become murderously self-aware, the way she came across as HAL from 2001: A Space Odyssey with a sense of humour. GLaDOS, as one of the coolest robots in videogames, we salute you. I am not even joking. I am being so sincere right now.(source:gamasutra)


