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appFigures观察:苹果App Store前100名应用三天排名异常

发布时间:2010-11-02 10:35:52 Tags:,,
日前,应用跟踪网站appFigures称发现了一个罕见情况,App Store自10月29日早上4点开始,前100名应用产品的排名次序几乎不变,这种情况持续了三天。



据了解,美国App Store基本上每小时都有65%至95%的应名排名正常波动起伏,因此本次情况非常蹊跷。

Rank Fluctuations in the US App Store

Rank Fluctuations in the US App Store

appFigures网站表示,“我们周三就在各个App Store中发现了这个异常情况,这些应用商店的排名好像突然被卡住了,动弹不得。99%的应用产品连续8小时寸不移。当我们正考虑要不要将这个消息发到博客上的时候,这些应名排名又突然恢复正常运转了……但是没过多久,应用排名又停滞了,美国App Store又连续24小时僵在那里!”

该网站还指出,这种排名停滞现象去年11月6日时也发生过一次,并提出疑问,“苹果是否正在修改应用排名算法?苹果最近是否正对App Store进行修复,所以应用排名使用的是旧缓存?”(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译)

appFigures reports 3 day rank freeze on US App Store

Though the reasons behind it remain unclear, app tracking outfit appFigures is claiming there’s been virtually no movement on the App Store top 100 for three days.

Besides shifts at the bottom of the pile – the odd app outside of the top 100 shifting up or down a place in the rankings – between 95.5 and 99.5 percent of apps haven’t moved since 4am on Friday 29 October.

Based on typical behaviour, 65 to 95 percent of apps move in the US store every hour, making the current status quo a rare event.

Headline halt

“On Wednesday we noticed odd behaviour from every App Store – suddenly they were all stuck. For eight hours 99 percent of apps did not budge.

“We were just about to blog about it and then movement resumed. A fluke, we thought,” the site revealed in an entry detailing the slowdown on Friday.

“But then it happened again! The US App Store has been frozen for the last 24 hours!”

The site points out that a similar halt in rankings movement happened almost a year ago to the day, back on November 6 2009.

“Is Apple changing its ranking algorithm? Are the current ranks being pulled from an old cache while Apple tries to fix a problem?” it questions.(source:pocketgamer)

