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发布时间:2010-11-01 15:27:27 Tags:,,,,
       近日,pocketgamer.biz网站的发行商Steel Media公司推出了一个iPhone应用排行网站测试版—-iPhone Quality Index(简称Qi),主要根据世界最权威的网站和纸质媒体的评论情况,对iPhone手机应用、游戏产品进行搜索和定期排名。

Qi会综合其他相关网站(比如148Apps、Macworld、IGN、Slide to Play和TiPB等)的评估,对每款iPhone应用和游戏进行打分和排名。

Qi chart 1

Qi chart 1

在上周Qi游戏排行榜中,益智消除游戏《Linkoidz》居于榜首,它在四个网站中获得的评价最高,Qi给它评了9.4分。这是一款由Retro Dreamer出品的游戏,采用三点连成一线的消除模式,游戏节奏非常之快,画面风格很新颖,操作也比较简单。


Qi chart 2

Qi chart 2

英国手机游戏发行商Chillingo被美国艺电(Electronic Arts)收购后也没闲着,其最新出品的游戏《WackyLands Boss》(由哥斯达黎加开发商Fari Play Labs工作室开发)上周三才刚刚在App Store露面,但短短数天内就取得了不俗的成绩,获得了两家媒体的美评,在Qi游戏榜单上排名第11,平均得分是8.4。(编者注:由Chillingo发行的另一款游戏《怪物吃糖果》在Qi排行榜中位列第二,平均得分9.0;芬兰开发商Rovio自主发行的《愤怒鸟》万圣节版本位列第8,平均得分8.4。)

Qi chart 3

Qi chart 3

由德国发行商Fishlabs出品的《Galaxy on Fire 2》得到了5家媒体的力挺,爬到了上周Qi榜单的第7名,得分是8.5,大范围的广告推广及其在App Store的可观下载量,有望推动这款史诗般的宇宙射击题材、角色扮演游戏下周的排名继续攀高。

《Galaxy on Fire 2》的成就已经超越了其上一版本《Galaxy on Fire 1》,也将大部分竞争对手甩在了后面,TouchGen网站的一篇评论称,“从来没有一款宇宙题材游戏的画面看起来会如此壮丽……在巨大的星球和运行在准确轨道上的太空站周围,还环绕着灿烂多彩的星云。”

欲知详情者,可以登陆Quality Index网站查看相关内容。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译)

Quality Index’s top reviewed iPhone games of the week

Welcome, readers, to the first iPhone Quality Index (Qi) games round up, winging its way to you every Friday on these esteemed pages.

If you aren’t already familiar with Qi, let me introduce you formally…

Launched in beta by the publishers of Pocket, Steel Media, Qi trawls the web for game and app reviews from the world’s most respected online and print sources.

Qi then applies its own magic formula to each site (such as 148Apps, Macworld, IGN, Slide to Play and TiPB) to establish a single definitive Qi score for each iPhone app and game.

Matching the scores

Shooting straight in at #1 best reviewed game this week on the Qi chart, Linkoidz has acquired a phenomenal 9.4 rating from four reviews.

Retro Dreamer’s novel take on the match-three genre successfully marries high-speed gameplay with an unexpected degree of strategy.

AppSpy was positively gushing in its praise for Linkoidz, declaring it “a rare gem that gets better over time and if you’re after a new arcade-puzzler this is definitely a no-brainer purchase.”

UK mobile games publisher Chillingo has, of course, been in the news of late, having been acquired by Electronic Arts on October 20th in a deal worth a rumoured $20 million.

The newest game off Chillingo’s seemingly endless conveyor belt, WackyLands Boss, (from Costa Rican developer Fair Play Labs), only emerged through the App Store’s gates on Wednesday, yet has attracted two favourable reviews already for an 8.4 average.

Reaching for the stars

But the highest profile iOS game release of the week, Galaxy on Fire 2 soared onto the upper stratosphere of the Qi charts off the back of five glowing reports.

With a Qi rating of 8.5 and plenty of commercial coverage and App Store success, Fishlabs’s epic space shooter-cum-RPG may no doubt climb up the rankings over the next seven days.

Graphics-wise, Galaxy on Fire 2 outshines its predecessor, and indeed most of its competition, a point elaborated on in TouchGen’s critique:

“Never has space looked so beautiful, especially on the retina display…here we have giant planets and detailed orbiting space stations, surrounded by bright and colourful nebulas.”

You can get the up to date information about which games are reviewing best over at the Quality Index. (source:pocketgamer)

