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发布时间:2014-05-08 15:24:04 Tags:,,,

作者:Peter Angstadt

我们在《Cannon Brawl》中向玩家展示角色对话和文本时,一开始就做错了。人们通常会因为自己跳过或忽略的文本内容而困惑。但我们的游戏中却并没有太多文本内容!




3.尽量最小化玩家睛球必须在屏幕上移动的范围,即最小化你所呈现的内容。所以一句话不要超过8-10个文字。如果你有多余的字词,就要将其放置于第二句话。知道为什么小说的字行距都很狭窄吗?这是为了便于你托住书本,也更便于你浏览文本。为了更好地说明这一点,我们在此举一个来自《Banner Saga》的例子:

banner saga(from gamasutra)

banner saga(from gamasutra)

他们设置了极为冗长的文本句子。我的眼睛从角色的脸转移到文本的距离相当远。这会让玩家阅读得更慢,并且更难以消化故事。相反,这里还有一个来自《Fire Emblem Awakening》的例子:

fireemblem(from gamasutra)

fireemblem(from gamasutra)





5.如果你想通过文本传递一些信息,那就要将重要的文字用不同颜色标注出来。我们在测试《Cannon Brawl》的过程中发现为相关文字添加色彩时,玩家的理解能力就提升了。《塞尔达传说:风之杖》中就有这样的例子:

zelda(from gamasutra)

zelda(from gamasutra)

最后要说的是,这些规则均适用于我们游戏《Cannon Brawl》。我们努力向玩家传达他们能够绕过掩体射击(而不是试图击穿它)这种玩法。在我们运用这些规则之前,没有人尝试从掩体包抄过去。但在之后,大多数人都这么做了。

cannon brawl text(from gamasutra)

cannon brawl text(from gamasutra)


How to Get People to Read Text in Your Game

by Peter Angstadt

This was originally posted on our website where we occasionally share what we’ve learned while making Cannon Brawl.

We started doing everything wrong when showing character dialogue and text to players in Cannon Brawl. People would often get confused by something that was explained in text they had skipped or ignored. We didn’t even have that much text in our game!

After a lot of playtesting and studying other games, here’s what I’ve learned about how to get people to read in your game. I hope to this can help you better communicate information to your players. Here we go:

1. If you can do it without text through either visuals or voice acting, try that first. Otherwise…

2. Everything must pause in the game when text is on the screen. Sounds obvious, but hey I messed this up the first time. People can only focus on one thing at a time.

3. Try to minimize the amount the player’s eye must move around the screen to process what you’re showing. So, do not put more than 8-10 words on a line. If you have more words, drop them on to a second line. You know how the pages of novels are pretty narrow? That’s not only to help you hold the book, but also to help you eye easily move through the text. To better illustrate this, here’s an example from Banner Saga:


They have very long lines of text. My eye must travel pretty far from the characters faces to the text and pretty far to read the text itself. This makes it slower to read and harder to digest the story. In contrast, here’s an example from Fire Emblem Awakening:


They have short chunks of text (and it’s overlayed on top of who is actually talking). My eye barely has to move and my brain has to do little work to digest the text. This 8-10 word 2 line rule applies for all text in a game, item descriptions, mission briefing, etc – not just character dialogue.

To further drive this home, subtitled movies have the same issue as games (people must read and look at the visuals) and they too generally follow the 8-10 word rule.

Going further, I’d recommend that you don’t show more than 2 lines at a time. If you have more than two lines, show them sequentially. Players quickly ignore walls of text, they are more likely to read it if it’s presented in two lines at a time.

4. Show dialog text one word at a time, revealing the full block shown over about a full second. In our experience, revealing it word by word (but quickly) sparks a fraction of a second of intrigue from the player, and makes them more likely to read it. Of course, always allow them to reveal the full block with the press of a button immediately.

5. If you are trying to teach things in text (which we do in Cannon Brawl), color specific important words differently. Comprehension went up in playtests of Cannon Brawl after we started inline coloring words. Zelda games do this a lot, here’s an example from Wind Waker:


And finally, here’s all those rules applied to our game Cannon Brawl. We’re trying to communicate to the play that they could try shooting around a shield (instead of trying to pound through it). Before we applied all the rules, no one tried flanking shields. Afterwards, the majority of people try it:


Hopefully this helps you get text information across to your player more effectively! If you have any other tips, lets hear them in comments!(source:gamasutra

