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forbes博客:索尼PSP手机将登场 游戏功能是王牌

发布时间:2010-10-28 08:45:39 Tags:,,,,




据了解,这款PSP手机将运行Android 3.0系统,采用1GHz高通MSM8655芯片,512mb RAM,1GB ROM并支持microSD卡,屏幕是3.7至4.1英寸的液晶屏,但价格等其他细节仍然扑朔迷离。根据PSP GO最近削价至200美元的情况推测,我估计PSP手机至少在300美元左右,甚至还更多,因为索尼产品一向价格不菲,比如说PS3这款产品发布时就已售价600美元。

这款新产品可以超过iPhone的优势就在于,它的游戏功能很强大。触摸屏设备是《植物大战僵尸》(Plants vs. Zombies)或《愤怒鸟》(Angry Birds)这类游戏的最搭配选择,纯粹的游戏玩家也往往更青睐PSP或任天堂DS之类的掌机系统,现在又武装了手机功能,这一产品在游戏市场上无疑更是如虎添翼。



Sony Takes a Swing at Apple with the Playstation Phone

Well if Apple’s going to invade the game market, how about if PSP invades the phone market? What you see above is the first official look at the new Playstation phone that Sony is shooting to release either in late 2010 for the holidays, or early 2011.

It very much resembles the new PSP Go, which now explains to puzzled customers why that iteration ever existed, as it was really a warm-up for the phone. It’s probably going to run on Android 3.0, and has a 1GHz Qualcomm MSM8655 chi[, 512MB of RAM, 1GB of ROM, a 3.7 to 4.1 inch screen. There’s no memory stick slot, but supposedly will support MicroSD cards.

Other details are sparse, including the all-important pricing of the unit. PSP Go recently had its price slashed to $200, so I would imagine the phone would be at least $300, probably more. Sony isn’t exactly know for being cheap in any of their product lines. Remember that $600 PS3 launch?

What advantage this has over the iPhone is clear, it’s going to be better for gaming. While Plants vs. Zombies or Angry Birds might be just dandy on a touchpad, actual gamers prefer actual handheld systems, be they the PSP or Nintendo DS. Add in phone capability and you have yourself a winner.

But is the market out there? Sony loyalists already own a PSP, so the prospect of combining their devices might not be worth another $300 to them as it makes their current system useless. New converts could be hard to pick up as well, because as much as someone like myself loves gaming, the PSP only has a few titles I’d want to play, and none of them are worth giving up my iPhone for.

This is definitely a phone to keep an eye on as it is without question a strong leap forward for mobile gaming platforms. But its success or failure could sway Nintendo or Microsoft to pursue or shy away from similar offerings in the future.(source:forbes)

