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发布时间:2013-12-06 17:35:44 Tags:,,,






Director Commentary(from nintendo3dsdaily)

Director Commentary(from nintendo3dsdaily)




2、我们喜欢听到游戏开发中发生的趣事,从不同的角度看看待开发者在开发过程中藏在游戏中的小秘密。想一想我们可能还不知道的关于《Luigi’s Mansion Dark Moon》中隐藏的小玩意,开发团队可以告诉我们的设计过程和游戏的不同关卡和特征。






《超级马里奥之蓝色黄昏DX》在这方面做得真的很好,每年的某个时期游戏就会出现只有那个时期可玩的独占关卡。比如,在圣诞节,你可以玩到相当有趣的“副线情节”—-马里奥去偷蘑菇王国的圣诞树星星。游戏使用了新的图像、敌人和音乐。在万圣节,你会玩到“真正的”最终关卡,也就是战胜《恶魔城》中的吸血鬼德古拉。在愚人节,你会进入Green Hill Zone去挑战Sonic。



想象一下,在万圣节期间玩《Luigi’s Mansion Dark Moon》,解锁新的山庄或什么东西来庆祝这个特别节日,会怎么样呢?比如在圣诞节玩游戏,Gloomy Manor关卡增加了圣诞树和彩灯,Secret Mine和Treacherous Mansion关卡的背景是熟悉的角色坐着雪橇乱跑。










4、“New Game Plus”模式

最后,我认为任天堂游戏应该有的最后一个大特征是“New Game Plus”模式——这一度被行业视为标准。

什么是“New Game Plus”?基本上就是你打败最终BOSS后解锁出来的额外游戏版本,这个版本有新挑战、新关卡等。《塞尔达传说1》的“ Second Quest”就是经典例子,它添加了全新的地下城地图、一些新敌人(比如朝你挥剑的Stalfo和使你禁用剑的Bubble)和重新设计的主世界(有新地下城、商店、区域入口等)。你第一次通关后,就会看到一个新世界,这基本上使游戏长度翻倍。

《塞尔达传说:时之笛》的重制版在这方面也做得很好,3DS版游戏中加入了“Master Quest”模式(即重新设计的地下城,镜像世界和双重伤害),当你第一次通关后,这个模式就会解锁。

然而不幸的是,New Game Plus模式在最近的游戏中似乎做得不那么好了。当然有例外(游戏邦注:欧美版《Luigi’s Mansion 1》更新了Hidden Mansion作为New Game Plus模式,添加了大量敌人、修改了BOSS战和镜像庄园),但最近的《塞尔达传说》系列做的不过是添加双重伤害这种老套的设定和其他东西的细微修改。

确实,近年来唯一可能做得还算不错的例外就是《Mario & Luigi Dream Team》中的“Hard”模式,它至少把伤害增加了10倍,限制玩家每种道具只能带10个,失败后禁止继续游戏,修改大BOSS的攻击模式,大大修改了BOSS冲击和细微修改了结局。但即使这样也算不上突破。

未来的任天堂游戏需要的是真正好的New Game Plus模式。对于平台游戏和动作冒险游戏,它应该是具有新关卡、新BOSS和(新进攻方式)和更严格限制的更高难度的版本。对于RPG,它应该是能够保留第一轮游戏时获得的装备和道具。


想象一下,如果除了重新设计的地下城和新BOSS进攻模式,甚至Keese每被击中一次就扣掉五点血,这样的《塞尔达传说》会变得多么可怕。“Iron Knuckle”关卡现在可怕吗?每次伤害扣除40点血怎么样?换句话说,第一次攻击现在都相当于致命一击。

你看到重新设计的屋子大小只有通常的四分之一,还有四个巨大的Iron Knuckles在里面!那才是真正的“专家级”挑战。现在的“Hero”模式(最强敌人每次攻击造成四点伤害)之所以糟糕,是因为任天堂太怕真正考验玩家。

在更多游戏中加入New Game Plus模式,使它们与Master Quest的《Dream Team》的Hard模式相结合,那才是第一次通关后的真正奖励。

以上。开发者评论、节庆模式、难度级别和New Game Plus模式就是我认为应该成为所有任天堂游戏的默认设计的特征。


Opinion; Four More Important Game Design Features all Nintendo Games Should Have

by Nin3DS4

Back in September this year, I posted an interesting little article about game design features that should be standard in all video games.  But while the features listed there like a scene select, sound test and various others are definitely some of the things that should be standard, I’ve always thought there were a few more neat features that should be included in more games too.

So here it is, my list of four more important game design features that all Nintendo games should have,

1. Developer Commentary

Wait what?  Commentary in a video game?

Yeah, I really do think this would be amazing feature to have as default in more video games.  It’d work like the episode commentaries in various TV show DVDs, like the ones included on the DVD releases of each Simpsons season.

About: Super Mario Blue Twilight DX’s system should be an inspiration to Nintendo.

But why would this be useful?  Well, two reasons actually:

1. It’d be a nice way for amateur game designers and academics to learn from the best, using Nintendo’s interesting level/boss design comments as the basis for improving their own knowledge of video game design and what makes a good game.

2. We’d get to hear all kinds of interesting stories from the game’s development (that wouldn’t fit in Iwata Asks) as well have a fun way to see the intriguing background details and easter eggs the devs snuck into each part of the game during development.  Think about all the cool stuff we probably don’t yet know about Luigi’s Mansion Dark Moon, the types of things the actual development team themselves could teach us about the design process and the game’s different levels and features.

So to start the list, I’d like to see developer commentaries in at least some future Nintendo games, preferrably implemented in a way similar to how they were in Super Mario Bros Blue Twilight DX.

2. Holiday Mode/Seasonal Bonuses

Talking of Super Mario Blue Twilight DX for a second, there’s also another clever little thing it included that I’d really like to see in more Nintendo made titles.

What was that you may wonder?

Holiday mode content.  Seasonal bonuses.  Stuff that changes based on the time of year in which you play the game.

Blue Twilight DX did this really well, by actually have all new exclusive levels only playable (initially) at a certain time of year.  Ob Christmas, you got to play a really neat little ‘side story’ involving Mario’s hunt to get back the stolen Mushroom Kingdom Christmas Tree star.  With new graphics, enemies and music:

On Halloween, you got the ‘true’ final level, complete with a fight against Dracula from Castlevania:

Heck, you even got to enter Green Hill Zone and fight Sonic on April Fool’s Day!

Yet while most other games don’t quite go this far on different days of the year, quite a few of them at least do something to mark the ocassion.  Like say, having snow on the ground and Christmas decorations up when you play on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.  Or having falling leaves and creepy Halloween decor on Halloween.

So I’d really like to see something like this become a standard in Nintendo’s own games too.  For example, can you imagine how neat it’d be if like in Sonic, playing Mario 3D World on Christmas turned the kingdom in a snowy winter wonderland complete with Jingle Bells and other Christmasy songs playing in the background?

Imagine how cool for example it’d be if playing Luigi’s Mansion Dark Moon on halloween unlocked a new mansion or something to celebrate the very appropriate time of year?  If playing on Christmas added visual touches like Christmas Tree and lights in Gloomy Manor and a familiar figure on a sleigh flying past in the background in places like the Secret Mine and Treacherous Mansion?

New Super Mario Bros 2 could have these songs play in certain levels:

Heck, do you know what?

I’m actually surprised Pokemon hasn’t done anything like this yet.  It doesn’t seem too unexpected for say, Halloween to make Ghost and Dark type Pokemon appear in more areas, right?

Or maybe to have certain Pokemon only catchable on Christmas, New Year’s Day, Halloween, etc…

That’s how really to do event Pokemon, not this silly wifi or machine distribution crap.  Heck, maybe the theme of the event Pokemon can be based on the celebration too.  So the Christmas one could be something from Christmas related folklore (no not Father Christmas/Santa Claus, maybe something like an elf Pokemon or one based on Rudolph), the halloween one can be something with a horror theme (maybe the Headless Horseman from the Legend of Sleepy Hollow), you could even have a joke clown like Pokemon on April Fool’s Day or something.  Give people a real incentive to keep replaying their favourite games on all different times of the year.

3. Actual Difficulty Levels

Not much of a new suggestion this one, but I think it’s really time that Nintendo accept that difficulty levels are a necessary part of any modern video game and move to accomodate this.

And no, game ‘balance’ does not make difficulty levels a useless feature, like Miyamoto seems to think.

No, it makes it so those who are good at the game get an option which doesn’t bore them to sleep, and those who are completely useless to the point even a tutorial can’t help get an option which lets them at least focus on the storyline or whatever.

Just stop fighting it Nintendo, and just add difficulty levels like everyone else does for good reason.

4. New Game Plus Mode

Finally, the last major feature I think Nintendo should have in their games now is one that was at one time seen as standard within the industry, the New Game Plus.

What is this?  Well basically, it’s an additional version of the main game you unlock for beating the final boss that adds new challenges, level designs and ideas to the mix.  Zelda 1 did this really well with the Second Quest, which added all new dungeon maps, some new enemies (like Stalfos that shoot their swords at you and Bubbles that permanently disabled your sword until you hit one of the opposite colour) and a redesigned overworld with new dungeon/shop/area entrances and things.  It was glorious, and basically doubled the length of the game once you beat it.

And the remakes of Ocarina of Time did it well too, with the 3DS game including the full Master Quest mode (aka redesigned dungeons, mirrored world and double damage) being unlockable when you beat the game for the first time.

Unfortunately though, it seems that for the most part, New Game Plus modes in recent games haven’t been as good any more.  Oh sure, exceptions do exist (the European version of Luigi’s Mansion 1 upgraded the Hidden Mansion to a full New Game Plus thing with tons more enemies in rooms, boss battle changes and a mirrored mansion), but generally it seems the only thing most recent Zelda games do is the whole double damage cliche with minimal other things.

Above: The PAL version of Luigi’s Mansion 1 had Luigi ride on the freaking Poltergust during a New Game Plus boss fight!

Indeed, the only possible exception of a half decent New Game Plus in recent years is that Hard mode in Mario & Luigi Dream Team, which at least multiplied the damage by about ten, limited you to ten of each item, stopped you continuing battles after defeat, changed giant boss attack patterns and drastically edited the Boss Rush before giving you a few minor changes in the ending.  But even that didn’t really go far enough.

What Nintendo needs in future games is a good New Game Plus mode.  For platformers and action adventures, this should be a harder difficulty version with remixed/redesigned levels, new boss attacks and patterns and crueler restrictions.  For RPGs, it should be that plus the ability to keep gear and upgrades gained the first time around.  And in all of them?

Screw double damage.  No, you want hard?  Make it decuple damage.  So in other words, every attack does ten times its normal amount of damage.

Imagine how scary a Zelda game would be if in addition to redesigned dungeons in the New Game Plus and new boss patterns, even the Keese took off five hearts per hit.  And is an Iron Knuckle scary now?  Oh just wait for the hell of it taking off the equivalent of FORTY hearts worth of damage.  So in other words, every one of their attacks is now a one hit kill.

And then you see that the redesigned room is both a quarter of the usual size, and now has a whopping four Iron Knuckles in it!  That’s a real ‘expert’ challenge.  Not this crappy ‘Hero Mode’ where the most powerful enemy does about four hearts worth of damage because Nintendo’s too scared to genuinely challenge players.

Put New Game Plus modes in more games and make them a combination of Master Quest and Dream Team’s Hard mode, and that’s should a real cool bonus for beating the game the first time.

Well, that ends the list. Developer commentaries, holiday modes, difficulty levels and new game plus features are the things I think should also be made default in all Nintendo games.

But what do you think?  Would you want all this stuff in more Nintendo made titles?(source:nintendo3dsdaily)

