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分析Supercell vs King游戏玩家对比情况

发布时间:2013-09-25 17:59:59 Tags:,,,,,

作者:Peter Warman

来自Supercell的《Clash of Clans》以及King出品的《Candy Crush Saga》是目前全球表现最佳的两款手机游戏,这二者在今年都创造了成百上千万美元收益。以下是来自Newzoo Data Explorer这两者的手机游戏玩家情况分析。

以下分析来自我们对美国、英国、德国、法国、荷兰、比利时、波兰和土耳其等国的收集的数据。《Candy Crush》在这些国家的绝对玩家数量是《Clash of Clans》的两倍以上,因为前者在iOS和Google Play均推出下载服务,而后者仍然仅支持iOS平台。与其他同时出现于两家应用商店的游戏相比,《Candy Crush》多数收益来自Google Play,这与其玩家特点以及他们对手机品牌的偏好直接相关。

对比《Clash of Clans》和《Candy Crush Saga》的玩家特点

*《Clash of Clans》玩家多为男性(占比77%),而《Candy Crush Saga》女性用户占比高达60%。

*在《Candy Crush Saga》玩家当中,男性对手机游戏付费意愿更高(占比54%)。

*《Clash of Clans》中超过半数玩家年龄介于21-35岁,仅有23%玩家年龄超过35岁。

*《Candy Crush Saga》的玩家年龄分布范围较广,42%玩家介于21-35岁,将近40%超过35岁。

Clash_of_Clans_vs_Candy_Crush_Age_Gender(from Newzoo)

Clash_of_Clans_vs_Candy_Crush_Age_Gender(from Newzoo)

核心 vs 中核 vs 休闲

正如人们所料,《Clash of Clans》玩家更倾向于在“核心”设备上玩游戏,有93%在电视屏幕玩游戏,而《Candy Crush》玩家的这一比例则是78%。仅有半数《Candy Crush》玩家使用平板电脑或掌上设备玩游戏,而《Clash of Clans》玩家的这一比例高达71%。这表明多数《Candy Crush》玩家喜欢在移动设备上玩游戏,而《Clash of Clans》却有65%玩家在所有类型的设备上玩游戏,《Candy Crush》玩家的这一比例仅为43%。

42%的《Clash of Clans》玩家自称是“核心”游戏玩家,而《Candy Crush》玩家的这一比例仅为23%,大部分(45%)自称为“休闲游戏玩家”。通常情况,我们会根据自己的观察和客户需求使用一系列变量(游戏邦注:例如在游戏中的时间&金钱投入,所玩游戏类型)将玩家或游戏定义为休闲、中核或核心类型。在这一情况下,我们玩家选择一种自认为最适合自己游戏需求和分格的描述,并得到了一些有趣的结果。以下就是我们为这些受访者提供的描述选择:




尽管《Clash of Clans》和《Candy Crush》玩家的特点截然不同,但这两者之间仍然存在一些重叠性。

有16%的《Clash of Clans》玩家也会玩《Candy Crush》,但仅有6%的《Candy Crush》玩家会玩《Clash of Clans》。可见比起更为休闲的《Candy Crush》玩家,属于“核心和中核”的《Clash of Clans》玩家更愿意尝试不同类型的游戏。

Clash_of_Clans_vs_Candy_Crush_Core_Mid-Core_Casual(from Newzoo)

Clash_of_Clans_vs_Candy_Crush_Core_Mid-Core_Casual(from Newzoo)


从美国零售商店偏好来看,54%的《Clash of Clans》玩家更喜欢在百思买购买游戏,《Candy Crush》玩家这一比例为30%,42%在GameStop购买游戏,《Candy Crush》玩家这一比例为25%。相反,《Candy Crush》玩家玩家更倾向于在Dollar General等家庭导向商店购买游戏,其比例达32%,而《Clash of Clans》玩家这一比例为22%,34%在Family Dollar购买游戏,《Clash of Clans》玩家这一比例为20%。这两类玩家最常访问的商店是沃尔玛和Target。

Clash_of_Clans_vs_Candy_Crush_General_Web_Destinations(from Newzoo)

Clash_of_Clans_vs_Candy_Crush_General_Web_Destinations(from Newzoo)

他们最常访问的网站也存在有趣的差别。《Candy Crush》玩家更频繁访问,而《Clash of Clans》玩家更常访问ESPN.com以及Netflix。事实上,《Clash of Clans》玩家更常访问几乎所有网站,这意味着他们上网时间多于《Candy Crush》玩家。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,拒绝任何不保留版权的转载,如需转载请联系:游戏邦

Supercell vs King: How do Clash of Clans and Candy Crush gamers compare?

Clash of Clans from Supercell and Candy Crush Saga from King, are two of the best performing mobile games worldwide, both on track to generate hundreds of millions of dollars in revenues this year. Below is a profile of their mobile gamers, taken directly from the Newzoo Data Explorer, providing key insights into the demographic make-up and retail preferences of the players of these lucrative franchises.

For this analysis we have aggregated 8 of the 17 countries where we conduct in-depth research on over 200 topics and 70 key franchises. The below insights are gleamed from an aggregate  of  the US, UK, Germany, France, Netherlands, Belgium, Poland and Turkey. Combined, Candy Crush had more than double the number of absolute gamers than Clash of Clans. This is no doubt due to the availability of the King game across iOS and Google Play stores. Clash of Clans is, as of yet, only available to iOS gamers. Compared to other games that are available in both stores, Candy Crush grosses a relatively large share of their revenues from the Google Play store, which has a direct relationship with the player demographics and their mobile phone brand preferences.

How do Clash of Clans and Candy Crush Saga gamers compare demographically?

Clash of Clans players are predominantly male (77%),  a stark contrast to Candy Crush gamers who are 60% female.

Of Candy Crush Saga’s players, males (54%), are more likely to pay for mobile games.

Over half of Clash of Clans players fall into the 21-35 age category with only 23% of players over the age of 35.

Candy Crush appeals to a wider age demographic with 42% of players between the age of 21-35 and almost 40% above 35.

Core vs. Midcore vs. Casual

As expected, Clash of Clans players are more likely to play games on “core” screens.  93% play on the Entertainment Screen (TV) compared to 78% of Candy Crush players. Only half of Candy Crush players use a Floating Screen (tablet or handheld console) compared to 71% of Clash of Clans players.  This suggests that the majority of Candy Crush gamers are enjoying the game on their mobile devices. An impressive 65% of Clash of Clans players games on all screens and this falls to 43% for Candy Crush gamers.

Not surprising given the above data, 42% of Clash of Clans gamers define themselves as “core” ,this figure is just 23% for Candy Crush, where the majority (45%) class themselves as “casual gamers”. Typically, we use a variety of variables based on our own insights and requests from our clients (e.g., money  & time spent gaming,  genres played) to class gamers or games as casual, mid core or core. In this instance, we have allowed the gamers to choose one description they feel is most fitting to their gaming needs and styles, with some very interesting results. Below are the exact descriptions provided to respondents:

Core  “Gaming is an important part of my life and I spend a large amount of my spare time gaming. I enjoy immersive action-packed games the most, and like to compete with other gamers”.

Mid-core “I play games regularly, favouring immersive games. I do not spend great lengths of time gaming and don’t not spend a large amount of money on it. However if I would have more spare time I would probably spend more time and possibly money on games”.

Casual “Although I enjoy games, my time spent or interest in them is limited. I mainly play games to pass the time and don’t invest a lot of money in them”.

Despite stark differences between Clash of Clash of Clans and Candy Crush gamers, some overlap does exist between the two.

Of Clash of Clans gamers, 16% also play Candy Crush Saga. However, just 6% of Candy Crush gamers also play the Supercell hit. It appears that Clash of Clans gamers  who are falling between “core and hardcore” are more open to try different types of games, than the strictly casual Candy Crush players.

Retail Store & Website Preferences

Focusing on US retail store preferences, Clash of Clans players are more likely to shop in “core” stores such as Best Buy ( 54% vs. 30%) and GameStop (42% vs. 25%). In contrast, Candy Crush Players are more inclined to shop in family orientated stores such as Dollar General (32% vs. 22%) and Family Dollar (34% vs. 20%). Walmart and the Target are the most visited store amongst both gamers.

There are some interesting differences in the most visited websites also. Candy Crush gamers are more frequent visitors to with Clash of Clans players much more likely to visit and Netflix. In fact, Clash of Clans players visited almost every site more often, suggesting that they spend more time browsing the web than Candy Crush gamers.(source:newzoo

