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Mark Zuckerberg称facebook并不会推出自己开发的游戏

发布时间:2010-10-22 09:45:12 Tags:,,

在由KPCB、facebook、zynga和亚马逊等公司联合成立旨在帮助社交网站和游戏开发者的sfund投资基金的发布会上,facebook首席执行官Mark Zuckerberg称facebook并不会推出自己开发的社交游戏。



作为开发者的平台,facebook开发者一向比较担心facebook是否会推出自己的应用而与开发者直接竞争(甚至是资源不对等的不公平竞争)。Mark Zuckerberg称他们并不想与zyang这样的公司直接竞争,作为平台他们更愿意提供基础的设施和社交数据类的服务,而不是直接开发自己的应用产品。

games网站的评述称,这样的声明并不是太新奇的东西,成为社交游戏的平台并利用Facebook Credits和网站的广告资源就可以很轻易地获得开发者的大量营收。对于facebook来讲做成一个成功的平台比开发自己的游戏产品更为有利。(本文由游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译)

Let the speculation cease. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg (pictured right with Zynga CEO Mark Pincus) said today in a press conference that his company will never make games, Venture Beat reports.

The conference was surrounding sFund, a new, $250 million strong venture capital fund backed by Facebook, Zynga and a handful of other wealthy companies to help get social media and gaming start ups off the ground.

This news doesn’t come as much of a surprise considering how much Facebook must be raking in through Facebook Credits, which is something that would be in its best interest not to mess up. Not to mention the recent efforts made to make Facebook a better place for games (define better). Zuckerberg’s statement essentially solidifies his company’s position in the grand scheme of social gaming: a platform.

It makes sense for Facebook to play nice with its developers like Zynga, Playfish and CrowdStar who have all been forced in one way or another to take on the currency. If there’s one thing Facebook doesn’t want to do in this situation, it’s to ruffle their feathers anymore than it already might have. Who knows, once those five-year deals are through Facebook Credits could be the only currency available in your favorite games–all the cool kids are doing it.(source:games)

