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Jaakko Lisalo谈智能手机游戏设计的成功秘诀

发布时间:2013-08-15 16:57:38 Tags:,,,,

作者:Stefan von Gagern

游戏支配着每个App Store的热门列表。但是你该如何做才能创造一款优秀的游戏?每个人都知道《愤怒的小鸟》的成功故事,但是我们却很难描述它的成功原因。让我们深入分析这个例子。

每个人都知道这个故事:Rovio,2003年在芬兰成立的一家小型公司,最开始他们开发的是Java游戏,之后转向了智能手机。在开发了大约50款游戏后,他们最终创造了《愤怒的小鸟》这款大热门游戏,并发展成为了轰动全世界的知名品牌,之后还衍生出了各种产品,保持着更新,并诞生了《愤怒的小鸟星球大战》这种基于电影的授权游戏。他们成功的秘诀是什么?让我们听听创造者的说法:在2011年的Game Expo中,Rovio Mobile的Jaakko Lisalo和Matthew Wilson便深刻理解到创造性的重要作用,不管是理念,开发还是市场营销,他们也分享了成功的许多秘诀。



第一个秘诀便是百分百专注于智能手机。Jaakko Lisalo说道:“我们想要使用真正的屏幕控制,而非虚拟手柄。”许多智能手机都是从其它系统上移植过来的,因为真实的手擎是通过触屏上的软件按键进行模拟,所以很难控制。理念中的另外一个元素便是强大的角色,专注于“适合所有玩家”的设计和优秀的2D物理特性。
















iPhone apps(from developergarden)

iPhone apps(from developergarden)




Facebook(from developergarden)

Facebook(from developergarden)

每个应用商店中都有许许多多游戏。即使你遵循了《愤怒的小鸟》的团队的指示,你也很难创造出与他们一样的巨大成功。但不管怎样,你最需要做的便是设计一款带有出色角色的好游戏。然后规划游戏的营销。使用社交活动和应用营销开展病毒式宣传活动,从而提升游戏的名气。如果能够吸引玩家的口头宣传便再好不过。你可以使用社交媒体功能去呈现出玩家的高分,让他们邀请好友,或者你也可以支持像苹果Game Center那样获取成就的功能。根据Rovio的市场营销专家,如果你足够幸运获得应用商店的推荐,这便能够保证你取得突破性的发展。



The secrets of great game design for smartphones

By: Stefan von Gagern

Games are ruling the hit lists in every App Store. But how do you make a great game? Everybody knows the Angry Birds success story, but it’s hard to describe what makes it so sucessful. Let’s take a deeper look behind this example.

Everybody knows the story: Rovio, a small company in 2003 from Finland, started with Java Games and moved on to the smartphone. After around 50 games they landed a smash hit with Angry birds, which is now a huge worldwide brand, followed by several spin-offs, updates and movie themed versions like Angry Birds Star Wars. What is the secret of their success? Let the creators talk: Some years ago, at 2011’s Game Expo, Jaakko Lisalo and Matthew Wilson of Rovio Mobile gave a insight to the creation, from concept to development to marketing and told lots of secrets of their success.

The first secret of angry birds was to focus 100 percent on the smartphone. “We wanted to use real onscreen controls, no virtual gamepads”, says Jaakko Lisalo. Many smartphone games are ports from other systems – and hard to control, because real joypads have to be simulated by software buttons on the touchscreen. The other ingredients in the concept were strong characters, a “suitable for all”-design focus and great 2D-physics.

First the graphic-design oriented Lisalo drew pictures that gave a preview of the games look and feel. One of them featured the now extremely popular look of Angry Birds. “Everybody seemed to like it”, says Lisalo. “Even the publisher. They wanted to have the game, although we didn’t have it yet.”

You won’t need a huge team

There was a core team of only four people working on the first Angry Birds game. The development time was around four months. And the team did a lot by itself. For example: Humor is a key factor for the games appeal. Angry Birds uses quirky characters and wacky sound design: Actually a case of beer helped the team doing the funny sounds – themselves. The graphic designer for example made the iconic sound by the red bird attacking the pigs.

Keep it simple & attract the casuals and the hardcore

Simple Characters, simple gameplay help making the characters work on a small display. The angry birds actually are circles or simple geometric forms with some eyes drawn onto them. Familiar elements help to understand the game immediately. In the first version the game screen was confusing to some test persons, one crucial element was still missing. “The people didn’t know what to do with the birds. So we used a slingshot. Everybody knows hot to use that”, says Lisalo.

Mobile Games should have easy access, but can keep hardcore gamers entertained for weeks and months if they offer depth and replay value. Our example Angry Birds is a game of skill. Even if you’re a pro, there are still enough challenges to master, for example if you aim for three stars in all the levels you have to try over and over. “This gives a lot of replay value”.

Rewarding gameplay

Angry birds is not only fun to play it’s also fun to watch. There’s non-stop action on the screen, so in many cases players on the bus attract their neighbours watching them play the game. Another factor, is the short-time reward: “It feels very satisfying to play”, says Lisalo.

Addictive gameplay

Mobile games should be easy to pick up and play. An easy turn-based rhythm make it a perfect time-killer for short breaks. And it’s very addictive. Angry Birds players always think “Just one more go!”. “You have always time for one round. Without noticing you have played it for three hours”, says Lisalo.

Produce great levels

The small Angry Birds team designed around 200 levels for the first game. They used a level editor, that surely made the work easier, but tried to produce unique and high quality levels. Each one is different and you’ll find a lot of crazy ideas in the level design. Lisalo gives some hints: “Design levels that are unique and easy to finish.” But if you are going for all the goals in one level (shown by achieving three stars), it’s very hard to master.

Offer great value for money

If you offer lots of levels like around 200 levels in Angry Birds with hours and hours of gameplay for around 99 US-Cents it’s a lot value for money. “The market is extremely price sensitive. If you’re a big brand like Electronic Arts you can charge five bucks. If you’re unknown, bring it to the lowest level”, says Wilson.

Keep gamers happy & offer a lite version

“You shouldn’t treat your game as a disposable object”, says Wilson. “We’ve always had the plan to add new levels and great stuff. That always brings users back to the game and makes their friends seeing them play the game – and makes them download the game.”

“A lite version is a great chance for people test out the game”, says Wilson. “Even if it’s featured and the people have no chance demoing it, they probably won’t buy it.” So if possible give them a chance to enter with a free-to-play.

Make it stand out in the crowd & connect to your fans

There are lots and lots of games in every app store. Even if you follow the hints by the Angry Birds team you’ll of course have a hard time repeating this success story. But anyway, the first and crucial step is to design a great game with great characters. Then marketing sets in. Launch a viral campaign using social channels and app marketing for making your game famous. If it’s great word of mouth will set in. You can make that easy by including social media features for posting highscores, inviting friends or if you support features like Apples Game Center for getting achievements. And if you’re lucky and you get a featured “spotlight” spot in an app store, that will be the guarantee for the breakthrough, according Roxio’s marketing expert.

Take advantage of YouTube, Facebook and Twitter. Make a great trailer for your game. “A lots of kids will watch it, just for the video.” Use Twitter and Facebook to connect to your players. Let them know when you offer additional levels, new games or other stuff. Offer walkthrough videos, leading through hard levels. Listen to feedback, requests and respond to e-Mails.(source:developergarden

