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发布时间:2013-07-16 13:55:54 Tags:,,,,

作者:Brice Morrison


就像程序员显然必须知道如何写代码,美工当然必须会画画。他们应该精通他们的工作工具,如Adobe Illustrator或Photoshop或Autodesk Maya,使用工具来制作精美的画面。虽然美工不仅要懂概念设计、建模或动画,然后更进一步以UI、角色或场景为专精,这是很重要的,但在他们的专业范围内,他们应该都能画。如果你是场景建模师,那么你应该能够制作魔法森林、贫瘠沙漠、未来太空、古代遗址和甚至你从来没有想过的全新世界。这也适用于其他专业——你应该多才多艺,只要人们能描述出来的东西,你都能够让它变成生动的画面。

另一种技能是团队协作:游戏美工必须能够适应某种风格。每一款游戏都有特定的风格。游戏如《刺客信条》走的是黑暗写实路线,而《Words with Friends》采用的是明亮简洁的风格。这些风格通常是由游戏的美术总监确定的,他制定风格规范,而其他美工据此了解什么能做什么不能做。形状是方的还是圆的?颜色是暖的还是冷的?线条或阴影呢?角色和剪影?这些就是游戏的外观和感觉,所以游戏设计师必须能够内化这些风格并将其体现在游戏的美术设计中。

game artist(from

game artist(from




Skills Needed to Become a Game Artist

by Brice Morrison

Great game artists are supremely talented. Whether they are doing the artwork for the latest first person shooter, the world in an MMO or a simple iPhone app, they are they ones who make the stunning visuals that players see when they look at a game title. But how do they do it? What are the skills that artists use in order to do their jobs? And as my students in our career advising sessions often ask, what does their day look like?

Like engineers obviously needing to know how to code, artists of course need to be able to create art. They should be able to work in the medium that they have specialized in, be it Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop or Autodesk Maya, and use it to create stunning visuals. While it’s important to specialize as a concept artist, modeler or animator, and then further specialize into user-interface, characters, or environments, within their specialty an artist should be able to draw everything. If you are an environment modeler then you should be able to create enchanted forests, barren deserts, futuristic space scenes, ancient ruins, and entirely new worlds that haven’t been thought of yet. This goes for all the other specialties as well – you should have enough variety and hours under your belt that anything someone else can describe, you can bring it to life visually.

The next skill is around working as a team: game artists need to be able to match a particular style from a style guide. Every game has a particular look that goes along with it. A game like Assassin’s Creed is going to look very dark and gritty, while a title like Words with Friends is much brighter and simpler. These differences are often set by the Art Director for a game, who creates a style guide to help the rest of the art team know what’s allowed and what isn’t. Are the shapes blocky or round? Are colors warm or cold? How about lines or shading? Characters and silhouettes? The game has a certain look and feel it’s going for, so a game artist has to be able to internalize this and use it in their art for the game.

The next important skills is being able to take direction and feedback. Often when working with designers there is a lot of discussion around what the game could look like. They might discuss the evil villain of the game and have some general guidelines, such as how he should have a cape and look scary. This is direction that they are giving so that the artist has some ideas of what the game needs. The artist may then take this direction and do a few sketches or concept art and then take it back to the design team for feedback. They may love it, hate it, or ask for some changes, and a good game artist needs to be able to understand the feedback and work it into piece. The final product should be something that is exactly what the designers and the game needs. Some artists get defensive when they are given feedback or they aren’t able to really listen to their teammates to understand what they are asking for. Being able to listen well is an important skill.

Being able to produce stunning artwork that fits the game, fitting in a specific style, and working with teammates are the keys to being a successful game artist. This is the source of the excitement and challenges of game artists every day. Without these skills it will be difficult to get into a studio, but with them it becomes a choice of where you want to go.

Best of luck!(source:gamasutra)

