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发布时间:2013-07-09 18:02:59 Tags:,,,









Refer A Friend(from pinnaclerecruit)

Refer A Friend(from pinnaclerecruit)







所有游戏都有一个统领全局的“东西”。在人们玩过某款游戏很久之后,往往会用这个“东西”作为该游戏的记忆代号。当有一个人带提着一袋写着“Hive”的东西走过来时,另一个人问:“这是什么?”“是一种六边形棋子的昆虫游戏—-跟象棋有点像?”有人会说《Hive》的这个“东西”就是:六边形棋子的昆虫象棋。我们不必解释甲虫棋子的装备机制,我们不必解释“One Hive”这个奇怪的规则,或者大肆称赞它最近人气很旺,有活跃在游戏社区。这里的“主旨”是:类似于象棋的、有六边形棋子的昆虫游戏。如果我跟你说过这个,你会立即知道我指的是什么游戏。










game design(from

game design(from










Game Design Secrets

by Cogentesque

An important point here campers. So important in fact that it’s Design secret #1.

Making a boardgame is not easy. If anything, the first 70% is easy. The last 30% can become depressingly hard. Sometimes it can get all too much…

“But what if this isn’t balanced? We found that this can’t match up with that if the player plays like this. But if we make this more powerful than that then that other thing happens which can break the game…?!”
You know what helps this out? A friend. One awesome game designer friend helps immensely. At times, it is a genuine, angelic, godsend. Your game design partner has their own brain. That brain, is different to yours. It will look at things in an entirely different way to you. Remember that you are on the same team and you are working towards the same goal (to make a fun game that people like). So you are working together but looking at it differently – this is exactly what your games will do well with.

Two points furthermore:

1. Choose someone that you wouldn’t normally work with. Someone that is different to you. Finding similarities tends to be easier than finding differences in any relationship. So start with someone completely different to you, and work towards similarities. It is much harder to start with someone the same as you and find reasons to be different. This upside-down way makes sense as you are looking for someone who can think differently to you and has a different experience to you. Some say that the weirder your partner, the better [...]  as it encourages eclectic, and interesting views – things that you weren’t expecting.

2. Too many designers spoil the rules. Two is a nice number, three is harder – anything past three and the games design is simply to hard to get done as everyone has their own opinion that they would like to crowbar into the game. By all means you should get other people to “chime in” once in a while, to give their opinion. Once in a while. It can be like herding a room full of cats sometimes when even just 3 people are all trying to design a game collectively

Remember that we humans are a collective species. We work differently on our own, in pairs, and in large groups. But when there is someone else out there who has “got your back” – it can be so wonderful when  all of a sudden you hear:

So Sam, I was thinking about the game over the weekend a lot and I have furthered our collective cause
A big cuddly smile will warm it’s way across your grizzled and stressed-out game designer face. “I’m not alone!” and you will smile.

Do one thing and do it well.

T’were there ever a more important formula in design? No. There t’werent. I like to call it “Reaffirming your Motif” because one of my friends hates it when I say it, so I shall be repeating it the entire way through this article.

What a pretty, peaceful, pertinent pagoda.

mo·tif ?[moh-teef] noun 1. a recurring subject, theme, idea. A perceivable or salient recurring fragment; dominant idea or feature

All games have an overall “thing”. This is mostly what people use to reference them long after they have been played it. When the guys come over and one of them brings Hive (p.s. What’s up John?), and someone says “Hey, what’s this about again?”, “Oh that’s the insect one with hexagon pieces – kinda like chess?”. Some would say this is hives “thing”:  Insects with hexagon pieces kinda like chess. We don’t need to explain anything about the mounting mechanics for the Beetle pieces, we don’t need to explain the whimsy of the “One Hive” rule, or extol that there have been two recent expansions and there is a thriving online game community. The motif here is that it is: The hexagon Insect one like chess. You would instantly know what game I am talking about if I told you that.

Now of course this is wrong. Hive is not an “insect based game” as of course one of the pieces is a spider which, as we all know, are not insects. They make up the Arachnida class of Animal, wheras insects (or Insecta) are an entirely different class. Hive could be argued to also be, quite unlike chess. There is no fixed board to speak of and of course the game plays out quite differently. But none the less, the “Motif” that our friend used to remind us of the game worked. We can easily “get” what he’s talking about, the memory is triggered.

This leads us to our first point.

Choose a “Motif” that people will remember.

There are many games that people forget. These are not necessarily bad games, but they leave a wet vaccum in your mind where a memory of them should otherwise be. When these games come up in retrospect they tend to bare uninspiring tags like “Another Dungeon Crawler” or “Go-like” or “Basically Dominion” . As said, this doesn’t make the game bad. These games tend to be safe to design, they all have their dedicated fans and some are so routed in their chosen Motif that they are essentially derivatives of one game (18xx and the likes).  If you are making a game, you should choose a memorable motif.

Step 1:  Choose a memorable motif

“Tile Laying & Meeples”

“Each card is a bean!”

“Deep space exploration and combat, but with LOADS of bits”

“Hidden traitor space robots”

“Rolling dice, building roads: wood for sheep”

We are now halfway through: if you would like to go to the restrooms or help yourself to some Tea and biscuits out in the hall, we will reconvene in about 3 lines.


Step 2: Reaffirm your motif.

Let’s choose our goal to help explanation. An idea picked out of the aether; “Players are spirits and can inhabit the body of anything else” … huh … *A Pencil scrawls on a notebook*, you then have the hard task of keeping to your original design. Let’s in fact use this as our work-through example. We will try to make each point reinforce the motif:

1. Players are spirits. We want to reaffirm our motif: so this should probably take place in a graveyard. Graveyard to spooky? Ok let’s go for Dungeon – there are spirits in a dungeon right? So far: Spirits & Dungeons

2. Players are dungeon spirits. Well, what would the reason be for a dungeon spirit to exist? To protect the ancient dungeon from desecration! Ok, so they are protective. So far: Protective Dungeon Spirits

3. Now they are protective – what will they protect from? Invaders that have come to steal the old artifacts and treasure of course! So far: Protective Dungeon Spirits guarding the tomb against fortune hunting adventurers. Players can inhabit the bodies of standard dungeon horrors (imps, skeletons, etc) and ALSO the bodies of invaders.

4. The adventurers are here to ransack the tomb. Therefore the tomb must have things of value. Items lets say. Powerful weapons, artifacts and gold that make the adventurers harder to defeat if they wield them. You know what would be cool? If the adventurers have stolen a powerful sword, then a player inhabits him to deter other invaders, the players will get to use the powerful sword AGAINST other invaders.

5. Gold did we say? Ahh yes, ok well this obviously comes down to how brave an explorer is. The more gold they have bagged, the braver they are – making it harder for them to be inhabited by the player spirits. Let’s call it “Conviction”. We now come to the first game mechanic that has been created from this process : The “Conviction” mechanic.

I will stop here, but you can see how every step has been put in place to reaffirm the previous point, which ALL come from the original goal; the motif. We are reaffirming our motif. So when “Dungeon Spirits” gets published and played on tables throughout the world, then Martin comes over and asks “What’s Dungeon spirits about again?” you can tell him: “It’s the one where players are spirits and inhabit the bodies of other things”

Do one thing. Do it well. Don’t muddy your goal. Reaffirm your motif.(source:exampleofplay part1 part2)

